Friday, February 26, 2016


-- As I "WALKED" 'a mi cuarto de baño para ORINAR', I noticed/"GAWKED-at" a STARTLINGLY-GOOD posture in a window*
NATURALLY, I STARED-at the HANDSOME-figure, WINKED, blew a couple "AIR-kisses" & ... lifted my RIGHT-hand to "SHOOT" the DOMINEERING-dude with a "FINGER-gun".

... "GOSH!  It's so-FAR to the bathroom, that EVERY-time I'm in bed & have-to PEE, I feel like I'm 'raising money' for M.S.**!  UUGGHH!"
(--Max, '2 Broke Girls')

-- DESPITE my "Excretory-EXTRAVAGANZA" YESTERDAY-morning (as a DIRECT-result of MY EARLY-seating in my wheelchair***), I SAT-in my (MANUAL-) wheelchair EARLY, ... JUST 'cuz my "UPRIGHT-saunter" has me feelin' PARTICULARLY-/ESPECIALLY-ENCOURAGED! 

... (WARNING) I've noticed that I can KINDA-predict my "lavatory 'DISPENSING-activities'" via URINE and/or FECES.  ''C'est la vie.''
(... ALAS, I HAVE the "teleKINETIC-strength/-powers of X-Men's Charles Xavier.)

(... SADLY, can I get a "tear-SOAKED 'AMEN!'"?)

... I.e. AFTER my "WINKING" & "FINGER-pistols" this morning, I EXCITEDLY-"STRUTTED" 'a mi banyo'.
... But, THEN, 


"into some FEELINGS"!
RELAX!  I'm OKAY now!
I "brushed that 'SHIT' OFF my shoulder"!

-- I had ANOTHER PRODUCTIVE-/ENCOURAGING-workout at "NeuroFit 360" today!
(... GREAT hip-, calf- & ankle-STRETCHING!
STUPENDOUS "Weight-SHIFTING" ... while "STANDING" ... alongside my walker!
EXEMPLARY-"speaking" ... 'cuz my "Caregiver" FORGOT my "letterboard"!    

-- My MOM--to ME, about MY rather "SCATTER-brained"-approach to "MULTI-tasking"--which she HATES:
"(SIGH) You're EASILY-distracted."
MY response: "I prefer-to look at it as 'easily-FASCINATED'."

... What a RELIEF!  
Unbeknownst to ME--this MORNING, there was like a SEVEN-hour (9 am to 4 pm) "MARATHON" of 'NUMB3RS'-episodes!  
(... I "caught-IT" from ~9:00 am to ~10:30 am, ~12:30 pm to ~1:30 pm & ~3:15 pm to ~4:00 pm.  ... I'm ... OBVIOUSLY ... OBSESSED ... with mathematical-APPLICATIONS!)

...Well, how 'bout THAT?!
My LOWLY 'alma mater''s BASKETBALL team BEAT Cornell, 79-67.
(... YAY!)

-- I'll "call it an 'EARLY-night'" TONIGHT.
No, I am NOT "sleepy", ... MORE "TIRED" ... of RE-"colonizing my BRAIN".
(--Lucy, 'Lucy')
(... PLUS, THAT-film JUST-started.
... ALSO, I'd LIKE-to develop ANOTHER "Karate--Wrestling--Jujitsu"-technique ... for MY RARE-appearance in CLASS next Tuesday.)

* = ... Did I say "window"?!  ... I MEANT "MIRROR"!

** = Multiple Sclerosis  

*** = (WARNING:) I SIT in my wheelchair EARLY for my morning-"mealS" ... to "assume the 'POSITION'" ... of "'Gastro-Intestinal'-/ BOWEL-activity".  (... THIS "STANCE" SEEMS-to "STIMULATE" SAID "FECAL-activity".)  ... Over the last  ~two weeks, I've had a 62.5% SUCCESS-rate with THIS "POSITIONAL-tactic".


My ex-girlfriend's RESPONSE: "WOWZA!  Surely, you caN'T be SERIOUS!"
ME: Damn-RIGHT, I AM!  And, stop calling me 'SHIRLEY'."


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