Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Would you RATHER-live during the ASCENDANCY of a civilization OR in its DECLINE?"

... (--'Revenge of the Nerds')
'Tis a VERY-VALID question!
... HHHMMM.  
Well, as an OPTIMIST, personally, I'd MUCH-prefer to be in the "RISE of a 'group of people'" than to be PART-of "its 'FALL'".  
THAT-way I'd FREQUENTLY  be HAPPILY-surprised by MY/SOCIETY's EVERYDAY-"goings-on".

... I USED-to WELCOME "surprises"!  

(... 'Cuz I KINDA-PRIDED myself on my KEEN-ability to 
NOW, SADLY (  : (  ), I've KINDA begun-to DREAD "surprises". 
(... 'Cuz EVERYTHING takes me longER to SET UP/PREPARE & COMPLETE)    

-- "'PAIN' is a PART of 'LIFE'.

It helps MAKE you who YOU ARE."
((... Now, I have-CERTAINLY withstood "a LION's share" of PHYSICAL-"pain" ("BOTCHED"-radial SURGERY on my RIGHT-forearm, SURGERY on my LEFT-"BIG toe", RIGHT-shoulder DIS-location DURING my 'shodan'-TEST, etc.), but the quote refers to EMOTIONAL-"SUFFERING" ... of which I've experienced ENTIRELY too-MUCH RECENTLY!)

-- "'EUTOPIA' comes from the Greek, ... meaning 'NO-place'."

(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(... "NEVER trust the Greeks, EVEN when bearing GIFTS."
(... My TURKISH-heritage biases me AGAINST the GREEKS.  But, IF there are ALREADY COMMON-sayings AGAINST the DAMN-Greeks, then the culture MUST kinda-SUCK!  
.. Right?!)

... "Ever seen a NERD 'FREAK-out'?  ... It aiN'T pretty."
(--'Law & Order: S.V.U.')

(... When my MIDDLE school declared that I was "NOT-'GIFTED'", I KINDA "FREAKED-out" & PROMPTLY-"made life MISERABLE" for my 7th grade MATH-teacher.  Thus, my school "SURRENDERED"-to my INCESSANT-"BITCHING" & -"TROUBLE-making" and organized a PRIVATE-bus for JUST-/ONLY-ME to TRAVEL-to the LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL for MATH-courses "BEEEYOND its curriculum".)          

-- SSSHHH!  Ya HEAR that?!

"There's ABOUT-to be a 'SHIFT' in your life.
Get ready for your BLESSINGS.
You've been-through ENOUGH, & a 'BREAKTHROUGH' is on the way."
(--Idil Ahmed)
(... PLEASE make me ... a BELIEVER ... NOT a "BeLIEBER"!)  
((... I'm STARTING-to (FINALLY) SEE some PHYSICAL-progress ... in my left-HAND!))    

-- "EVENTUALLY, 'INTRO-spection' LEADS-to ... everything-else."

(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(... ALL of MY-"ISSUES" have "ROOTS" in MY-doings.  Once I've IDENTIFIED, SEQUESTERED & IMPROVED-upon SAID-"deeds", I may "move-ON" to ... "EVERYTHING-else".)        

-- I've GOT-to "go ALL-out" in ALL of my ... FOUR ... WEEKLY-workouts--as I ALWAYS-DO, 'cuz my PRIDE/EGO/INNER-"STRENGTH" woN'T LET me do ANYTHING "HALF-ass"!   

... So, LAST WEEK my "UPPER body"-trainer taught me some NEW finger-STRETCHING exercises to INCREASE my LEFT-handed "finger-'mobility'"*.  

... GOOD-stuff!  (fingers) 
(... 'Tis ESSENTIAL to/for MY-"REHAB" that I actually-SEE my-PROGRESS!) 

-- "
I'm dedicating my redemption to anyone out there who feels as if they've failed or are currently failing themselves in life. I want you to know that there is still so much greatness inside of you, even if you feel you haven't displayed it yet. Never lose hope or lose sight of your goals/dreams or what you may look like at your true potential. Believe a bright future was meant for you. Know that you are still in the race. Dreams coming true are possible for those who refuse to give up. Feel free to make a change."

(--FORMER 'UFC Light Heavyweight-CHAMP Jon "BONES" Jones)

... "'DISCIPLINE' is 'CHOOSING BETWEEN what you WANT NOW' & 'what you WANT MOST."
(... IDEALLY, those TWO "WANTS" are "ONE & the SAME" ... like MY "WANT" to SHARE my JOY & EXCITEMENT--over MY EVENTUAL-WALKING --with my ROMANTIC-desire.)

-- "The capacity of one-pointed attention is the essence of 'GENIUS'.  When we have this 'MASTERY over ATTENTION' in EVERYTHING we do, we have a genius for life itself: unshakable security, clear vision, and deep personal relationships.  A mind that is calm, clear, and as concentrated as a laser which we can focus at will."  
(--Eknath Easwaran)
(... "A 'FOCUSED-mind' is one of the MOST-POWERFUL forces in the UNIVERSE."
--some fortune-cookie)
(... See FAMOUS-cosmologist ... & FELLOW-"SEMI-mute GENIUS" Stephen Hawking.) 

-- "I have it on pretty-good 'authority', that I'm a 'DUMBASS'."

(--Eric Forman, referring-to his MEAN-Dad's OPINION, ''That 70's Show'')
(... IN-frequently/ONCE-in-a-WHILE, I make some BLATANT, SELF-deleterious ERRORS.  But, I simply ADMIT my error, REGROUP & try-AGAIN.)      


* = I HAD-to look-up the DIFFERENCE between "FLEXIBILITY" & "DEXTERITY": 

As nouns the difference between dexterity and flexibility

 is that dexterity is skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands while flexibility is the quality of being flexible; suppleness; pliability. 

NOTE to ReaderS 
I've been writing/typing/blogging MORE lately, 'cuz my 'Time-MANAGEMENT' is IMPROVING!


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