Wednesday, February 10, 2016


-- I'm ~HALFWAY-through yet-ANOTHER week of NEW & DIFFERENT scheduling-COMMITMENTS.

... Recently/THANKFULLY/INSIGHTFULLY, I "DROPPED" my OPTIONAL-class at "Miami Dade College".

... I'll STILL-be "sitting-IN"/"ENROLLED-in" some classes (NON-"audited") at "Nova Southeastern University"--for my "Certificate of Understanding" in "Management" (?)--on/about May 10th, 2016. 


My Caregiver from last night MAY/MIGHT have WRITTEN my SCHEDULE for the day on the whiteboard in my bedroom.  But, he DEFINITELY did-NOT explain my "To-DO"s!
(... THAT's the PURPOSE of the BOARD, ... "GENIUS"!  ... And, doN'T ACCUSE ME of being "MEAN" or "a LIAR", when I KNOW I'm RIGHT, & you're WRONG!)

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) So, I ARRIVED-at my PODIATRY-appointment* 13 minutes EARLY, ... 'cuz I--being "EMPATHETIC"**--UNDERSTAND the FRUSTRATION that results from "UN-explained TARDINESS".

Nonetheless, APPARENTLY, the staff THERE are-NOT CONSIDERATE ... at-ALL!  
... I waited 53 minutes--after my APPOINTMENT-time (... So, 66 TOTAL-minutes) in the (APPROPRIATELY-named) "Waiting-room"***.  Then I "'putzed'-around" in my INDIVIDUAL-patient's room for 37 minutes.  So, I WAITED ... SOMEWHAT-patiently ... for ~"an HOUR & 43 MINUTES" ... to see the "FOOT-doctor" for ~11 MINUTES.  
(... I'm A BIT of a "TIME-stickler" SINCE my injurIES, 'cuz 'tis MUCH-MORE difficult to "entertain-MYSELF" NOW than when I could WALK.)   

... Aside from ALL the frustrating-"CHAOS" & DIS-organization, 'twas CALMING to receive "DIRECT-attention" from the ONLY-YOUNG (aged ~35-40 years), FEMALE, ATTRACTIVE, KIND NURSE.  

... ALSO-comforting was my podiatrist's 
APPRECIATION of the HUMOROUS-message on my shirt****, ... which I DELIBERATELY-wore for THAT-reason/-purpose.

-- ("DECISION-tree" --> "DESIRE-goals" must OUT-weigh "AVOIDANCE-factors"


... "'Humanity' has ALWAYS-FEARED THAT which it does-NOT understand."

(--Magneto, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')
(... NO ONE--not even I--can FULLY-/LEGITIMATELY-explain the "INFINITE"***** QUIRKS & INTRICACIES of MY "T.B.I."  CONCLUSIVELY, ... 
... BOO!     

-- I'm CONSIDERING "getting a TATTOO" on my LEFT-forearm that reads 

(--Brian, 'Limitless')


* = At my LAST "T.B.I."-Rehabilitation Facility, staff would  FREQUENTLY, INEXPLICABLY, APATHETICALLY step-ON my TOES!  Due-to their NOT-washing/-wiping/-cleaning the BLOOD off my toes, I--UN-fortunately--developed a foot-FUNGUS.    

** = YAY for my RE-developing SOMR-empathy!    

*** = DoN'T give me that "B.S" about their being-BUSY, ... 'cuz there were ONLY TWO-OTHER "patients" THERE!  

**** = My dark-blue shirt read/said:

"The buck doesN'T even SLOW DOWN here."

***** = "INFINITE" indicates "a LACK-of/ABSENCE-of LIMITS".


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