Sunday, February 21, 2016

NO-Football?! WHAT "IS there to"/CAN I DO?!


'Lodi Dodi'
(by Snoop Dogg)

"Yeah, gotta say what's up to my nigga Slick Rick

For those who don't like it, eat a dick

But for those who with me, sing that shit

As it go a little something like this

La Di Da Di, we likes to party
We don't cause trouble, we don't bother nobody
We're, just some niggaz who're on the mic
And when we rock up on the mic we rock the mic (right)
For all my Doggs keepin y'all in health
Just to see you smile and enjoy yourself
Cuz it's cool when ya cause a cozy conditionin
Which we create, cuz that's our mission
So listen close, to what we say
Because this types of shit happens every-day
I woke up around 10 o'clock in the mornin
I gave myself a strech up, a mornin yawn and
went to the bathroom to wash up
I threw some soap on my face and put my hands up on a cup
and said um "Mirror mirror, on, the wall
Who is the top Dogg of them all?"
There was a rubble dubble, five minutes it lasted
The mirror said, "You are you conceited bastard"
Well that's true, that's why we never have no beef

So I slipped off my khakis and my gold leaf

Used Oil of Olay, cuz my skin gets pale

And then I got the file, for my fingernails

I'm true to the style on my behalf

I put some bubbles in the tub so I can take a bubble bath   

Clean, dry, was my body and hair
I threw on my brand new Doggy underwear
for all the bitches I might take home
I got the Johnson baby powder and Cool Water cologne
Now I'm fresh, dressed, like a million bucks
Threw on my white sox, with my all blue chucks
Stepped out the house, stopped short, oh no
I went back in, I forgot my indo
Then I dilly (dally) I ran through an (alley)
I bumped into this smoker named (Sally) from the (Valley)
This was a girl playin hard to get
So I said "What's wrong?" cuz she looked upset
She said um
It's all because of you, i'm feelin said and blue
You went away, now my life is filled with rainy days
I love you so, how much you'll never know
Cause you took your dope away from me
A-huh, a-huh, huh

Damn, now what was I to do

She's cryin over me and she was feelin blue

I said, "Um, don't cry, dry your eye

And here comes your mother with those two little guys"

Her mean mother steps then says to me "Hi!!"
Decked Sally in the face and punched her in the eye
Punched her in the belly and stepped on her feet
Slammed the child on the hard concrete
The bitch was strong, the kids was gone
Somethin was wrong I said, "What was goin on?"
I tried to break up, I said, "Stop it, just leave her!"
She said, "If I can't smoke none, she can't either!"
She grabbed my closely by my socks
So I broke the hell out, and I grabbed my sack of rocks
But um, they gave chase, they caught up quick
They started cryin on my shoes and grabbin my dick
and sayin....

Why don't you give me a play
So we can brake it down the Long Beach way
And if you give me that okay
I'll give you all my love today
Doggy, Doggy, Doggy, can't you see
Somehow your words just hypnotize me
And I just love your jazzy ways
Doggy Dogg, your love is here to stay

And on and on and on she kept goin

The bitch been around before my mother's born!

I said, "Cheer up!" so I gave her a hit

I said, "You can't have me, I'm too young for you bitch!"

She said, "No you're not," then she starts cryin

I says I'm nineteen, she says, "Stop lyin!"

I says, "I am, go ask my mother

And with your wrinkled pussy, I can't be your lover"

Yeah, uhh, tic toc you don't stop

And to the, ah tic toc and you don't quit

Yeah, tic toc and ya don't stop, and to the

ah tic toc and ya don't quit, beeeotch!"


(MY version/revision/edition, entitled,
'Eyes-UP, Back-STRAIGHT')

"Yeah, gotta maintain good-POSTURE, WHILE I'm WAH-KING!
After GREAT-treks, I WANNA dance & SING.
... Perhaps I DIH-ZERV some BLING!
HOPEFULLY, the following-reasoning doesN'T 'flow in a RING'!

Eyes-UP, back-STRAIGHT, I'm ''walkin'' GREAT!
I no-longer kick my leg out-WIDE.  'Tis a 'calming-STATE'.
I'm JUST your 'run of the mill'-GENIUS with a 'walking-PROB'.
But, I'm STILL quite-ACTIVE.  So, SPARE-me yo' SOB!  (SOB)
'Tis BECAUSE of my BLOG, that y'all stay-INSPIRED!
So, just 'SMILE & NOD' ... & ENJOY YO'SELF.
''To 'DEFEAT' my 'T.B.I.' ... such is my MISSION.
I'd drown y'all with tears, IF I could CRY.
... Thus, I MUST-'aim' to KEEP my emotional-HIGH.

I ventured-OUT this morning ... for a nice BRUNCH.
'Twas WELL-worth the trip, 'cuz of the great cuhm-puhn-EE!
I ATE an egg & had a few-LAUGHS.
Upon my RETURN, I read some SPORTS-stats & studied some GRAPHS.
But, even I can only-'HANDLE' so MUCH MATH!
(FIRST, I winked at MYSELF.)  'Mirror, mirror, on the WALL.'
'Who's the most-INSPIRING of them-ALL?!'
... I guess I'm a LIL'-conceited, 'cuz FIVE minutes my-stare LASTED.
If I disN'T, at-least, TRY-to TASTE, I'd say: 'For over eight years I FASTED!'
... But, I do ALWAYS-try ... three or four times a WEEK.

I'm feeling the BENEFITS of my workin'-OUTS!
 I shaN'T just stay-IN & 'DROWN' in my POUTS!
I JUST-realized that there's 'LITTLE' for ME to be EMBARRASSED-OF**:
Aside from my 'DESIRE to be the BEST' ... which I LOVE,
I'm really-FEELIN' my PRAH-GRESS!

Did ya see THAT?!  My LEFT-tricep just-TWITCHED!
THAT means--for ME--that my LEFT-deltoid ITCHED.
BUT, I really-caN'T quite reach THAT.
Nonetheless, I apply MY BioPHYSICS & flexih-bih-lih-TEE
JEEZ!  With ALL-my science-"KNOW-how", I could TEACH!"

(... I did NOT finish.  ... Yes, I ACTUALLY-have OTHER-stuff to DO.  

-- I ADMIT that my ego is VERY-"Brobdingnagian"*  

... I've MET ... MYSELF, & I have-had COUNTLESS-accomplishments of-which ANYONE would feel VERY-DISTINGUISHED & -ACCLAIMED:
--> **

-- I went-OUT to a local-diner for a LOVELY-breakfast with my housemate & his dad.
(... Well, at least, I'm NOT-"joking", when I state the FACT that "AMATEUR-"/"high school"-/college-WRESTLING is MUCH-MORE REAL than the "W.W.E."!
(... "W.W.E." = "World Wrestling Entertainment" --> Hence the "FAKE"-ness --> They're ACTORS.)

... I DREAM of RIGHTFULLY-quoting Magneto in 'X-Men" Days of Future Past'"
"A NEW-'tomorrow' ... starts TODAY!"

-- INNER-soliloquoy (to my CONSCIENCE):
"HELP me NOT to-do what EVERYONE-ELSE is doing ...
but to DO what my HEART ... & BRAIN WANT me to be doing."

* = "ENORMOUS" from Jonathon Swift's ''Gulliver's Travels''

** = To Be CONTINUED ...



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