Monday, February 29, 2016


-- I WAS-already ... 11,283 days-YOUNG.
NOW, the ADDITIONAL "24-hour CYCLE" "pushes-me" UP-to 
... "ENDING my FOURTH-set of 2,821 DAYS". 
I am NOW a "veteran" of ... EIGHT "February 29th"s.  
(... So, ... HHHMMM.  Examining the dates in a "SELF-teasing" way, I can TOTALLY-/COMPLETELY-/DEFINITELY-/ WHOLEHEARTEDLY-UNDERSTAND how ... in a WAY ... I have the "MIND" of an "EIGHT year old KID".)

(... SSSHHH!  I KEEP SAID "brain" in a JAR in my OFFICE.)

... My housemate--to ME:
"Eight year olds, 'Dude'."
(--Walter, 'The Big Lebowski')

-- "Sounds like SOMEONE's got a BAD-case of 'the MONDAYS'."
(--'Office Space')

... Actually, I really-LIKE ... & have-ALWAYS ... NOT-minded ... the DAY in-QUESTION.
I was always VERY-SOCIAL.  So, I liked-to SHARE my 
with my coworkers and/or classmates.
PLUS, I'd USUALLY be able-to "spin my ATHLETIC-teamS fateS into SOMETHING-good".
... I HAD Karate-class--as a STUDENT--Monday-EVENINGS.
... I'd TEND-to watch 'Monday Night FOOTBALL' ... REGARDLESS of WHO's playing.

I ALWAYS-ENJOY my "SPEECH-Therapy"-session(S).  
(... My COGENCY/UNDERSTANDABILITY & ENUNCIATION are DRAMATICALLY-/DRASTICALLY-IMPROVING!  ... I REALLY-like to PRACTICE "EATING"--by MOUTH!  ... I think my "playing-'Scrabble'--& reciting EACH-word out-LOUD" is GENIUS!)*
... I get-to FURTHER-develop my LEG-strength & muscle-MEMORY at 'NeuroFit 360'.
... 'BOO AHK-shahm' (PHONETIC Turkish for 'TONIGHT') is my FAVORITE television-show--'Scorpion'.

-- (WARNING) ONE of my "HYPOTHESES" was FURTHER-"CONFIRMED".  While a second "THEORY" was (JOYOUSLY-) "QUESTIONED".  Finally, my THIRD assumption was ALTOGETHER "tossed-ASIDE".
... 1) I "got-INTO/-ONTO my wheelchair EARLY this morning, 'cuz I HEARD my "stomach's 'RUMBLING'".  After my "SECOND-'breakfast'", I TRIED-to "SILENCE my 'intestinal-cocauphony'" by "EXCRETING yet-ANOTHER 'BOWEL-BONANZA'".  ... SUCCESS!
2) Using "BIO-physics", I was "under the IMPRESSION" that MY (HUMAN- ... SSSHHH!) body NEEDED-time to RE-form "fecal-SOLIDS".  'Au CONTRAR!'**
3) I THOUGHT my IN-consistent "Gastro-Intestinal-EXPELLATION" would NOT-"work", when I would "WALK" 'a mi banyo'.  ... But, this MORNING, my stomach "sang" 'Be ... Our ... GUEST' from 'Beauty & the Beast'!

-- So, I DO my "homework":
My MAIN-Nurse recently-discussed the CURRENT-feasibility of--POTENTIALLY/POSSIBLY--REMOVING my "PEG-tube".  She said that "Right-NOW, [I] NEED the 'TUBE'.  But, [I] CONTINUE-to IMPROVE!  So, it IS POSSIBLE ... EVENTUALLY."
BELOW is my rih-SEARCH:


  • PEG tube no longer required (recovery of swallow after stroke or surgery for head and neck cancer, or from brain trauma)  ***
  • Persistent infection of PEG site
  • Failure, breakage or deterioration of PEG tube (a new tube can be sited along the existing track)
  • "Buried bumper syndrome"


PEG tubes with rigid, fixed "bumpers" are removed endoscopically. The PEG tube is pushed into the stomach so that part of the tube is visible behind the bumper. An endoscopy snare is then passed through the endoscope, and passed over the bumper so that the tube adjacent to the bumper is grasped. The external part of the tube is then cut, and the tube is withdrawn into the stomach, and then pulled up into the esophagus and removed through the mouth. The PEG site heals without intervention.
PEG tubes with a collapsible or deflatable bumper can be removed using traction (simply by pulling the PEG tube out through the abdominal wall).

