Thursday, December 31, 2015

Good-BYE, 2015! GOOD-morning, 2016!

-- I BEGAN my day with some SLIGHT AMBI-valence:
(… I fell asleep SOMEWHAT-early last night.  So, I FORGOT to watch my FAVORITE NCAA football team--my mom's alma mater.  Nonetheless, I read that Wisconsin NARROWLY-"squeaked out" a VICTORY over a very-GOOD U.S.C. team.  

This morning I watched the COMEDIC- & Dramatic-film--'Gotcha!'
The movie was released in 1985--MY birth-year.
(… It SOMEWHAT--metaphorically--describes MY most-recent relationship: 
A BEAUTIFUL, SNEAKY woman "falls-FOR" a GOOFY, ROMANTIC, FUNNY, NERDY "College-boy"*, ONLY does he LEARN that 'twas ALL a "CHARADE of love".  Throughout ALL though, he "SURVIVES" MANY harrowing-tales thanks-to his BUDDIES.)

… (WARNING) I "punctuated what has been a SOMEWHAT-'CRAPPY' year" with yet-ANOTHER (ALL-solid) "Bowel-Bonanza"!
(… I've "let the DAWGS out" … of my RECTUM … TEN different times in the last 17 days.  … 10/17 = ~58.82%)
(… Of SAID "Excretory-Explosions", I could SEMI-smell the STINK of 80% of 'em.  … THAT equals EIGHT … of 10.  
YYYEEESSS!  YAY for RETURNING-senses … namely, SMELL!)

-- My "UPPER Body"-trainer "got back to me" about some MEASUREMENTS & "HOMEWORK":
"From 'TOP-of-HIP' to 'BOTTOM-of-FOOT", BOTH of my LEGS are/were 39.5 inches.
(… I'm RELIEVED yet CONFUSED: I THOUGHT my LEFT-leg was--SLIGHTLY--longER than my RIGHT, 'cuz I TEND-to FREQUENTLY DRAG my LEFT-foot when I "WALK"/stride.  Since 'tis NOT my "anatomic-DIMENSIONS", the foot-dragging HAS-to result from MY SUB-par gait/"'WALKING'-stance".)
My trainer "prescribed"/recommended a few exercises to/for my LEFT-foot that "HIGHLIGHT"/EMPHASIZE "DORSI-flexion" & "EVERSION".
(… I VERY-MUCH appreciate these "techniques" on which to "WORK"!)
(… In FACT, as I lie in bed … NOW … at 9:08 am … I am "stressing" my LEFT-footed "E-version".)

-- 'Tis a BIT of a "FREE-day" for ME, 'cuz of the NEW-year: 
NO Martial Arts.  NO "Therapy".  NO gym.  

… I ONLY have a COMMITMENT to a friend's "New Year's Party"/"Birthday-Bash" TONIGHT. 

-- What a DELIGHTFUL movie-trip!
'Twas a GREAT, HILARIOUS film (''Daddy's Home'') at a TERRIFIC, relatively-NEW (to ME) theater (Paragon Ridge) with KIND, HELPFUL company (my housemate & AWESOME Caregiver)!

-- I had an INTERESTING/ENLIGHTENING & "POWERFUL" discussion--POST-film--with my housemate … about MY-GOALS for 2016: Be MORE social, MORE "WALKING"-prone, LESS argumentative/hostile, MORE talkative (VERBALLY/ORALLY), even-MORE "ACTIVE-with"/"COMMITTED-to" my "Martial Arts"-crew, etc.

-- "'OPPORTUNITY' is everything you MAKE of it."
(--Cadillac SRX)
(… 'Carpe diem.'--'Seize the day.')

… "Go 'BACKWARDS' to go 'FORWARD'."
(--NEW 'Star Wars;-Director JJ Abrams)
(… In OTHER words, look-BACK on 

-- 'Tis a BIT of a "FREE-day" for ME, 'cuz of the NEW-year: 
NO Martial Arts.  NO "Therapy".  NO gym.  

… I ONLY have a COMMITMENT to a friend's "New Year's Party"/"Birthday-Bash" TONIGHT. 
((… (voice of Yoda … from 'Star Wars'--to ME: 
"GO … you must."))

-- At ~5:30 pm, my rectum "STRUCK again"!
THUS, I "gave BIRTH" to ANOTHER "bowel-BABY"!
(… Again, I could SEMI-"smell" my "WASTE"!  
By this I mean that my NASAL-membranes/-hairs were "TINGLING".)

-- My NIGHT--and YEAR--concluded very WELL!

* = My "Martial arts"-PEERS/"fellow BLACK belts" would call me "COLLEGE-boy", 'cuz I USED-to RETURN to TRAINING--in Hollywood--from college in Philly, and STILL "draw VIOLENT-circles around 'em with my WRESTLING-'repertoire'".


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