Sunday, February 14, 2016

When LIFE gives you 'LEMONS',

mix 'em w/ VODKA. 
Just tell everyone you're "doing a 'CLEANSE'.  ... It's SCIENCE!  ... So, you wouldN'T understand."
(... "'VIRGIN'-Lemonade" is for PUSSIES!
... "CHASE" the "DIRTY-'lemonade'" with a 
NICE, SMOOTH "White-Russian"/"Caucasian"--'The Big Lebowski')

... I MISS "drinkin'" (ALCOHOL)!

(... No, I am NOT some HORRIBLE-"alkie" with a "CONTROL"-problem!  I just LIKE the ACCOMPANYING SOCIAL-atmosphere!)

... As a DIRECT-result of my LACK-of "alcohol-IMBIBING", I've become more-CREATIVE as to "SOCIAL-entertainment"

-- I DID thoroughly-ENJOY 2/3 of the NBA-"festivities" last night!

(... A Minnesota Timber-wolf--my HOMETOWN-team--won the "SKILLS-" & "DUNK-" contests--two DIFFERENT-players.  But, my FAVORITE-player was "UPSET" in the FINALS of the "Long Distance-" contest.)
(... 'Twas NOT a "COMPLETE-loss", as the WINNER was his fellow-"SPLASH Brother"/TEAMMATE.)

-- I've ALWAYS-BEEN "handicapped"--MENTALLY!*

I'm--only NOW--getting the RECOGNITION for it!

FOCUS on the GOOD!
((... 'Por ejemplo': I JUST "GUESS-timated" my APPROXIMATE YEARLY-"earnings" (... PURELY "$-coming-IN"/"DEPOSITS" ... with-OUT SUBTRACTING the EVER-CHANGING "WITHDRAWALS").))
... According to my RIH-search, I--ONLY--"take-IN" 
(... I JUST bent-down to--SERIOUSLY--kiss BOTH my LEGS.  ... "A LADY doesN'T 'KISS & TELL'.")
(... Even though the "MONETARY-figure" is ONLY-"respectable", 'tis IMPORTANT/ESSENTIAL to CONCENTRATE-on my MINIMAL-"expenses".)
... I NOW-have the CHOICE/OPTION of/to "taking-care of" just-about ANY financial-/economic-NEED.
... "You gotta harness-IN the GOOD-energy.  Block-OUT the BAD.  HARNESS.  ENERGY.  BLOCK.  BAD."
(--WEIRDO-golfer, 'Happy Gilmore')

... Speaking-of "EXPELLING the BAD"-stuff, I JUST "RELEASED some BODILY-waste ... from my RECTUM".
(... WHEW!)
... My housemate--to ME: "'Wrecked him'?  DAMN-near KILLED-him."
(--'Black Sheep')
My ANGRY-response: "(AUDIBLE-sigh) DAMNIT, dude!  Get-OUTTA my bathroom!"

-- DURING my car accident, for SOME REASON I chose-to NOT protect my HEAD in a SHOULDER-roll, as I flew-OUT my car-window.
((... My NeuroPsychologist--to ME: "You 'played' a VERY-DANGEROUS 'game'."
MY-response: "'CHANGE' always IS."
(--'The Matrix Revolutions'))
(... This-SITUATION would ALSO apply-to/-for ANY-aspect of my CURRENT EVERYDAY-life.)


* = I like-to use "SARCASTIC-hyperbole" to describe my LIFETIME-"academic-/mental-SUPERIORITY" ... to/"OVER" the "COMMON-folk". 


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