-- "Bissextus" is the term for "the EXTRA-day added to the Julian-calendar every FOURTH-year".

(... JUST the name SOUNDS like a COUPLE's PLEADING of a THIRD-party to email 'em RAUNCHY-messages".

"'BI-' --> Latin for 'TWO'
'-SEXT-' --> Slang for 'INTIMATE-message'
'-US' --> Preterite-form of 'WE'")

... Or, PERHAPS my CREATIVE-mind is just "DROWNING in the GUTTER"?!

-- So, I'm TESTING MY "Business-/Stock-'KNOW-HOW' by ... having my financial-/economic-TEAM create a (HYPOTHETICAL) "Stock-folder" of ~5 or 6 companies I CHOSE as "monetarily-WORTHWHILE".

... "SSSHHH!  Hear THAT?!  ... It's 'INTEREST-ACCRUING'."
(--Bank-TREASURER Steve, 'Married with Children')

... To my NeuralPsychoTherapist: 
"BEWARE the Ides of March."
(--Caesar of 'Julius Caesar' by Shakespeare)
(... March 15 --> my NEXT-appointment0

* = (AUDIBLE-sigh) My "SPEECH-Therapist" called (YAY!) to POSTPONE my/our session 'til TOMORROW (BOO!).
((... I JUST COGENTLY-/CLEARLY-said 'man(tilde)ana'!))

** = (WARNING) THAT was my THIRD "Poop-PARTY" in ~27 hours, & ALL were "SOLID"/NON-liquid "DUNG-deposits".

*** = MY-"instance"/"trial"/case would-be ...
C) "Traumatic Brain-Injury".


Sunday, February 28, 2016


... ('Tis a SONG ... by Lit)
--> UN-fortunately, I have-had a BIT of a "LAUNDRY-LIST" of PHYSICAL-"obstacles" to "HURDLE" in my time:

-- SURGICALLY-repaired LEFT-"BIG toe" ... from "foolin' -around" while helping OTHER-guys "cut-weight" IN the wrestling-room ... in high school
-- BOTCHED-surgery on my RIGHT-forearm (ULNA) ... in high school*, leaving me UN-able to FULLY-OPEN my RIGHT-hand 
-- ILL-TIMED, CONSEQUENTIAL "NYSTAGMUS"- ("Eye-movement DISCREPANCY"-) development ... from TEASING my brother
(... "Serves me RIGHT.")
-- EXTRAORDINARY memory-recall of MATH-rules, MOVIE-quotes, SPORTS-stats   
(... Was an "EXCRUCIATING" "burden of RESPONSIBILITY to bear")

--> So, I--CURRENTLY--have ALOTTA "medical-ISSUES":

-- IN-ability to speak ... CONSISTENTLY-COGENTLY 
-- LACK-of ... EMPATHY 
-- LACK-of ... LEG-strength**** 
-- Gastro-Intestinal IN-stability*****

... PLUS, there's MY ENIGMATIC-, "ANOMALY-esque"-"Traumatic BRAIN-Injury" that's MOSTLY-PHYSICAL.
(... It CAUSES my DEPENDENCY-on/NECESSITY-for ... my wheelchair.  Thereby, 'tis quite-FRUSTRATING that/when my BRAIN KNOWS WHAT-to DO & HOW-to DO it, but the "messages" DON'T-get FROM my VERY-COMPETENT/-"OMNIPOTENT"--but VERY UN-godly--BRAIN ... TO my rather-STUBBORN muscleS.)
... I HAFTA-CONSTANTLY plead--AFTER repeated-"CUES": "I KNOW!  I'm TRYIN'!"

