Wednesday, December 2, 2015

"We're INSTINCTIVE-creatures--we 'fight' to LIVE"

… --'Limitless'
(… the MOVIE)
(… WOWZA, it's GOOD!)

(TODAY was a busIER-day.  ''C'est la vie.'')
Since I--ESSENTIALLY--live "NUMERICALLY", here's a "QUANTITATIVE-analysis" of MY "daily-log/-report":

5:17 am -- WAKEUP … to "go-'#2'" 'en mi banyo' 

~5:26 am -- Exciting, Eventful Expulsion of by "Ensign Altan"

5:54 am -- … "Alliteration aside."  I "fell-BACK-asleep".
(… YAY!)

6:32 am -- "RE-emerged from SLUMBER"

7:42 am -- FIRST "'feeding' via G-tube" 

7:48 am -- REVIEWED my "SCHEDULE" for the DAY
(… I'm BUSY!)

7:57 am -- Experienced a SIGNIFICANT, "SHOOTING"-PAIN in my LOWER-abdomen

7:58 am -- FEARED that my PAIN was related to a FAULTY "G-tube"

8:01 am -- Breathed a "sigh of RELIEF", as pain SUBSIDED … upon my NO-LONGER "sitting-on my TESTICLES"

9:00 am & 10:00 am -- "Daily-DOUBLE"-dosage of my "'NUMB3RS'-NECESSITY"

9:02 am -- "SECOND-breakfast" … via G-tube

9:48 am -- "ACTIVELY-BEGAN" my day by "WALKING" to my bathroom-sink 'cepillar mis dientes'

10:24 am -- MY Home-departure for my 11:00-appointment with my podiatrist 
((… Ya see, my newEST/good-for-NOTHING employEE recently A-pathetically (… & thus, INFURIATING ME) stepped-ON ALL of my RIGHT-toes.  And, he's REALLY-BIG & -FAT!  Ergo, … OOOUUUCCCHHH!))
(… Thus, I wanted to get my foot CHECKED.)
(… NORMALLY/USUALLY, I would NOT INSULT someone for his/her LACK-of "aesthetic-APPEAL", but his OVERALL-APATHY toward the WELL-being of ME--his BOSS--just HIGHLIGHTS his "SHITTINESS".)
(… ''C'est la vie.'')
(… RELAX!  All's STILL feeling/doing/healing FINE!)

10:58 am -- … I ARRIVED-at SAID "FOOT-doctor"'s office.

11:52 am -- After a "painfully-LONG" wait, my podiatrist "EXAMINED" me.
((… They wereN'T even BUSY.  (SCOFF) 'Tis just a HORRIBLE-day of THEIR LACK-of organization!))

12:06 pm -- My DEPARTURE-from SAID "FOOT-doctor"

12:43 pm -- I--AGAIN--"went '#2'" … in MY house, in MY toilet.
(… AGAIN, I "underwent an EXCREMENTAL-EXTRAVAGANZA" with-OUT any "medicinal-PROMPTING". Sooo, … YAY!)

~12:52 pm -- I ate--via "MOUTH"--TWO scrambled eggs … NEAR-flawlessly … in my "SPEECH-Therapy"-session.

12:58 pm -- I "ate"--via G-tube--my "LUNCH".

1:35 pm -- AFTER my "SPEECH-Therapy"-session, I "caught-up" on/with my email-CORRESPONDENCE & checked the "SPORTS-world".

~2:30 pm -- I DEPARTED for my "TRI-weekly" GYM-session at 'NeuroFit-360'.  (GREAT-workout … as ALWAYS!)
(… I "WALKED" IN & AROUND the/my neural-gymnasium, practiced my weight-shifts--THROUGH my HIPS & STRETCHED my IMPROVING LEFT-hip.)

~4:30 pm -- LAST "feeding" of the day … just PRIOR-to my POST-workout shower

~5:30 pm -- DAY tentatively "ENDS" … except-for any OCCASIONAL "urine-TREKS" … AND movies, TV-shows, SPORTS & emails. 

… WHILE I watched the PHENOMENAL "Stephen Hawking"-biography, 'The Theory of Everything', my "CRAPPY"-Caregiver demonstrated some FLATTERING-IRONY: 
After one of (fellow wheelchair-dependent GENIUS) Dr. Hawking used his COMPUTER to "say" a line, my Caregiver MISTAKENLY-thought … I--A.J. Kaynatma--said something … to him.

(… I'm VERY SELF-concious: Since I'm ALREADY WHEELCHAIR-bound, I GREATLY-fear FURTHER-disappointing people with TRUANCY!)


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