Saturday, February 27, 2016

''Sábado'' = 'Cumartesi' = Saturday


"God SAVE you ...
IF he deems it RIGHT to do so."
(--William Thatcher, ''A Knight's Tale'')

"You (I) have been WEIGHED. (~143 pounds = ~65 kilograms)
You (I) have been MEASURED. (~5'7.5" = 67.5 inches)
And, you (I) have been found WANTING." (NEW legs)
(--''A Knight's Tale'')  

-- When I woke-up this morning, I felt ENERGETIC ... & CREATIVE.
... So, I counted-to INFINITY ... TWICE, ... AFTER I watched the ABOVE film.

My ex-girlfriend's RESPONSE: "WOWZA! Surely, you caN'T be SERIOUS!"
ME: Damn-RIGHT, I AM! And, stop calling me 'SHIRLEY'."

-- "If we assume 'the square-root of 2' is a RATIONAL number, ... then we can say that it EQUALS 'a/b', ... in which 'a' &'b' are NOT equal-to ZERO."
(--'The Imitation Game')

... "If the 'quadratic EQUATION'* represents ANY-equation in BASIC algebra ... with THREE variables, then the 'quadratic FORMULA'** indicates HOW-to SOLVE-for the 'SECOND-degree polynomial equation'***."
(--ME, 8:24 am EST)

-- "I doN'T CARE what is 'NORMAL'!"
(--Alan, 'The Imitation Game')

... "We're ALL pretty-'BIZARRE'.  ... SOME of us are just BETTER at 'HIDING' it."
(--'The Breakfast Club')

... "We're ALL ... a 'BRAIN', ... an 'ATHLETE', ... a 'BASKET-CASE', ... a 'PRINCESS' ... & a 'CRIMINAL'."
((--Brian Johnson (the BRAIN), 'The Breakfast Club'))

... I.e. I--A.J. Kaynatma--DISPLAYED MY "BRAIN"-ness by EARNING the "VALEDICTORIAN"-status of my GRADUATING c/o 2003 in high school.  ... I'm, OBVIOUSLY, an "ATHLETE", 'cuz of my 23+ years in martial arts, 8 years of COMPETITIVE-wrestling & 22+ years of RECREATIONAL-sports.  My "Traumatic Brain-Injury" "HIGHLIGHTS" my "'ODDBALL'-edness"/"'BASKET-CASE'-edness".  I like-to JOKE-about my FONDNESS of/for FEMININITY.  Thus, I'm KINDA-like a "PRINCESS".  My "MATHEMATICAL-puppetry/handling" of NUMBERS has OFTEN been described as "UNFAIR"/"CRIMINAL"-esque. 

-- I THOROUGHLY-enjoyed Karate-class 'esta man(tilde)ana'.  Aside from my USUAL observing & critiquing of the KIDS' "work", I shared MY INSIGHTS & OBSERVATIONS about MY-life, the STUDENTS & SOME-of the class's "-rents".   

... I remarked to a couple FRIENDLY, HELPFUL parents: 
"SOME parents are POOR-examples for these kids.  It is a PLEASURE to observe two folks who are NOT."

... I ENJOYED a SPLENDID-conversation with one VERY
(... THANK-GOODNESS for my SILENT "DynaVox", so I wouldN'T be RUDE!)  

-- "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So, throw off the bow lines.  Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream. Discover." 
(--Mark Twain)     

... In OTHER-words, "LIVE a little!"  HONESTLY, I doN'T have MUCH to "LOSE" ... PHYSICALLY.  So, I'll "take a FEW chances" ... AFTER I MENTALLY "run-through" the PROBABILITY of SSSUCCESS ... RAPIDLY!

-- I've decided-to NO-LONGER wear a watch.  To TEST my "'BADASS'-edness", I'll just DECIDE what time it is.

* = 'a'(('x')squared)) + 'b''x' +'c' = 0

** =    'x' = "The OPPOSITE of 'b' PLUS or MINUS the square-root of the quantity [('b' squared) minus 4 TIMES 'a' TIMES 'c'], ALL divided by (2 TIMES 'a').
((... OR,    "[-b +- sqrt('b'^2 -4ac)]/2a))

*** = Because the quadratic equation involves only one unknown, it is called "univariate". The quadratic equation only contains powers of x that are non-negative integers, and therefore it is a polynomial equation, and in particular it is a second degree polynomial equation since the greatest power is two.


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