Tuesday, February 16, 2016

SOMETIMES a "lateR START" "produces" a BETTER-"FINISH".

So, after a rather IN-auspicious BEGINNING of/to "MY-day", I thought I'd "''hit the ground ''RUNNIN''": 
1) I "'fell' BACK-asleep" (YAY!), THROUGH/PAST the LOUD shift-CHANGE & up-to my "BREAKFAST" ... at ~7:45 am.
2) Feeling WELL-rested & ENERGETIC, I "WALKED" from bed to my MANUAL-chair*--to STAY-in for my "FEEDING"--at ~7:50 am. 
3) ... "Eating" while "sitting-UP/-OUT" "in my chair"/"of my bed" USUALLY-PROMOTES (my) "BOWEL-activity".
(... AUDIBLE-sigh) "They caN'T ALL be 'WINNERS'."

-- I enjoyed--as I do EVERY "Monday through Thursday" from 9:00 am to 11:00 am--two FANTASTIC episodes of the brain-STIMULATING show, 'NUMB3RS'!

-- After yet-ANOTHER EXEMPLARY-"UPPER body"-workout, my trainer & I discussed the 

"YYYUUUUUUUJJJE"(--Donald/Doofus Trump) 
difference between being-"TIRED" & being-"SLEEPY"**.

... I'm REALLY-seeing my IMPROVED-/INCREASED-"Range-of-MOTION" with my LEFT-shoulder!***  I can--pain-LESS-ly--LIFT my LEFT-arm/-shoulder to ~152 degrees from/ABOVE the "VERTICAL 'y-axis'" of my arm's hanging at my SIDE.

... It prolly-HELPS that ... LATELY--per "NeuroFit 360"'s RECOMMENDATION, I've doing MORE SHOULDER-exercises to FURTHER-stretch my "Zone of DANGER".

... 'Tis ALL-about "seein' that 'LIGHT' at the END of the 'TUNNEL'"!

-- I REALLY-ENJOY every-OTHER Tuesday!  

I.e. TODAY my "NeuralPsychoTherapist" HELPED me CONCLUDE:
1) My Tuesday-"DAY-Caregiver" is ALOTTA-help, ... NOT-only with my PHYSICAL-deeds, but ALSO with my PSYCHOLOGICAL-realizations of "AWKWARDNESS", "EMPATHY" & "SELF-CENSURE".   
2) MY "T.B.I." is--NEUROLOGICALLY--NOT as BAD/SERIOUS as I--sometimes--might IMPLY!
(... I caN'T HELP how my "WRITING" is INTERPRETED!  
... I just POST "what I GOT out-of it".)
4) It turns out that SAID "NeuralPsychoTherapist" IS of "Spanish-descent"--with family FROM-SPAIN.  So, "heads will ROLL", when MY 'Turkiye' plays HER 'Espan(tilde)a' in the "2016 Euros" on 
JUNE 17th. 
5) WAY-to CONFIRM what I KINDA-already KNEW!
(... I took a BRIEF-questionnaire to "learn" that I'm LIKELY "NOT-DEPRESSED ... at ALL" ... I'm just "WIDELY-/ FREQUENTLY-MISUNDERSTOOD".  
As a RESULT, my FRUSTRATION is OFTEN-MIS-interpreted as ANGER.)
(... I'll ADMIT that I am "by NO-MEANS" "HAPPY go-LUCKY"!  But--ALL things CONSIDERED, I'm DEFINITELY-content "making the BEST of a BAD-situation.)

-- I'm TRYIN'-to get-OUT MORE!

ME: "Let's go to a FOOTBALL-game soon. How 'bout Miami?!"
My housemate: "Man, SCREW the Dolphins!"
ME: "I TRIED that! ... I'm BANNED from 'SeaWorld' for LIFE!" 

-- "Why doN'T boxers just PUNCH with TWO-fists at ONCE?

... Did I just 'RESHAPE' Boxing?!"


* = I have a "MANUAL"-wheelchair, which I--UN-fortunately--HAFTA use OUTSIDE my house--all-TOO FREQUENTLY, 'cuz MANY facilities are (ILLEGALLY) NOT-"Handicap-Accessible".  (AUDIBLE-sigh) PLUS, I--MAINLY--"operate"/use my "MOTORIZED"-chair.

** = "TIRED" is MAINLY "muscle-FATIGUE".  While "SLEEPY" is just a "desire-/NEED-for 'Z's. 

*** = 'Tis ESSENTIAL--PSYCHOLOGICALLY--to SEE your-OWN PROGRESS, ... RATHER-than JUST hear of YOUR-improvement from OTHERS.


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