Tuesday, May 31, 2016

WHY do I even-TRY?!

'Cuz I'm an OPTIMIST ... who NEVER "goes HALF-ass"!
... "If you're gonna 'GO', ... 'GO ALL-OUT'."
(... THHAT's just "who I AM"/"how I 'FUN'-ction'.")

-- I BEGAN my morning at 5:53 am ... EST by AWAKENING ... to a POWERFUL-"URGE" to URINATE.  ... So, 
''Caminé a mi inodoro para orinar.''
(... = 'I WALKED to my toilet to URINATE.')
... AFTER I "did my MORNING-'Exercise-ROUTINE'" of "ASSORTED Ab-exercises 'til ... WHENEVER", I got-UP to SIT in my CHAIR, 'cuz I'm feeling ENERGETIC ... & pain-FREE in my SORE LEFT-hip.
... (WARNING) SURE-enough, my "CHANGE-in POSITIONAL-scenery" produced some "stomach-rumbling" ... and--EVENTUAL--"FECAL-products".
(... YAY!**)

-- Late last night, upon discussing our-scheduling for MY (Grad-school) QUIZ-taking ... & HIS-"helping", I came-to the SEMI-"painful"--to my EGO--conclusion that ... I SHOULD "lower/ALTER MY ACADEMIC-standards ... to MAINTAIN my "SANITY"/HAPPINESS:
... After-ALL, I DO have a "Traumatic BRAIN-Injury" ... that SEVERELY-diminishes my MEMORY.  ... I caN'T "take-NOTES".  ... I STRUGGLE-to ask-QUESTIONS, ... 'cuz I camNOT--YET--speak.
... So, JUST the fact that I AM participating & "FUNCTIONING" IN "GRAD-school"-CLASS ... VOLUNTARILY ... is 
... pretty F---in' AMAZING.
(CURRENTLY, I "hold" a ... 'B+'.
(... I THINK.)

-- I'm "DEAD-tired" ... after a LONG-day!
... But, CLASS was MORE-INTERESTING, & I "corresponded" MORE with my teacher ... AND my class!
(... MORE tomorrow)


* = ADDITIONALLY, I sit-UP, 'cuz--I've reasoned--that ... by SITTING-UP in a chair, as OPPOSED-to half-"LYING-DOWN" in my bed, puts my-BODY in a BETTER-position that's MORE-"BIOLOGICALLY-CONDUCIVE" to ... "FECAL-production".

** = I am CERTAINLY-NOT ALWAYS-CORRECT!  ... But, when it comes-to "BIOPHYSICS", I ... "KNOW 'my shit'", ... 

when it comes-to 
BioPHYSICS.  (... OOOH!  CLEVER-"PLAY-on-WORDS" for "shit"!

*** = Even WITH a SEVERE Neurological-Injury, I am STILL "ABOVE-average".


Monday, May 30, 2016

(MONDAY) (AUDIBLE-sigh) I've just GOTTA-"suck it UP".

(Happy MEMORIAL Day!
... In HONOR-of our nation's "FALLEN"-warriors, TODAY I'll "PUSH-myself" even-FURTHER than I TRY during my EVERYDAY-"battleS".)

... In the LEGENDARY-film, 'The Big Lebowski', "The Dude"'s line, "The Dude abides," is a reference to Ecclesiastes 1:4, "One generation passes away, and another generation comes: but the earth abides forever."  It is a reference to how the Dude, much like the Earth, can weather change and chaos around him, but still remain the same.
(... THAT seems EERILY-familiar to MY "outlook on LIFE".)

