Monday, February 8, 2016


-- Although my-GUESTS wereN'T QUITE whoM I expected last night (My friend/housemate did MOST-of the "INVITING".), the FESTIVITIES still went QUITE-WELL.

... I.e. My housemate--NOT I--invited my (EX-) teacher--from the "Systems"-class I "DROPPED" at Miami-Dade.  The "teacher"--APPROXIMATELY MY-AGE--came WITH (STRANGELY!) his GRANDMOTHER!  ... LUCKILY, I'd ALREADY-established a GOOD-rapport with him.  So, everything was fine.  

... Sadly, MANY of the EXPENSIVE, MUCH-HYPED commercials--in the COVETED "Super Bowl"-timeslot--were very SUB-par.  ... But, there WERE a FEW "KEEPERS".
(... They caN'T ALL be "WINNERS".)

... Of course, my DELICATE-/"SHIFTY"-mood was CERTAINLY PLACATED by a 
near-DOMINATING "Super Bowl"-VICTORY by MY-favorite NFL-team (Denver Broncos).
(.... WAY-to SHUT UP that talented but WAY OVER-hyped, COCKY, UN-appreciative Carolina QB Cam Newton!)

... (WARNING) Speaking of that "DUNG-head" Newton, I "dropped a 'WICKED-deuce'" this MORNING ... to further-COMPLEMENT my "GROOVY"-weekend.

-- TRUST the "VIBES you get".
(... Only-AFTER I've developed a STRONG-/STURDY-/STABLE-stance*, I "TRUST" that my LEGS WILL-support me in my "WALKS".)

... "Most ENGINEERS LOVE-to MAKE-things.  ... The PROBLEM is if it doesN'T WORK."
(... As a BioMedical Engineer, I TOTALLY-/COMPLETELY-AGREE: Considering my LIMITED-resources, I take GREAT-pleasure in "formulating PRODUCTIVE/PRODUCTIVE hypotheses ... that end-up being CORRECT".)

-- NEVER "look-DOWN" on ANYONE, ... unless you're "HELPING him UP".

-- "'LIFE' isN'T a STRAIGHT-line.  
It's a SPIRAL.  

... You CONTINUALLY 'come-BACK' to things you THOUGHT you UNDERSTOOD, & 'see DEEPER-thoughts'."
(--Author UNKNOWN)
(... In lieu of ALL my "FREE"-/SPARE-time, I TEND-to REFLECT-on MANY of my LIFE-decisions ... that I can REMEMBER.)      

-- "'HAPPINESS' is NOT a matter of 'INTENSITY', 
... but of 'BALANCE' & 'ORDER' ... & 'RHYTHM' ... & 'HARMONY'."
(--Thomas Merton)
(... I KINDA-agree ... ONLY to-an-EXTENT: 
I was pretty-excited, when I was named "high school VALEDICTORIAN.  But, I was ECSTATIC, when I was "ACCEPTED-into" the ONLY-college to which I applied.)
(... HONESTLY, I DID my "MATH-homework".  ... I "crunched the numbers" ... on G.P.A.  ... So, I was NOT-SURPRISED.)                    

-- "'FREEDOM of TEACHING & of OPINION in book or press' is ''the FOUNDATION for the 'SOUND- & NATURAL-development' of ANY-people''."
(--Albert Einstein)
(... We-ALL--ESPECIALLY-/PARTICULARLY-I/-ME--sometimes "think ... OUTSIDE the box".  I shaN'T let my "THOUGHTS/WORDS be SILENCED"!         

... SADLY, you canNOT MAKE someone UNDERSTAND a "message" he/she is NOT--YET--ready to "RECEIVE".  

-- ENERGY flows ... where ATTENTION goes.
(... My mother DISPARAGES my occasional PROUD-speaking of MY "MULTI-tasking", ... CLAIMING that "Doing TWO-things at-ONCE ONLY allows you to devote HALF of your FOCUS on ONE-task."  ... I DIS-agree.  Yes, her "HYPOTHESIS" MAY-be TRUE for/with "NORMS".  But, I'd THINK that she'd LEARNED ... in my ... 11,253 days ALIVE ... that I am "FAR-from" "AVERAGE".)        

-- Once you've ACCEPTED your "FLAWS", NO-ONE can "USE-them AGAINST you"!

-- You NEED-to KNOW HOW-to
& NOT-be "DEFINED-by" ANOTHER-person.

... As LONESOME as it MAY-SEEM, ...
BE your "army of ONE".

... ALAS,  "I HAVE a BIG-EGO, ... 'cuz I'm ALWAYS-RIGHT!"
(--Ari, 'Entourage')

... If there is NO "WAY", 
MAKE one.

... "In oneSELF 'lies the WHOLE-WORLD', & if you KNOW-HOW-to 'LOOK' & LEARN, the 'DOOR' is there; & 'the KEY' is 'in your hand'.  
NOBODY on earth can GIVE you EITHER 'the KEY' OR 'the DOOR to OPEN', ... EXCEPT YOURSELF."
(--Jiddu Krishnamunti) 

* = "Alliteration aside."
(--Peter LaFleur, 'Dodgeball')
** = Notice that I did NOT say "MENTAL-flaws".  
(... I take TREMENDOUS-pride in my LOGICAL-reasoning ... & BRILLIANCE!)

LIFE is so damn-SHORT. 
Just-do what makes you HAPPY.  
The BEST ... is YET-to COME.


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