--> I HAFTA--BEGRUDGINGLY--DEPEND-on the "Intellectual-STABILITY/-'SOUNDNESS'" of OTHERS to "FOLLOW my 'OFF-the-WALL'-'trains-of-THOUGHT'".
((... "There is a 'METHOD' to MY 'MADNESS'."
... "'BEAUTY' is in the eye of the 'BEHOLDER'."
... (AUDIBLE-sigh) I am OFTEN left DISAPPOINTED.))

(... THAT is NOT what SHE said!)

--> ALAS!  There was NOTHING-INTERESTING on television EARLY this afternoon.  So, I played ALOTTA "'EXPERT-level' -- Minesweeper".  
Lo & behold, I HAD-never "WON"/"BEAT" five CONSECUTIVE games ... 'til NOW!  
(... THAT's an AVERAGE of 342.6 SECONDS --> 
5 MINUTES & 42.6 SECONDS --> ~5.71 MINUTES.)

... I "KEEP-myself 'BUSY'" ... in various "MIND-working"-WAYS!

--> Stop HATING-yourself for everything you areN'T, ... and start LOVING-yourself for everything you already ARE ... who you AIM-to be.
--> BOTTOM-Line:
"The (all-TOO) REAL-events that have happened to me have been fucked up, not my mind!"
(--Jack Starks, 'The Jacket')

... "I was (23) years old the first time I died. I remember there was white everywhere. There was war and I felt alive, but really I was dead."
(--Jack Starks, 'The Jacket')
(... I am REFERRING-to--OF COURSE--July 6, 2008--"A day that will live in INFAMY!")

... "Sometimes I think we live through things only to be able to say that it happened  That it wasn't to someone else, it was to me.  Sometimes we live to beat the odds.  I'm NOT-CRAZY, even though ('DOCTORS')  THOUGHT I was. I live in the same world as everyone else. I just saw more of it, as I'm sure you have.  ... Sometimes 'LIFE' can only really BEGIN with the knowledge of DEATH.  ... The important thing in life is to believe that while you're alive, it's never too late. I promise you, (Doc), no matter how bad things look, they look BETTER 'AWAKE than they do 'ASLEEP'.  When you DIE, there's only one thing you want to happen. You wanna COME-BACK."
(--Jack. 'The Jacket')

... Guess which film I watched this morning--for the FIRST-time EVER--& really-ENJOYED!  ... 

... 'The Jacket REALLY-got me THINKIN' ... about ... even-THOUGH MY-life MAY-SEEM bleak & hopeless, ... AT-LEAST I am ALIVE, OPTIMISTIC & DETERMINED!         

--> I also watched the BRILLIANT film 'The Imitation Game', ... which inspired me to TRY-to mimic Alan Turing's code-breaking BRILLIANCE!
(... NOT his HOMOgeneous sexual-PREFERENCE!)

... "Sometimes, it is the people whom NO ONE imagines anything OF ... who do the things NO ONE can imagine."
(--'The Imitation Game')
(... I KNOW I have so-MANY "DOUBTERS" ... for ... WHATEVER-reasonS!  ... I shaN'T "LOWER-myself" to THAT NEGATIVE-thinking!)    

--> Never be dependent to anyone in this world, ... because EVEN your-OWN shadow "LEAVES-you", when you're "in DARKNESS."   
(... You have no "GREATER 'JUDGE' of YOU" than ... YOURSELF.  ... Sooooo, do NOT FRET ... about appeasing-OTHERS!  ... SOMETIMES, 'tis OK ... to be "SELFISH".)       .

* = I--QUICKLY--ADAPTED to the HORRIBLE/TRAUMATIC surgical-MISCUE my JUNIOR-year, by earning my BEST WRESTLING-season my SENIOR-year.

** = 'Tis "FRUSTRATING to the 'Nth-degree'" (... GOTTA-have a MATHEMATICAL-term), when I'm STARING-at my UN-moving legs ... & NOTHING's HAPPENIN'! 

