Tuesday, February 23, 2016

... GOTTA APPLY yesterday's "LESSONS-learned"

Well, when I awoke this morning, my stomach was SLIGHTLY-"upset"/-"bothered".  At FIRST, I THOUGHT the "varying-PAIN" was DUE-to a NEED-to "EVACUATE my BOWELS".  ... 
But, upon FURTHER-rihSEARCH (& discussions with my MAIN-NURSE*) I am CONCLUDING that my stomach-ailment was MERELY PSYCHOLOGICAL-DISCOMFORT.
(... I have a "POWERFUL-MIND"!)

-- ME--to my mom: "For Mother's Day, what can I give ya?  A HORSE?!"
Mom's reply: "(PPPSSSHHHTTT) Forget the 'HORSE'!  If (you're) THAT-rich, I want a UNICORN!"
(--'Married with Children')

-- SADLY/UN-fortunately/UN-knowingly, since I NO-longER get-to "enforce my ATHLETIC-DOMINANCE", my-MOOD  has become "VERY-MUCH"-influenced by the respective-"FATE" of my favorite SPORTS-teams.**    

... I'm SO-DESPERATE for my "SPORTS-fix" that I've ACTUALLY-become a HOCKEY-fan***!

... PRE-accident, I ONLY-liked the SPORTS I actually-PLAY(ED):

University of Minnesota (WRESTLING)****, University of Wisconsin (FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL), University of Pennsylvania***** (WRESTLING, FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL), Denver Broncos/Minnesota Vikings (FOOTBALL), Minnesota Twins (BASEBALL), Golden State Warriors/Miami Heat/Minnesota Timberwolves (BASKETBALL), 'Galatasaray' (TURKISH-soccer)

-- ONE of TODAY's episodes of 'NUMBERS' focused on the IMPORTANCE of SEPARATING "MATH" from "LOGIC" ... to DE-crease  confusion.
(... Very-FREQUENTLY, the two "go HAND-in-HAND".  ... EXCEPT, in THIS-case--'por EJEMPLO', in CRIMINAL-activity, in which CRIMINALS doN'T think "according-to FACT & REASON".)


-- I am REALLY actually-SEEING my IMPROVED "RANGE-of-MOTION" with/in my LEFT-shoulder******.  My "UPPER body"-trainer not-ONLY FURTHER-/painLESSly-stretched 
'mi hombro-IZQUIERDO', but organized a "ping pong ball"-MOVING exercise to IMPROVE my LEFT-handed "FINGER-coordination".

--  I'm--SADLY/UN-fortunately--very IMPATIENT ... ESPECIALLY with the seemingly endLESS-duration of my "REHABILITATION".  ... Thus, if I were a BRAT, I'd quote Varuka in 'Charlie & the Chocolate Factory':
"Make TIME go FAHSTUH!  ... I WAHNT it NOW!"

-- I had ANOTHER GREAT "SPEECH-Therapy" session!  I ATE TWO eggs ... flawLESSLY & recited--AUDIBLY, ... LOUDLY--100 words ... ~HALF of which were MULTI-syllabic!
(... I.e. "I feel 'tis my 'OBLIGATION' ... to MYSELF ... to IMPROVE my 'ENUNCIATION'.)        

-- If TODAY's WEATHER were a BOOK, it'd be
'Alexander & the TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO-Good, VERY-Bad Day'.  
(... PPPSSSTTT, ... I'd be "Alexander".)
(... There was so-MUCH RAIN today!  The "LIQUID-precipitation" even caused a car-accident, ... which in-turn caused ALOTTA-traffic & made my EVENING-Nurse ... LATE!  ... At least she CALLED about her TRUANCY!)
... CONVERSELY, IF my REHAB were a book (of poems), it'd be ''It's a Great Day for UP'.
(... I KNOW what I HAFTA-DO, so I get-"UP" to "STAND" & "WALK" ... CONSTANTLY!)

* = AFTER discussing the details of my "FEEDINGS" with my MAIN-Nurse, my MINIMAL stomach-discomfort all-but-VANISHED!

** = EXCUSE the "Passive-voice".

*** = It HELPS that the Minnesota Wild are--ACTUALLY--somewhat GOOD!

**** = I attended a WEEK-long Summer-WRESTLING Camp there. 

***** = MY 'alma mater'

****** = I JOKED ... that SINCE I SEPARATED my RIGHT-shoulder DURING my 'shodan'-TEST (on March 15, 2003)--and in LIEU of my surgically-repaired LEFT-shoulder, am I ... PRONE-to ... "SHOULDER-injury"?!


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