Sunday, December 20, 2015



"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no 

influence on society" 

(--Mark Twain)

… "I would DRAPE-myself in VELVET, … IF it were socially-


(--George, 'Seinfeld')

… Despite my merely VIEWING an INTENSE, THREE-hour "BLACK BELT"-test/-ceremony, I HAD-to WEAR my 'gi' (PRONOUNCED 'ghee' = '"martial arts"-UNIFORM') to DISTINGUISH myself as a "HIGHER-up AUTHORITATIVE-member of the COVETED-group of 'shodans'.

… HOW would one dress …as a PROUD-/DISTINGUISHED-member of the "A.M.C.A." ("Able Mentally-Challenged Adults") (--'Seinfeld')?!
(… I DESPISE "bringing my 'T.B.I.' to LIGHT"!  … I would THINK-that my WHEELCHAIR creates ENOUGH UN-wanted ATTENTION & UN-justified SPECULATION.  THUS, "HOW would"/CAN I clothe-myself as an "ABLE-body"?!)

… TECHNICALLY, I was only SUPPOSED-to "JUST watch" the "TEST", but I--as a PROMINENT, WELL-RESPECTED 'shodan'--CONTRIBUTED by "throwing-IN my two cents" about "WHAT a black belt ENTAILS" … in terms of RESPONSIBILITY, LEADERSHIP & TEACHING/EXAMPLES.
… ALSO, I requested that the 'Karateka' DEMONSTRATE the (MY) "JON-technique" as a PHENOMENAL WRESTLING-/Jujitsu-takedown. (… 'Cuz, as a TEACHER, I can DO that)
… For the FIRST ~2.5 hours, I really didN'T think the 3-hour TEST was THAT-BAD.  ('Twas just a LONG-teston/for ONE-person!)  
… THEN, FOUR black belts attacked her at-ONCE!  So, she HAD-to demonstrate INTENSE 4-on-1 SELF-defense for ~HALF-an-HOUR!

… After my lateR "DINNER" ((… My WEEKEND-Nurse TRIED-to "BULLSHIT" some EXCUSE for her-TRUANCY/"POOR-timing" on "BAD 'cell phone'-connection.  (Cough COUGH … BULLSHIT!)), I went with my housemate down to Miami to meet a buddy for DINNER & a VIEWING of our "high school"-BASKETBALL team play a tournament-game.

… I was 26 minutes LATE, … 'cuz of HER AWFUL TIME-management.
(… ALSO, my TRUANCY was NOT aided by Miami's AWFUL Street-construction/-management.  I waited … IMPATIENTLY … to turn-LEFT … at one light … for 16 MINUTES … as the "STRAIGHT"-light turned from "RED-to-GREEN" … SIX DIFFERENT times!

I "SPEAK my MIND".  

… I make-SURE to NEVER "MIND what I SPEAK".

SOMETIMES, the easiest way to SOLVE a problem … is to 
STOP PARTICIPATING-in the problem.

''C'est la vie.'' = 'Such is Life.'  
(… in French)
(INSPIRATION -- 'Time of Your Life' by Green Day:)

"Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go     

So make the best of this test  
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learned in time   

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life     

So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf
In good health and good time 

Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while  …………...

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life"

'Create NEW-Days'

"A major 'OB-STAH-KUHL',

A 'HER-DUHL' in my WAY.

Nerves are 'DEAD' in my LEGS,

But, I STILL-must 'CAH-REE-ON'.

I've gotta KNOW to NOT give-UP!

There IS no self-DOUBT.

The ultimate-issue is just TIME.

My daw-SIHL LEG-nerves doN'T MOVE.

But, 'ventually, they WILL.

THEN, it's time to 'create NEW-DAYS'!

So, exer-CISE my NERVES,

And 'work muscle-mehm-UR-EE'!

'File 'em in my MIND.

Be PATIENT with the TIME.

HOPEFULLY, no meh-muhf-EEZ 

Will 'haunt me' for ah-WHILE.

In the end, it's FINE,

'Cuz I KNOW I'll 'taste vik-tohr-EE'!

I've just GOTTA-be PAY-SHENT,

And let my nerves do their 'WORK'.

'Tis time to 'create NEW DAYS'!

I've just GOTTA-be PAY-SHENT,

And let my nerves do their 'WORK'.

'Tis time to 'create NEW DAYS'!

I've just GOTTA-be PAY-SHENT,

And let my nerves do their 'WORK'.

'Tis time to 'create NEW DAYS'!

I've just GOTTA-be PAY-SHENT,

And let my nerves do their 'WORK'.

'Tis time to 'create NEW DAYS'!"


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