Tuesday, February 2, 2016

AM I a "CELESTIAL-body"?!

(ACTUALLY, I BELIEVE the film-title is more METAPHORICAL.  
(AUDIBLE-sigh) A.J. = "TOOL"))

-- (My housemate was talking with my mom about MY "SUPPOSED NOT-being able-to manage "MY-OWN finances".

ME: "Dude, I'm not deaf, I'm just ("LAME"), so I can hear when you make fun of my disability."

(--Isaac, 'The Fault in Our Stars')


"I don't want to see a world without (A.J. Kaynatma) in it."
(--Isaac, 'The Fault in Our Stars')  

-- Back-to the SIGNIFICANCE of TODAY:

"Keeping wildlife--an amphibious-rodent, for, UH, domestic, ya know, within the city ... THAT aiN'T legal either."
(--Walter, 'The Big Lebowski') 

(ALL quotes BELOW are from the HILARIOUS-film, 'Groundhog Day':)

... My housemate--to ME: "What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?" 
MY response: "THAT about sums it up for ME."

... My NeuralPsychoTherapist--to ME: "Do you ever have déjà vu? 

MY response: "Didn't you just ask me that?"

My Caregiver--about ME: "Did he actually call himself 'the 


"This day was perfect. You couldn't have planned a day like 


-- I had ANOTHER productive--thus, encouraging--"SPEECH Therapy"-session.

--> I, QUICKLY, ate--by MOUTH--TWO scrambled eggs ... with-OUT ANY notable-issues for my SWALLOWING & DIGESTION.
--> I "BATTLED" my "Therapist" in a "NECK-and-NECK" game of Scrabble.  ... I ended-up losing by TWO (110 - 112), but ''c'est la vie'.'  My APATHY regarding the FINAL-score but NECESSITY-to MANUALLY-"keep-score" FURTHER-"highlight" my DIMINISHING-competitiveness & NUMERICAL-obsession.
--> Even-AFTER my--IMMEDIATE--"NeuralPsychoTherapist"-meeting, I "CLEARED the Scrabble-board of ALL-tiles ... with my LEFT-/INJURED-hand, 'cuz I ALWAYS TRY-to IMPROVE my "MANUAL-dexterity".

-- Was it a  "CO-ink-EE-dink" that I RECENTLY attended a high school WRESTLING-"dual meet"--with my two BASKETBALL-playing buddies--against a rival high school NOTORIOUS for "CREAMING" OUR high school in BASKETBALL, & the THREE of OUR high school "DEMOLISHED" Dillard-- 65 - 5?!
((... ACTUALLY, I'm under the impression that 'twas mostly GREAT-coaching!  'Ya see--THREE of my WRESTLING-teammates from high school are CURRENT assistant WRESTLING-coaches AT "STA" ("Saint Thomas Aquinas"--MY high school).))

... "A NOTED-philosophist once-said:

'COINCIDENCE' is the LAST-ditch explanation for the UN-inspired."

-- While watching the FUNNY-parody of '300'--'Meet the Spartans', I was inspired by the JOKE of characters' "spray-ON abs" to do ... two sets of 60 sit-ups EACH.

(MOM, I apologize.)

Hazel: "The only thing worse than 'BITING-it' from cancer is having a kid 'BITE-it' from (a T.B.I.)."
(--'The Fault in Our Stars')
(... RELAX!  I can-NOT "see the FUTURE", but NOTHING about my CURRENT physical-/mental-/psychological-state implies ANYTHING drastically-/worriedly-NEGATIVE.)

ME--to y'ALL: "I've been trying to tell you, I'm kind of awesome.

(--Augustus, 'The Fault in Our Stars')


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