*** = I--HONESTLY--doN'T remember many stories & DETAILS ... at-ALL!  So, I REALLY-appreciate ANYONE's "REVIEWING" past-TALES.


***** = (WARNING) As part-of my CONSTANT-"EXPERIMENTING", I sat-UP in my wheelchair for TWO "meals" this morning.  ... Ergo, I "EVACUATED my BOWELS" TWICE today!  ... And, BOTH "stools" were VERY "LARGE & SOLID"!
(... YAY!)


Saturday, February 27, 2016

''Sábado'' = 'Cumartesi' = Saturday


"God SAVE you ...
IF he deems it RIGHT to do so."
(--William Thatcher, ''A Knight's Tale'')

"You (I) have been WEIGHED. (~143 pounds = ~65 kilograms)
You (I) have been MEASURED. (~5'7.5" = 67.5 inches)
And, you (I) have been found WANTING." (NEW legs)
(--''A Knight's Tale'')  

-- When I woke-up this morning, I felt ENERGETIC ... & CREATIVE.
... So, I counted-to INFINITY ... TWICE, ... AFTER I watched the ABOVE film.

My ex-girlfriend's RESPONSE: "WOWZA! Surely, you caN'T be SERIOUS!"
ME: Damn-RIGHT, I AM! And, stop calling me 'SHIRLEY'."

-- "If we assume 'the square-root of 2' is a RATIONAL number, ... then we can say that it EQUALS 'a/b', ... in which 'a' &'b' are NOT equal-to ZERO."
(--'The Imitation Game')

... "If the 'quadratic EQUATION'* represents ANY-equation in BASIC algebra ... with THREE variables, then the 'quadratic FORMULA'** indicates HOW-to SOLVE-for the 'SECOND-degree polynomial equation'***."
(--ME, 8:24 am EST)

-- "I doN'T CARE what is 'NORMAL'!"
(--Alan, 'The Imitation Game')

... "We're ALL pretty-'BIZARRE'.  ... SOME of us are just BETTER at 'HIDING' it."
(--'The Breakfast Club')

... "We're ALL ... a 'BRAIN', ... an 'ATHLETE', ... a 'BASKET-CASE', ... a 'PRINCESS' ... & a 'CRIMINAL'."
((--Brian Johnson (the BRAIN), 'The Breakfast Club'))

... I.e. I--A.J. Kaynatma--DISPLAYED MY "BRAIN"-ness by EARNING the "VALEDICTORIAN"-status of my GRADUATING c/o 2003 in high school.  ... I'm, OBVIOUSLY, an "ATHLETE", 'cuz of my 23+ years in martial arts, 8 years of COMPETITIVE-wrestling & 22+ years of RECREATIONAL-sports.  My "Traumatic Brain-Injury" "HIGHLIGHTS" my "'ODDBALL'-edness"/"'BASKET-CASE'-edness".  I like-to JOKE-about my FONDNESS of/for FEMININITY.  Thus, I'm KINDA-like a "PRINCESS".  My "MATHEMATICAL-puppetry/handling" of NUMBERS has OFTEN been described as "UNFAIR"/"CRIMINAL"-esque. 

-- I THOROUGHLY-enjoyed Karate-class 'esta man(tilde)ana'.  Aside from my USUAL observing & critiquing of the KIDS' "work", I shared MY INSIGHTS & OBSERVATIONS about MY-life, the STUDENTS & SOME-of the class's "-rents".   

... I remarked to a couple FRIENDLY, HELPFUL parents: 
"SOME parents are POOR-examples for these kids.  It is a PLEASURE to observe two folks who are NOT."

... I ENJOYED a SPLENDID-conversation with one VERY
(... THANK-GOODNESS for my SILENT "DynaVox", so I wouldN'T be RUDE!)  

-- "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So, throw off the bow lines.  Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream. Discover." 
(--Mark Twain)     

... In OTHER-words, "LIVE a little!"  HONESTLY, I doN'T have MUCH to "LOSE" ... PHYSICALLY.  So, I'll "take a FEW chances" ... AFTER I MENTALLY "run-through" the PROBABILITY of SSSUCCESS ... RAPIDLY!