-- DESPITE MY intellectual-capacity/-potential/-cognizance PREVIOUSLY-being QUITE-"Brobdingnagian"*, I'm BEGINNING-to REALIZE & ACCEPT the FACT that my "Traumatic Brain-Injury" has so, so ... SSSOOOOO SIGNIFICANTLY-"DEMOLISHED"/DISINTEGRATED**
my ONCE-"MIGHTY" "Mental-Muscle", that I am NOW ... mentally/psychologically/cognitively ... merely a FRACTION-of "what I once-WAS".
(... Reminiscing, I impress even-MYSELF how EASILY I just-REMEMBERED/-REASONED/-KNEW stuff!)
((... E.g. HIGH-levels of MULTI-variable CALCULUS, RANDOM (MEANINGLESS) CINEMATIC- & TELEVISION-trivia, ~15.84+ YEARS of "Martial Arts"-APPLICATIONS***, (USELESS) SPORTS-statistics, HELPFUL BIOPHYSICAL-factoids ... & a SPLATTERING-of OTHER "what-nots".))


  "If I Could Turn Back Time"
(by Cher)

If I could turn back time 
If I could find a way I'd take back those words that hurt you and you'd stay

I don't know why I did the things I did I don't know why I said the things I said 
Pride's like a knife it can cut deep inside 
Words are like weapons they wound sometimes.

I didn't really mean to hurt you I didn't wanna see you go I know I made you cry, but baby

If I could turn back time 
If I could find a way 
I'd take back those words that hurt you 
And you'd stay 
If I could reach the stars 
I'd give them all to you 
Then you'd love me, love me 
Like you used to do

If I could turn back time

My world was shattered I was torn apart 
Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart 
You walked out that door I swore that I didn't care 
But I lost everything darling then and there

Too strong to tell you I was sorry 
Too proud to tell you I was wrong 
I know that I was blind, and ooh...



If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time
ooh baby

I didn't really mean to hurt you
I didn't want to see you go
I know I made you cry

[Chorus #2]
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that hurt you
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me 
Like you used to do

If I could turn back time (turn back time)
If I could find a way (find a way)
Then baby, maybe, maybe
You'd stay

[to fade]
Reach the stars
If I could reach the stars
... (MY-rendition, entitled, 
'If I Had a RE-DO':

"If I had a RE-DO,

WHEN I can RE-grow NERVES, I'll use my LEGS A LOT, JUST
... To show that I--STILL--CAN!

I doN'T-know WHY this 'SHIT' happened-to ME.
My karma's GOOD.  ... But, ''Cest la VIE.''
MUST-prove--''Ak-shuhns' speak loudER than WORDS.''


If I ... HAD a ... RE-DO
... I'll STAY-'UP',
I ALWAYS 'give my ALL'!
... Like I USED-to DOOO!

IF I had a RE-DOOO!


I've REALLY-GOTTA STUDY now ... BEFORE class tomorrow!

* = "of huge size; gigantic; tremendous" ... from Jonathon Swift's ''Gulliver's Travels''

** = ANTONYM of the MATHEMATICAL "integrate", ... meaning "to bring- or meld-TOGETHER ... to produce a largER-unit".  

*** = 'Tis NOW ... OVER ~23.84 YEARS, since I BEGAN my training. 


Sunday, May 29, 2016

(AUDIBLE-sigh) I caN'T WIN 'em ALL!

-- I arose "EARLY"--for ME--at ~5:30 am ... EST, 'cuz I (Bostonian-accent:) "had-to take a WICKED-piss"!  ... So, I "WALKED"-over to my "urine-DISPENSORY" to ... "RELIEVE-myself".  
... After 28 "Mississippi"S of "aimed-SUCCESS"* (... Yes, I COUNTED.), I made my Caregiver LAUGH by JOKINGLY-breathing an AUDIBLE-sigh.
(... I.e. "WHEW!")

-- In lieu of my (UN-fortunate/CATASTROPHIC) no-LONGER "having a 'SIGNIFICANT-other'", ... I NEED OTHER-formS of ENTERTAINMENT!
(... e.g. NOW, I'm watching ALOTTA-SPORTS & FILMS, designing "MARTIAL ARTS"-techniques, WINNING at "Minesweeper" & enjoying many COMEDIC-/DRAMATIC-"television shows"!)
(... What a clever- ... but HILARIOUS-obsrvation--"SHRINKAGE"--'Seinfeld')

... I've ALWAYS REALLY-appreciated & -respected GOOD-comedy!  The HILARIOUS-observations HAFTA-be ... an AMUSING-blend of OBJECTIVE-humor & SUBJECTIVE-quirkiness ... WITH ALOTTA WITTY-remarks & INSIGHTFUL-observations FROM the OBSERVER/COMIC.**

-- MY Indian-/"Native American"-name is 
"Battles-OVER Hurdles".   
... I ALSO answer-to "Will-NOT be Denied".

