Monday, February 15, 2016


... ((NOT with my (HETERO-) SEXUALITY))

-- 'Tis IMPORTANT that I learn the NATIONALITY/ETHNIC-HERITAGE of my NeuralPsychoTherapist. 
... Ya see, she's HISPANIC.  ... I'm TURKISH.  I'm a BIG-FAN of "European-'futbol'".  ... For the "2016 European Championships", the TURKISH-National SOCCER team is in the SAME 4-team division as ACCLAIMED Soccer-"JUGGERNAUT" Spain 
... AND "SOLIDS" Croatia & Czech Republic.
Since the HISPANIC-culture is VERY diverse & MULTI-national, I'd like-to AVOID "placing my FOOT IN my MOUTH" ... by "talking-'SHIT'/SMACK".  
... Although, she MUST "keep in mind" ... that the RECORD for "FASTEST-goal" (to OPEN a World Cup game) is 14 SECONDS by Hakan Sukur (pronounced 'Hah-KAHN SHOO-kuhr') of 'TURKIYE' (versus South Korea in the 2002 consolation-match).

-- Especially-LATELY, I've noticed that--occasionally--my LEFT-leg KINDA-"stalls-OUT", as I "WALK".  

(... JUST today, DURING my 12 different-/separate- "WALKS" TODAY, my LEFT-leg "ANTI-'spassed-out'"* 13 times.      

-- Sooo, ... when I STARTED THIS-post LATE last night, I was thinkin' of--for SOME-REASON--of MY LACK-of "LEGITIMATE-participation" in/for my most-RECENT relationship:

''I Can't Feel My Face'' ... by The Weeknd  

"And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb
And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
But at least we'll both be beautiful and stay forever young
This I know, yeah, this I know
She told me, don't worry about it
She told me, don't worry no more
We both know we can't go without it
She told me you'll never be in love, oh, oh, woo
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh           
And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb
And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
This I know, girl, I know
She told me, don't worry about it
She told me, don't worry no more
We both know we can't go without it
She told me you'll never be in love, oh, oh, woo
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face (I can't feel nothing) when I'm with you
But I love it, (but I love it) but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, (but I love it) but I love it,(but I love it) oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, (but I love it) but I love it, (but I love it) oh  
She told me, don't worry about it
She told me, don't worry no more
We both know we can't go without it
She told me you'll never be in love, oh, oh, woo
I can't feel my face when I'm with you (I can't feel my face)
But I love it,(but I love it) but I love it (oh I love it) oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you (said I can't feel my face)
But I love it, (but I love it) but I love it oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you (face, when I'm with you)
But I love it (but I love it) but I love it, don't you think I can't
I can't feel my face when I'm with you (I can't feel my face)
But I love it, (when I'm with you baby) but I love it, (when I'm with you baby)
I can't feel my fa-"

(... MY version/rendition/revision, entitled
''I Can't Use My Legs'':)

"Yes, I KNOW they'll be the PRIDE of me.  I've GOTTA STAND & prak-THIS!
Yes, my LEGS ALWAYS 'give me their ALL'.  They TRY-hard, EVEN when they 'MISS'!
But, through ALL the MISS-trials, I HAFTA-stay PER-SISS-TENT!
... This I know.  Yeah, this I KNOOOOO!
They 'TWITCHED'.  I woN'T WUHR--EE about IT.
They stood-UP.  DoN'T worry NO-MORE.
BOTH-legs KNOW I hafta-have FAITH!
'Docs' TOLD-me I'll 'NEH-VER STAND ... at-ALL'.  Whoa, they're WRONG!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!
Ooh, applied-MATH!  Oooh, applied-MATH!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!
Ooh, applied-MATH!  Oooh, applied-MATH!

Yes, I KNOW they'll be the PRIDE of me.  I've GOTTA STAND & prak-THIS!
Yes, my LEGS ALWAYS 'give me their ALL'.  They TRY-hard, EVEN when they 'MISS'!
All my MIH-ZUH-REE was NEH-SEH-SAY-REE, so my muss-uhles RE-LEARN.
THIS I KNOW, nerves, I KNOW.
They 'TWITCHED'.  I woN'T WUHR--EE about IT.
They stood-UP.  DoN'T worry NO-MORE.
BOTH-legs KNOW I hafta-have FAITH!
'Docs' TOLD-me I'll 'NEH-VER STAND ... at-ALL'.  Whoa, they're WRONG!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!
Ooh, applied-MATH!  Oooh, applied-MATH!  OH!
I caN'T use my LEGS (They are of NO-use.) with-OUT phih-SICS!

Oh, applied-MATH!  (Oh, applied-MATH!)  Oooh, applied-MATH!  OH!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!
Oh, applied-MATH!  (Oh, applied-MATH!)  Oh, applied-MATH!  (Oh, applied-MATH!), OH!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!
Oh, applied-MATH!  (Oh, applied-MATH!)  Oh, applied-MATH!  (Oh, applied-MATH!), OH!
My MIND 'told me, don't worry ah-BOUT IT.
My MIND 'told me, don't worry NO-MORE.
You legs KNOW I'll STRUGGLE with-OUT YOU!
'Docs' TOLD-me I'll 'NEH-VER STAND ... at-ALL'.  Whoa, they're WRONG! 
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!  (I caN'T use my LEGS.)
So, I APPLY 'em!  (Oh, APPLY 'em!)  So, I APPLY 'em!  (Oh, APPLY 'em!)  OH!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!  (said I caN'T use my LEGS)
... So, I APPLY 'em!  (Oh, APPLY 'em!)  So, I APPLY 'em!  OH!
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!  (LEGS, with-OUT phi-ZICS)
... So, I APPLY 'em!  (Oh, APPLY 'em!)  So, I APPLY 'em! 
DoN'T you THINK I caN'T?
I caN'T use my LEGS with-OUT phih-ZICS!  (I caN'T use my LEGS.)
But, I ah-PLY 'em!  (with-OUT phih-ZICS, baby)  But, I ah-PLY 'em!  (with-OUT phih-ZICS, baby) 
I caN'T use my LEH-" 

-- "The bigGEST-ENEMY of 'GREATNESS' is ... 'good-ENOUGH'."
(--My "Martial Arts"-Professor's REVISION of a Voltaire-quote)
(... DoN'T "SETTLE-for" "ACCEPTABLE"!  ... "Be ALL you CAN be!)   

-- Y'all HAFTA-read this GREAT-article: (   --HAPPINESS  ---> READ!)
(... "COPY & PASTE" the link.)

-- Tomorrow, I'll "TEST" this BROAD-assumption:
(--QB Shane Falco, 'The Replacements')

-- 'Tis MUCH-BETTER to be
"looked-OVER" than to be

-- SURPRISINGLY, I actually-ENJOYED "the Grammys" tonight! 
(... I caN'T STAND MUSIC ... usually!)
(... Well, I've ALWAYS-been a very "VISUALLY-oriented" person!  And, ... 'cuz it's an "AWARDS-SHOW", it's on TELEVISION!)
(... THAT's WHY I LIKE "music-VIDEO"s!)

... Also, I'm biased-TOWARD/-FOR/-"in FAVOR-of" 
"John (THEE) Legend"!
(... 'Cuz he ALSO graduated from Penn ... AND has a HOT wife)

... "PROPZ" to the LEGENDARY "Stevie WONDER" for "VOICING" his SUPPORT of ALL-kinds of DIS-abilities!

* = INSTEAD-of "UN-controllably FLAILING", my LEFT-leg will simply NOT-respond to the INFINITE "messages" my BRAIN "sends".      


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