Monday, February 22, 2016

A NEW-week ... BEGINS.

... (ACTUALLY ...)
Well, TECHNICALLY, ... according-to "Mr. CALENDAR", the "WEEK" OFFICIALLY-STARTS every SUNDAY.
... But, MY "WORK"-week BEGINS on "MONDAY"S--& I'm the ONLY-one (according-to ONLY "MY-blog") who truly-MATTERS, we're goin' with "'DAY 1' = MONDAY".

-- I'm UN-sure if I've ALREADY-shared this, ... but it's VERY SIGNIFICANT, REPEATABLE & NOTEWORTHY, nonetheless: 
(... Also, I am "NOT FULLY-aware/-cognizant" of HOW my actions get-/are-INTERPRETED.  So, my "CONSTANT-frustration" is often-MISCONSTRUED as "Clinical UN-happiness".)

-- "JUST 'cuz someone 'STUMBLES' ... & 'LOSES their WAY', ... doesN'T mean they're 'LOST' FOREVER."

(--YoungER Charles Xavier, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')
(... I.e I "flew-OUTTA my car, landed-on my "PRIZED-cranium" & SUFFERED a PLETHORA-of nerve-INJURIES.  Yet, I have "gone 'LIGHT-YEARS'"* ... "along the POSITIVE-axis" (... GOTTA-relate "MY-REHAB" to "MATHEMATICAL-'displacement'". 
... 'Tis only-APPROPRIATE.)

... MY "Laundry-List" of ESTEEMED-FEATS:         

--> (ACADEMIC) "ACED" "Geometry-HONORS" as an EIGHTH-grader; Earned a "PERFECT-Score" (800) on the MATH-S.A.T.; Achieved VALEDICTORIAN-status from/at an ESTEEMED Florida-high school; Enrolled-IN the ONLY-college to which I APPLIED--"Ivy League"-University of Pennsylvania
(ATHLETIC) FULLY-"committed"-to the past ~23.5 YEARS training & TEACHING in martial arts; 8-YEAR WRESTLER in high school AND college
(SOCIAL) FREELY-offered a "MATH-TUTORING service"; STILL occasionally-HOSTed "par-TAY"s ... to "STIMULATE" MY social-activity

-- This MORNING, I AGAIN "BEGAN 'MY-day'" EARLY (got-INTO my wheelchair) at ~7:20 am**, 'cuz I've been feelin' VERY-ENERGETIC lately***.  ...............

... Additionally, I watched TWO HOURS of my daily-NEED of 'NUMB3RS'.  ... I got-to THINKIN': 
Since there are 365 DAYS in a NON-"Leap Year", then there are ~52.14 WEEKS in THREE of EVERY-FOUR years.  ... This "~0.14" (ONE DAY) accounts for the SLIGHT-change**** in DAYS from YEAR-to-YEAR.  ... Ergo, MY-birthday (April 8th) SHOULD "fall-on" a FRIDAY.  ... Since THIS-year is a "LEAP Year", then I can EXPECT my NEXT "FRIDAY-birthday" to be in ... 2022.

... AFTER that, I MIXED my TIME/ATTENTION between "BEATING 'Minesweeper'" &  "WATCHING 'Final Destination 2'.

(... "Some people say there's a balance to everything. For every life there's a death, for every death, there is a life. But the introduction of life that was not meant to be, that can invalidate the list, force Death to start anew."--Bludworth, 'Final Destination 2')
(... I TOTALLY/COMPLETELY DIS-agree this 'FAUX'-reasoning!)
(... But, I GUESS THAT's why the film's in the "HORROR/DRAMA/SCI-FI"-genre.)    

-- My "SPEECH-Therapist" CALLED--(  : (  )--this morning to cancel/POSTPONE my/our "SESSION" for TODAY--(  : (  ).

... Thus, my only REAL-"OBLIGATION" TODAY is/was 
my WORKOUT--@ 'NeuroFit 360'--from ~3:00 pm to ~4:00 pm.

... "SOLID"-WORKOUT!  I did VARIOUS "leg-RAISING"-exercises to "ENCOURAGE" my LEGS to "take longER-strides", when I "WALK".  
... I'm developing--FINALLY--more "TRUST" in my UN-reliable LEFT-leg!  I underwent ~12 reps of leg-LIFTING & -"setting-DOWN" ... with-OUT HAVING-to look-DOWN at my LEFT-leg!
... EVEN by the CONCLUSION of SAID-"workout", I was ALREADY-feeling an IMPROVEMENT!

-- I "bid you 'ADIEU', ... 'cuz I've GOTTA-watch 'Scorpion'!

* = CONTRARY to the term's SEEMING-to SOUNDING-like it deals with "TIME", the term ACTUALLY-denotes a "DISTANCE" ... in THIS-case "METAPHORICAL".

** = ACTUALLY, I awoke at ~5:30 am & "WALKED" 'a mi BANYO' to "RELEASE my urinary-TENSION".

*** = YAY ... for "WALKING" EARLY & OFTEN!  ... I am "WINNING" my "BATTLE-against" FATIGUE!

**** It takes the Earth approximately 365.242189 days--OR approximately 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes & 45 seconds – to circle once around the Sun.


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