-- "TRYING-times" are-NOT the "times" to QUIT-"trying".

-- "LOVE" is the ONLY-"FIRE" NOT-covered by INSURANCE.
(... I've been "BURNED"!)

(E.g. EARLY this afternoon, I "channel-SURFED" between 'Lost in Translation' & 'X-Men: The Last Stand')
... It really-ANNOYS/-BEFUDDLES my mom just-HOW I "have a KNACK-for" CONSISTENTLY-"doing THAT".
(... ME: "A LADY never TELLS.")

-- I'm UN-happy with my LAST Quiz-grade of '80%' ... compared-to my OTHER-two ('90%'s) ... for my grad-school 'FINANCE & ACCOUNTING'-class.  ... So, I'm DEBATING-on WHETHER-to try-AGAIN.
(... It's a BIG-risk, 'cuz I've SEEN my-POTENTIAL ... on my FIRST-two Quizzes.  But, my RECORDED-grade is ONLY-"my LAST-try".  ... So, I'm REALLY just WAITING-to CONSULT-with my housemate about what HE thinks I SHOULD-do.  ... He'll PROBABLY-say "It's FINE."  But, DEPENDING-on when he'll be HERE to REVIEW, I'm "LEANING-toward" a RE-try ... provided I get "MY Quiz-SETUP".

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) Since I'm taking-classes completely-VOLUNTARILY, ... & my-HAPPINESS is far-MORE IMPORTANT than my-"PSEUDO-'academic-prestige'", I GUESS I'm CONTENT-with ... "JUST a 'B'" (82 < X < 86.9) 
(... REALITY --> 1, MY-PRIDE/-EGO --> 0)  

-- "Hellz-YEAH!  Rep-ree-ZENT!"
In the 4th minute of FIVE "Stoppage-time" minutes, the TURKISH National-soccer team (SPECIFICALLY--'Mehmet Topal') SCORED to give Turkey a 1-0 VICTORY over Montenegro in an International-friendly.
(... CLUTCH!)

-- (FICTIONAL-superhero TANGENT:) Ya know, there's something I've ALWAYS-wondered about Aqua-man: ...
"WHERE does he 'go BOOM-BOOM'?!"
(--Raj, 'The Big Bang Theory')

-- My housemate glanced "o'er my shoulder, as I checked the financial-status of MY "Checking-account". 
HIM--to ME:
"JEEZ, dude!  HOW & WHY do you have ALL-that MONEY just-'SITTING there'?!"
My reply: "'Cuz ALL the things I WANT have NOT-YET been INVENTED.  ... So, I'm--PATIENTLY--'WAITING it out'."

"TRYING-times" are-NOT the "times" to QUIT-"trying".

* = MY-"'NUMBERS, FLUID-TRIGONOMETRY & BIOPHYSICS'-fascination/-obsession" is so "SICK" that ... (WARNING) I care MORE-about the PROPER-angle of my URINE-stream than the ANNOYING "splash-back" on my legs.  
(... THAT's ... DEDICATION!)

** = It HELPS that my uncle's a PROFESSIONAL-Comedian.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

I'm a POET, ... & I DOOO KNOW-it!

(... For the CONCLUSION of each-song, REPEAT the LAST-line ... with EMPHASIS on the FINAL-word.)
(... THEN, REPEAT the LAST-line ... LONG & LOUD!)

"Twice a week I watch a class for martial ARTS.
The kids-all heed my tips & listen-to what I SAY.
Could it be that they're scared I'll 'kick some ASS'?
Or, is it just-RESPECT, 'cuz I'm a 'SENSEI'?!"