-- I've decided-to NO-LONGER wear a watch.  To TEST my "'BADASS'-edness", I'll just DECIDE what time it is.

* = 'a'(('x')squared)) + 'b''x' +'c' = 0

** =    'x' = "The OPPOSITE of 'b' PLUS or MINUS the square-root of the quantity [('b' squared) minus 4 TIMES 'a' TIMES 'c'], ALL divided by (2 TIMES 'a').
((... OR,    "[-b +- sqrt('b'^2 -4ac)]/2a))

*** = Because the quadratic equation involves only one unknown, it is called "univariate". The quadratic equation only contains powers of x that are non-negative integers, and therefore it is a polynomial equation, and in particular it is a second degree polynomial equation since the greatest power is two.


Friday, February 26, 2016


-- As I "WALKED" 'a mi cuarto de baño para ORINAR', I noticed/"GAWKED-at" a STARTLINGLY-GOOD posture in a window*
NATURALLY, I STARED-at the HANDSOME-figure, WINKED, blew a couple "AIR-kisses" & ... lifted my RIGHT-hand to "SHOOT" the DOMINEERING-dude with a "FINGER-gun".

... "GOSH!  It's so-FAR to the bathroom, that EVERY-time I'm in bed & have-to PEE, I feel like I'm 'raising money' for M.S.**!  UUGGHH!"
(--Max, '2 Broke Girls')

-- DESPITE my "Excretory-EXTRAVAGANZA" YESTERDAY-morning (as a DIRECT-result of MY EARLY-seating in my wheelchair***), I SAT-in my (MANUAL-) wheelchair EARLY, ... JUST 'cuz my "UPRIGHT-saunter" has me feelin' PARTICULARLY-/ESPECIALLY-ENCOURAGED! 

... (WARNING) I've noticed that I can KINDA-predict my "lavatory 'DISPENSING-activities'" via URINE and/or FECES.  ''C'est la vie.''
(... ALAS, I HAVE the "teleKINETIC-strength/-powers of X-Men's Charles Xavier.)

(... SADLY, can I get a "tear-SOAKED 'AMEN!'"?)

... I.e. AFTER my "WINKING" & "FINGER-pistols" this morning, I EXCITEDLY-"STRUTTED" 'a mi banyo'.
... But, THEN, 


"into some FEELINGS"!
RELAX!  I'm OKAY now!
I "brushed that 'SHIT' OFF my shoulder"!

-- I had ANOTHER PRODUCTIVE-/ENCOURAGING-workout at "NeuroFit 360" today!
(... GREAT hip-, calf- & ankle-STRETCHING!
STUPENDOUS "Weight-SHIFTING" ... while "STANDING" ... alongside my walker!
EXEMPLARY-"speaking" ... 'cuz my "Caregiver" FORGOT my "letterboard"!    

-- My MOM--to ME, about MY rather "SCATTER-brained"-approach to "MULTI-tasking"--which she HATES:
"(SIGH) You're EASILY-distracted."
MY response: "I prefer-to look at it as 'easily-FASCINATED'."

... What a RELIEF!  
Unbeknownst to ME--this MORNING, there was like a SEVEN-hour (9 am to 4 pm) "MARATHON" of 'NUMB3RS'-episodes!  
(... I "caught-IT" from ~9:00 am to ~10:30 am, ~12:30 pm to ~1:30 pm & ~3:15 pm to ~4:00 pm.  ... I'm ... OBVIOUSLY ... OBSESSED ... with mathematical-APPLICATIONS!)

...Well, how 'bout THAT?!
My LOWLY 'alma mater''s BASKETBALL team BEAT Cornell, 79-67.
(... YAY!)

-- I'll "call it an 'EARLY-night'" TONIGHT.
No, I am NOT "sleepy", ... MORE "TIRED" ... of RE-"colonizing my BRAIN".
(--Lucy, 'Lucy')
(... PLUS, THAT-film JUST-started.
... ALSO, I'd LIKE-to develop ANOTHER "Karate--Wrestling--Jujitsu"-technique ... for MY RARE-appearance in CLASS next Tuesday.)

