Monday, February 29, 2016


-- I WAS-already ... 11,283 days-YOUNG.
NOW, the ADDITIONAL "24-hour CYCLE" "pushes-me" UP-to 
... "ENDING my FOURTH-set of 2,821 DAYS". 
I am NOW a "veteran" of ... EIGHT "February 29th"s.  
(... So, ... HHHMMM.  Examining the dates in a "SELF-teasing" way, I can TOTALLY-/COMPLETELY-/DEFINITELY-/ WHOLEHEARTEDLY-UNDERSTAND how ... in a WAY ... I have the "MIND" of an "EIGHT year old KID".)

(... SSSHHH!  I KEEP SAID "brain" in a JAR in my OFFICE.)

... My housemate--to ME:
"Eight year olds, 'Dude'."
(--Walter, 'The Big Lebowski')

-- "Sounds like SOMEONE's got a BAD-case of 'the MONDAYS'."
(--'Office Space')

... Actually, I really-LIKE ... & have-ALWAYS ... NOT-minded ... the DAY in-QUESTION.
I was always VERY-SOCIAL.  So, I liked-to SHARE my 
with my coworkers and/or classmates.
PLUS, I'd USUALLY be able-to "spin my ATHLETIC-teamS fateS into SOMETHING-good".
... I HAD Karate-class--as a STUDENT--Monday-EVENINGS.
... I'd TEND-to watch 'Monday Night FOOTBALL' ... REGARDLESS of WHO's playing.

I ALWAYS-ENJOY my "SPEECH-Therapy"-session(S).  
(... My COGENCY/UNDERSTANDABILITY & ENUNCIATION are DRAMATICALLY-/DRASTICALLY-IMPROVING!  ... I REALLY-like to PRACTICE "EATING"--by MOUTH!  ... I think my "playing-'Scrabble'--& reciting EACH-word out-LOUD" is GENIUS!)*
... I get-to FURTHER-develop my LEG-strength & muscle-MEMORY at 'NeuroFit 360'.
... 'BOO AHK-shahm' (PHONETIC Turkish for 'TONIGHT') is my FAVORITE television-show--'Scorpion'.

-- (WARNING) ONE of my "HYPOTHESES" was FURTHER-"CONFIRMED".  While a second "THEORY" was (JOYOUSLY-) "QUESTIONED".  Finally, my THIRD assumption was ALTOGETHER "tossed-ASIDE".
... 1) I "got-INTO/-ONTO my wheelchair EARLY this morning, 'cuz I HEARD my "stomach's 'RUMBLING'".  After my "SECOND-'breakfast'", I TRIED-to "SILENCE my 'intestinal-cocauphony'" by "EXCRETING yet-ANOTHER 'BOWEL-BONANZA'".  ... SUCCESS!
2) Using "BIO-physics", I was "under the IMPRESSION" that MY (HUMAN- ... SSSHHH!) body NEEDED-time to RE-form "fecal-SOLIDS".  'Au CONTRAR!'**
3) I THOUGHT my IN-consistent "Gastro-Intestinal-EXPELLATION" would NOT-"work", when I would "WALK" 'a mi banyo'.  ... But, this MORNING, my stomach "sang" 'Be ... Our ... GUEST' from 'Beauty & the Beast'!

-- So, I DO my "homework":
My MAIN-Nurse recently-discussed the CURRENT-feasibility of--POTENTIALLY/POSSIBLY--REMOVING my "PEG-tube".  She said that "Right-NOW, [I] NEED the 'TUBE'.  But, [I] CONTINUE-to IMPROVE!  So, it IS POSSIBLE ... EVENTUALLY."
BELOW is my rih-SEARCH:


  • PEG tube no longer required (recovery of swallow after stroke or surgery for head and neck cancer, or from brain trauma)  ***
  • Persistent infection of PEG site
  • Failure, breakage or deterioration of PEG tube (a new tube can be sited along the existing track)
  • "Buried bumper syndrome"


PEG tubes with rigid, fixed "bumpers" are removed endoscopically. The PEG tube is pushed into the stomach so that part of the tube is visible behind the bumper. An endoscopy snare is then passed through the endoscope, and passed over the bumper so that the tube adjacent to the bumper is grasped. The external part of the tube is then cut, and the tube is withdrawn into the stomach, and then pulled up into the esophagus and removed through the mouth. The PEG site heals without intervention.
PEG tubes with a collapsible or deflatable bumper can be removed using traction (simply by pulling the PEG tube out through the abdominal wall).

-- "Bissextus" is the term for "the EXTRA-day added to the Julian-calendar every FOURTH-year".

(... JUST the name SOUNDS like a COUPLE's PLEADING of a THIRD-party to email 'em RAUNCHY-messages".

"'BI-' --> Latin for 'TWO'
'-SEXT-' --> Slang for 'INTIMATE-message'
'-US' --> Preterite-form of 'WE'")

... Or, PERHAPS my CREATIVE-mind is just "DROWNING in the GUTTER"?!

-- So, I'm TESTING MY "Business-/Stock-'KNOW-HOW' by ... having my financial-/economic-TEAM create a (HYPOTHETICAL) "Stock-folder" of ~5 or 6 companies I CHOSE as "monetarily-WORTHWHILE".

... "SSSHHH!  Hear THAT?!  ... It's 'INTEREST-ACCRUING'."
(--Bank-TREASURER Steve, 'Married with Children')

... To my NeuralPsychoTherapist: 
"BEWARE the Ides of March."
(--Caesar of 'Julius Caesar' by Shakespeare)
(... March 15 --> my NEXT-appointment0

* = (AUDIBLE-sigh) My "SPEECH-Therapist" called (YAY!) to POSTPONE my/our session 'til TOMORROW (BOO!).
((... I JUST COGENTLY-/CLEARLY-said 'man(tilde)ana'!))

** = (WARNING) THAT was my THIRD "Poop-PARTY" in ~27 hours, & ALL were "SOLID"/NON-liquid "DUNG-deposits".

*** = MY-"instance"/"trial"/case would-be ...
C) "Traumatic Brain-Injury".


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