(... "RESPECT for a 'SEN-SAAAY'!")

"Oh, crud!  I've just-realized I'm using the wrong FOR-MAT!
''C'est la vie.''  ... 'Far-ket-mes.'  ... In ENGLISH?!  ... Oh, DRAT!
... I was-just saying that it really doesN'T MATTER.
As long as my brain SOMEWHAT-works, & my hopes doN'T-go 'ah-SPLATTER'!"

(... "DoN'T-go 'ah-SPLAAATTER'!")

"I have so-few things I can 'take PRIDE-IN',
... Since I got my wheelchair to RIDE-IN.
But, I still teach Karate-CLASS.
Man!  Those kids really-make me think-FAST!"

(... "REALLY-make me think-FAST!")

"Karate-class keeps-me INSPIRED.
I'm ADAMANT about teaching, ... even when I am TIRED.
Even-though most of the students I do-NOT KNOW,
They-ALL respect my-knowledge SO!"
(... "RESPECT my-knowledge SOOO!")

-- TODAY/TONIGHT, I WANTED-to "HIGHLIGHT" the OTHER-aspects of MY 'Beautiful Mind'*.  So, I "went ... OUTSIDE 'MY comfort-zone'" & concentrated MORE-on 
"the ART of LANGUAGE" ... as opposed-to my CONSTANT-fascination with NUMBERS.  

* = SLICK-reference to the SPECTACULAR-film ... about a BRAIN-DAMAGED MATH-GENIUS ... who STILL finds-WAYS to "SUCCEED" ... & "ENLIGHTEN".
(... THAT-tale seems EERILY-FAMILIAR.)


Friday, May 27, 2016


... "NEW-'shit' has 'come to LIGHT'."
(--Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')

... I'm RE-"feelin' the PRESSURE" of 'producing academic-EXCELLENCE'".  ... It TURNS-out that my CURRENT "grad school"-class WILL-affect my "cumulative GPA".  ... Last night, I emailed my school-advisor a REQUEST to get BOTH my "cumulative-GPA" AND my "GPA ... SINCE my RE-enrollment".  

... I wanna COMPARE my "academic-PRESENCE" ... PRE-injurIES ... to POST-injurIES ... QUANTITATIVELY.

... NOW--PRE-accident, 'tis a '3.82'.  An 'A-' is a '3.7.  In ORDER-to NOT-LOWER that, I'll NEED ... THREE ... '95's ... & a '96' on "QUIZ"zes in the next five weeks ... NOT-JUST the '90's I've been earning.*  

... Since there are 20-questions per "Quiz", it's mathematically-IMPOSSIBLE  to earn a '96', I'll HAFTA score a '95' on at-LEAST FOUR of my SIX remaining-"QUIZ"zes (4/6 = ~0.67%) ... & '90's on the other two "QUIZ"zes. 
OR, IF I score a '100' on ANY "Quiz", then THAT would "offset" a '90' to AVERAGE-out to a NEEDED-'95'.
((... I wipe the SWEAT from my brow.)  ... It's DO-able/POSSIBLE.))   

... As PREP for my STUDIES & as a SYMBOL for TODAY's LACK-of ACTIVITY, I'm THINKIN'-of UNDERTAKING a "LIQUID-cleanse ... with ALCOHOL".**

-- What an INSPIRING & WELL-TIMED film ... I watched this morning!
... "You want BIG-rewards?  You've gotta-TAKE BIG-risks."
... "ALLOW yourself to be GREAT."
(--'Summer Catch')

...  I "TOOK a BIG-risk" by "'operating' my-OWN TUTORING-service" last year.  WHY/HOW was THAT "CHANCY"/"POTENTIALLY-HARMful"?!
... I COULD/MIGHT have been MIS-leading in MY "FACT-determinizing".  ... HOWEVER, ... 'twas "MATHEMATICAL-QUANTIFICATION".  Let's be SERIOUS: ... THAT's EXACTLY-"MY-bag"!

