Thursday, December 24, 2015

(Boston-accent:) "I didN'T ASK fo' this!"

… (--Will, 'Good Will Hunting')
… Will--like ME--is CONSTANTLY "on the DEFENSIVE" about being NATURALLY-/BORN-BRILLIANT.
(… 'Tis NOT like I CONSTANTLY study!)
(… Valley-girl pitch/tone:
"As IF!"
--Cher, 'Clueless')
ADMITTEDLY, for SOME-reason, "LEARNING" just USED-TO come VERY-EASILY to/for me.  Once I HEARD or SAW sumthin', I would commit it to my once-FANTASTIC memory & then, "spit it out" at an OPPORTUNE-/IDEAL-time.  Even with a STORIED, WELL-documented "laundry-list" of COVETED academic-ACHIEVEMENTS, I RARELY--if EVER
(… Now, I am NOT bragging/boasting.  'Tis just HOW MY--once "MIGHTY", 
now "ONLY … 'COMMENDABLE'/'LAUDABLE'" MIND  "works"/"operates".)

ComplIments to my housemate/buddy for complEmenting his STEADY-driving of HIS scooter with some EXEMPLARY-driving of MY van!
(… LATE last night he STEADILY/SAFELY drove my Caregiver, ANOTHER buddy from school & MYSELF in SAID-"van" to & from a "CHILL-out"-bar.)

… "ComplIments" to MYSELF for "compelEmenting" MY-OWN MATHEMATICAL-/"MARTIAL ARTS"-GENIUS with some CLEVER word-play!

"Only last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, 

hospitalized a brick."

(--Muhammad Ali)

(… Seeing as I'm--CURRENTLY/TEMPORARILY--of a 

SIMILAR "mind-frame", 'twould-be UN-wise to "get-ON my 


My "Martial arts"-class was CANCELED for the day … DUE-

to the HOLIDAY.

Ergo, I'll just HAFTA design MORE Karate-/Wrestling-/Jujitsu-




Not EVERYONE likes me. But, hey!  NOT "everyone" 


"A researcher in Iceland finds that the incidence of psychosis is greater than expected among mathematical scholars.
The movie 'A Beautiful Mind' about John Nash, a math-genius who had schizophrenia: Nash illustrates what an Icelandic psychiatrist has now found--that there may be a link between psychosis and math talent.

The study, conducted by Jon Karlsson, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Institute of Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland, has found an intriguing relationship between math talent and psychosis susceptibility in the Icelandic population. Results were published in the April British Journal of Psychiatry."

… Ergo, I'm "SCREWED". 
… (INNER-dialogue ALOUD: "Shut UP!  … That's IT!  We're FIGHTIN'."

UH-OH!  I just got SO NERVOUS about my--
APPARENT--IMPENDING brawl … with … MYSELF that I
"let-LOOSE" a "BONANZA of BOWEL-'BRU-Ha HA'" … in my TOILET.
… APPARENTLY, thinkin' about "MORTAL-COMBAT"* works, … 'cuz THAT "log" was VERY-LARGE & VERY-SOLID
(… "It's … SCIENCE."--'Anchorman')

Since I "MULTI-task", WHILE "eating"--ORALLY, I INSTANTANEOUSLY-deduced/-concluded that … 
MY birthday "FALLS-on" a FRIDAY.
MY birthday = April 8.
'Tis 31 + 28 + 31 + 8 = 98 days AFTER "Day 1 of YEAR"
--> 98/7 = EXACTLY 14 weeks AFTER "Day 1 of YEAR"
--> In a NON-"Leap Year", MY birthday ALWAYS "FALLS-on" the SAME-day as January 1st.)

AGAIN 'KUDOS' to my housemate … who drove us … ~15 minutes … in MY VAN over to his sister's house for a VERY-ENJOYABLE Christmas-gathering & -dinner.
(… I "ATE"--via MOUTH--SIX bites of … "MASHED POTATOES"!  THIS is/was VERY-SIGNIFICANT, 'cuz 'las patatas' were VERY STICKY, … which kinda-FORCED me to utilize the QUICK-movement & PUSHING-strength of my TONGUE--the STRONGEST-muscle in the HUMAN-body--to ENSURE SAFE chewing-, swallowing- & digesting-processes.)


* = 'Tis NOT the "video game"/movie.  THAT'S 'Mortal Kombat'.


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