* = ... Did I say "window"?!  ... I MEANT "MIRROR"!

** = Multiple Sclerosis  

*** = (WARNING:) I SIT in my wheelchair EARLY for my morning-"mealS" ... to "assume the 'POSITION'" ... of "'Gastro-Intestinal'-/ BOWEL-activity".  (... THIS "STANCE" SEEMS-to "STIMULATE" SAID "FECAL-activity".)  ... Over the last  ~two weeks, I've had a 62.5% SUCCESS-rate with THIS "POSITIONAL-tactic".


My ex-girlfriend's RESPONSE: "WOWZA!  Surely, you caN'T be SERIOUS!"
ME: Damn-RIGHT, I AM!  And, stop calling me 'SHIRLEY'."


Thursday, February 25, 2016


These are THREE DISTINCT/DIFFERENT "states"/"matters" ... ALL "working-for" a COMMON-goal:


(... "MIND")
2) MY "JOB"/OBLIGATION as a "Martial Arts"-Instructor 
(... "BODY")
3) MY EMPLOYEES & their ability to assist ME in being MORE-SOCIAL
(... "SPIRIT")

-- YYYEEEESSS!  GREAT-start to "my DAY": 

I "dropped" three, very-SOLID, fecal-"BOMBS over Baghdad" ... that I could SEMI-SMELL!  
(... TRANSLATION: I "went '#2' ... with ONE distinct-/putrid-SCENT.  --> "2 + 1 = 'POWER of THREE'" 
... PLUS, I FINISHED a few MINOR-changes to my NEW-technique!

-- As an ~23 YEAR (and COUNTING ...) 'Karetaka', I have a/THE "WARRIOR's Spirit"*.

... DESPITE my PHYSICAL-"limitations", I view Class TWICE a week, I STILL TEACH ... from time-to-time & I ALWAYS-"work" to FURTHER-"advance" in my jujitsu-rank.         

-- I WAS considering "attending the HEAT-game at 7:30 pm" with my housemate ... LAST-NIGHT.

BUT, they were playing the DEFENDING CHAMPIONS (Golden State Warriors).  So, THREE-tickets (HIM, ME & MY Caregiver) cost ~$500!
... So, I just watched the game ... on TV ... with-OUT my housemate ... who was STILL at work.
(... WOWZA!  WHAT a GAME!)


"LIFE" should-be more like "HOCKEY": 
When someone PISSES you OFF, you just "beat the SHIT-OUTTA him/her", then sit in a "PENALTY-box" for five minutes.
(... I've noticed that I ONLY THINK-of many-MORE VIOLENT-actions than I EVER-did PRE-accident.
... SHAME on ME!)
(... THANKFULLY, 'tis NOT-like I DO-anything about it!  They're JUST thoughts!)
((My housemate--about ME: "(A.J.) was a CONSCIENTIOUS-OBJECTOR."
(--'The Big Lebowski')   

-- I HAFTA-relate ALL I do to MATHEMATICS ... specifically, "BIO-PHYSICS" & "TRIGONOMETRY".    

(... Eg. I use the CHEMICAL-#s/-measurements of my "FEEDINGS" & the ANGLES of the safeST-transfers in my movementS.)

... "IF there are ANY 'MIS-calculations', it's GOTTA-be the 'MATHEMATICIAN' (ME), NOT the MATH."

(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS')
(... As CONFIDENT as I AM in MY NEAR-perfect "MULTI-variable CALCULUS", I recognize that I am NOT "FOOL-proof".  ... I make MISTAKES.)       

-- We all have a past and a story that shapes is.  But, it doesn't make us or define us.  YOU are in charge of that.

... "I AGREE with Einstein: 'There CAN-be ... COINCIDENCES. Statistically-UNLIKELY they MAY-be, but coincidences DO-happen."