...TWICE a WEEK I "take (SOMEWHAT-of) a RISK" by "venturing-OUT" to my (PREVIOUS) "JOB" as a "Martial Arts"-INSTRUCTOR.  ... My "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR" emailed me ... THIS AFTERNOON ... to inform me that one of "HIS sons"/"MY 'Sempai's" WILL-be in/at class ... 'mañana por la mañana'.  (... He's part-Spanish.)  ... So, he REQUESTED that I "CREATE a jujitsu-/wrestling-technique for him & me to CO-teach.  ... So, I "paged-/penned-thru my 'FILES'" & picked-out ... SIX GOOD-ones to demonstrate &/or review.

-- 'Twas KIND-of an UN-eventful day ... TODAY ... on my SCHEDULE.  ... But, THAT does-NOT imply "RELAXING"!
... According-to my "Schedule", I'm ONLY "OBLIGATED" to my 'NeuroFit-360'-trip.
I've STILL GOTTA-study! 

... Directly-AFTER my WORKOUT, I "DOVE-into" my 'FINANCE/ACCOUNTING'-notes ... as my EVENING-Nurse "fed me".

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh) I found some GOOD-techniques, & I did some AB-exercises.  So, RATHER-than watch more TELEVISION, I watched some 'Whose Line is it Anyway' (HILARIOUS Improv-show), & I was-INSPIRED to write a "Hoe-Down":

"A LONG, long time ago, ... back when I could WALK,
I WUZ rather-BADASS.  I WUZ-kinda 'da SHIT.
NOW countless-people DISAPPOINT me,
'Cuz they 'hear' my 'SILENT-voice', they MISTAKE-me for a 'dim-WIT'."
(... "MISS-take me for a dim-WIIITTT!")

... And, AGAIN:

"I'm really-SMART & rather-CREATIVE.
I'm kinda-tough to BORE.
RATHER-than 'twiddle my THUMBS',
I devise math-problems, jujitsu-techniques & MORE!"
(... "Jujitsu-techniques & MOOORE!")

= DESPITE my having a "Traumatic Brain-Injury" ... for the last ... ~7.92 YEARS, I STILL have-NOT "accepted" that MY "academic-PROWESS" has-been SIGNIFICANTLY-"DETERIORATED".  ... SADLY, I will-NOT ... REPEAT my high school cumulative-GPA of 4.7613.      

** = SADLY, ... per my MAIN-Nurse's ORDERS, I shaN'T "imbibe 'TASTY-beverages' ... LOADED with ETHYL-alcohol.   
(... SHUCKS!)


Thursday, May 26, 2016

MY Workout-motto: "START-strong. FINISH-strong."

-- So, I woke-UP at ~5:34 am & REALLY HAD-to urinate.  So, I TRIED-to "WAIT-it-out" for the 6:00 am "shift-CHANGE".  ... But, I couldN'T.  ... So, I "WALKED" 45 STEPS to my toilet, "set up camp", STOOD & "let her FLY".     .................

... (WARNING) LATER that MORNING (at ~10:10 am ... EST), I "UNLEASHED a 'FECAL-FRENZY' ... upon my 'porcelain-THRONE'". 
(... AAAHHH!)

-- WHEN I'm MAD, EITHER my EXTERNAL-penis "retracts-INWARD into my stomach" & I CRY, 
I turn-into a PSYCHOPATH.
... There IS NO in-BETWEEN. 

... LATELY, I've been "OVERCOMING my EXTREME-emotions", "harnessing my 'CHI'", FOCUSING-on NUMBERS & just-EXPLAINING my frustrationS with WORDS.
(... YAY!) 

... My "NeuralPsychoTherapist-about ME"
MY DEFENSIVE-response: 
"HEY!  DoN'T 'JUMP-to FALSE-conclusions, ... BEFORE you've PROPERLY-analyzed the situation."
(--'Grosse Pointe Blank')

--"TRYING & NOT-succeeding" is NOT "FAILURE".
... 'Tis PART-of the PROCESS of "Discovering what WORKS". 

... Cut yourself some slack.  Life is full of screw-ups. 
We're SUPPOSED-to make MISTAKES sometimes. 
It's a REQUIRED-part of the LEARNING-process.

-- We live on a big, blue planet that circles-AROUND a ball-of-FIRE next-to a moon that moves the sea, ... yet you doN'T believe in ... MIRACLES?!
Have ya MET ... ME?!

-- I (ALWAYS) have a "'martial arts'-MIND".
... I devised/designed a NEW "'Karate + Wrestling + Jujitsu'-TECHNIQUE"--ALL in ~"HALF an hour" ... this MORNING.

-- I caN'T RESIST "watching 'Good Will Hunting', ... when I "channel-SURF" & "FIND it".
(... I DO-appreciate that my housemate has-NOT quoted the psychologist to comment-on ANY of MY activity-RECOMMENDATIONS:

... Speaking-OF my very-HELPFUL housemate, he GENEROUSLY-organized a "MEETING" for MY FIRST-attempt at MY "Quiz #3" for MY "grad school"-'ACCT & FINANCE'-class ... for "between 2p & 4p THIS Saturday.
... In lieu of my JUST-"finding-OUT" that my "'Finance & Accounting'-FOUNDATIONS"-class WILL-affect my (3.82) GPA, I now-feel INTENSE-PRESSURE to EARN an 'A'!
... I WANNA-sing THIS ... AFTER the class CONCLUDES ... in several weeks:


'Blister In The Sun'

"When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff -- yeah, I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite; I just might stop to check you out
Let me go on... like I blister in the sun
Let me go on... big hands, I know you're the one

Body and beats, I stain my sheets -- I don't even know why
My girlfriend, she's at the end -- she is starting to cry
Let me go on... like I blister in the sun
Let me go on... big hands, I know you're the one

When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff -- yeah, I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite; I just might stop to check you out
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff -- yeah, I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite; I just might stop to check you out
Body and beats, I stain my sheets -- I don't even know why
My girlfriend, she's at the end -- she is starting to cry
When I'm out walkin', I strut my stuff -- yeah, I'm so strung out
I'm high as a kite; I just might stop to check you out

Let me go on... like I blister in the sun
Let me go on... big hands, I know you're the one"
(A.J.'s version, entitled 
'Crippie OUT o' Chair':)

"When I'm IN my CHAIR, I THINK a-LOT.  ... 'Tis about 'WAH-KING'!
I'll just WALK-OOONNN ... like a Crippie OUT o' CHAIR!
I'll just WALK-ON, ... strong-NERVES, I KNOW you're in THERE!

MY pair o'LEGS: ... The LEFT-one BEGS: ... 'PLEE-HEEZ RE-make me STRONG!'
'PAY-shentz' 'running THIN', 'KUHM-POSED' I've 'BIHN'.  ... It has been QUITE-LONG!
I'll just WALK-OOONNN ... like a Crippie OUT o' CHAIR!
I'll just WALK-ON, ... strong-NERVES, I KNOW you're in THERE!

When I'm IN my CHAIR, I THINK a-LOT.  ... 'Tis about 'WAH-KING'!

When I'm IN my CHAIR, I THINK a-LOT.  ... 'Tis about 'WAH-KING'!


MY pair o'LEGS: ... The LEFT-one BEGS: ... 'PLEE-HEEZ RE-make me STRONG!'
'PAY-shentz' 'running THIN', 'KUHM-POSED' I've 'BIHN'.  ... It has been QUITE-LONG!

MY pair o'LEGS: ... The LEFT-one BEGS: ... 'PLEE-HEEZ RE-make me STRONG!'

'PAY-shentz' 'running THIN', 'KUHM-POSED' I've 'BIHN'.  ... It has been QUITE-LONG!
When I'm IN my CHAIR, I THINK a-LOT.  ... 'Tis about 'WAH-KING'!