(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS')
(... According-to the LEGENDARY Sir Isaac Newton: 
"For EVERY action, there is an EQUAL- & OPPOSITE-REaction."  -->  CAUSE & EFFECT)    

... "I am NOT what happenED to me.  

... I AM what I CHOOSE-to BECOME."
(--Carl Jung)
(... I--NOR ANYONE-else--shaN'T "dwell-on the PAST"!  I/We MUST FOCUS-on creating a PROMISING-FUTURE!)     

-- "TRAIN your mind to 'see the GOOD' in EVERYTHING.  POSITIVITY is a CHOICE.  The 'HAPPINESS of your LIFE' depends on the 'QUALITY of your THOUGHTS'."

(... I am OPTISTIC!  I--sometimes-FOOLISHLY--give people "the BENEFIT of the DOUBT", ... UNTIL they SHOW me OTHERWISE.)        

-- My housemate
--to ME: "If you were to CINEMATICALLY-symbolize YOUR "REHAB", what would it be?

(With-OUT hesitation)
Him: "Interesting. But, WHAT does it MEAN?!"
ME: "'Cool runnings' means, 'peace be the journey'."


* = I have a SHIRT that says/reads that.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I ENCOURAGE any/ALL tips/recommendations!

-- Personally, I make TONS/"a BUTT-load"/ALOTTA mistakes--ESPECIALLY/REGRETTABLY/UN-fortunately NOW.  So, "CORRECTING"/"REVISING" "occupies" a fair-portion of MY time.

... 'Por ejemplo': I awoke this morning THINKING 'twas THURSDAY.  ... But, THANKFULLY-for the "HELP" from my MAIN-Nurse ... AND my LAPTOP, I REALIZED that 'tis JUST  "Hump-day".

... "TRIAL & ERROR"!

... I THOROUGHLY-examine each & EVERY "hypothesis"--USUALLY via "TRIAL & Error", in order-to determine it's LEGITIMACY.


-- "'BEER' makes you FEEL the way you OUFHT-to FEEL with-OUT 'beer'."(--Henry Collins)
(... SUCH was my life-motto THROUGHOUT my TENURE at the DISTINGUISHED University of Pennsylvania.)
(... "Taking THIS to HEART", I--as an ENGINEER--ORGANIZED the ANGLES, DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION of/for an "~3 feet by ~10 feet" RECREATIONAL-table, ... titled 
"The A.J. Kaynatma Table for Competitive-Drinking".)
(... My fraternity FURTHER-"recognized" MY "COMMITMENT to the FUN of 'IMBIBING-ALCOHOL'" by RE-naming a whole-ROOM after ME ... POST-graduation: 
"The A.J. Kaynatma Arena of Alcohol-Abuse".)
(... "'HEROES' get REMEMBERED.  ... But, 'LEGENDS' ... NEVER 'die'."--Babe Ruth, 'Sandlot')

-- No "Scrabble"-GAMES in "SPEECH-Therapy" today --> ALL "business"!
((... TONGUE- ("LINGUAL-") movement, VERBAL-/ AUDIBLE-counting (80 up-to 89, down-to 80), reciting MULTI-syllabic words))

-- "'FOOD' for Thought"

The only GOOD-vice ... is AD-"vice".

-- On Monday, 19-year-old Olympic gymnast Kyla Ross
announced her retirement from gymnastics, withdrawing her name from the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Ross won gold in the 2012 London Olympics.  ... Ross is now 

going to attend UCLA with the hopes of becoming a 


... HHHMMM.  SHOULD I ... "follow-suit"?

... I RELAXED a lot TODAY.

(... WHEW!  I NEEDED that.)

(... I DID--however--create a "FORMATTED-'Setup' DRAFT" 

for my BI-weekly "PAYROLL"-sheet", DESIGNED a NEW 

"martial arts"-technique & made-up some new 


(... E.g. "I once KICKED a HORSE in the CHIN.  Its 

descendants are--FORMALLY--known as 'GIRAFFES'."

"When I do a PUSHUP, I'm NOT lifting MYSELF UP.  I'm 

pushing the EARTH DOWN.")


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