I'll just WALK-OOONNN ... like a Crippie OUT o' CHAIR!

I'll just WALK-ON, ... strong-NERVES, I KNOW you're in THERE!"

-- I had ANOTHER GREAT Karate-class VIEWING tonight!
... I ASKED-for a "PROJECT" to "PREPARE" a "SPEECH"--to give the KIDS--about PERSEVERANCE & DEDICATION ... as MY "homework".  ... My "PROFESSOR" EXCITEDLY-granted me the OPPORTUNITY.
(... "ASK, ... & you SHALL RECEIVE!")

-- DoN'T gimme your 'FAUX'-empathy!
... The ONLY-people who UNDERSTAND "ROCK-BOTTOM" are the ones who have BEEN-there.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm JUST "shootin' the (PROVERBIAL) 'SHIT'".

So, I watched 'Married with Children' & 'NUMBERS'--AGAIN  --and PIECES-of 'HOSTEL'--for the FIRST-time EVER.  ... THAT-combo "TRIGGERED" my CREATIVITY.  
Ergo, ...

'Love & Marriage'
(by Frank Sinatra)
(... THEME-song to 'Married with Children')

"Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You can't have one without the other
Love and marriage, love and marriage
It's an institute you can't disparage
Ask the local gentry
And they will say it's elementary
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one, you can't have none
You can't have one without the other
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one (you can't have none)
You can't have one without the other"
(A.J.'s revision, entitled, 
'Nerves & Focus':)

"Nerves & focus, NERVES & FOCUS
... Band-TOGETHER for some 'Hocus-POCUS'.
THIS I care-to SHARE.
The two form QUITE the 'healing-PAIR'!
Nerves & focus, nerves & FOCUS
Be careful.  The two are sure-to 'SMOKE US'!
ASK Karate-'STOO-dents'.
Try, try, TRY-to move with-OUT 'EM.
It IS point-LESS.
'Uh-PLYING' these make 'WAH-KING' COME-
To THANK these TWO:
Nerves & focus, nerves & FOCUS 
... Band-TOGETHER for some 'Hocus-POCUS'.
IF 'Trial 1' fails, keep-GOING.
... 'Keep my head UP', & KEEP-GOING.     
Try, try, TRY-to move with-OUT 'EM.
(Ha ha HA!) 'HIH-LAHR-EE-IS'!
Try, try, TRY-to BOTH o' 'EM.
Nerves & focus, nerves & FOCUS 
... Band-TOGETHER for some 'Hocus-POCUS'.
IF 'Trial 1' fails, (That's a BIG 'IF'!)
IF 'Trial 1' fails, ... GOTTA keep-GOING!"
(... "You've GOTTA RISK IT ... to get the BISCUIT.")

... On THAT-note, I SHOULD/WILL do some READING/STUDYING ... of ''CapĂ­tulo tres'' ... of my 'Accounting & Finance'-book.

... "Difficult" does-NOT mean "IMPOSSIBLE".  ... It simply-IMPLIES "NECESSARY HARDER work".

... I'm too "POSITIVE" to be doubtful, ... too OPTIMISTIC to be fearful ... & too DETERMINED, RELENTLESS & STUBBORN to be defeated.

-- "MUTANT ... & PROUD!"
((--YOUNG Professor X (ME)*, 'X-Men: Origins'))
... When "performing MATHEMATICAL-calculations, I can essentially-/METAPHORICALLY "move FIGURES" with my POWERFUL-mind.

-- I JUST-read & highlighted the chapter (3) for 'ACCOUNTING' ... like the NERD I AM. 

* = I am TRYING-to BE the REAL-life "Charles Xavier"--I HAVE the REMARKABLE-INTELLIGENCE & the WALKING-handicap.  I'm CURRENTLY WORKING-on the "TELEKINESIS".  ... I WAS "Professor X" this past-/last-Halloween, & I WON a Costume-Contest!  ... 'Twas APPROPRIATE.


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