Sunday, May 29, 2016

(AUDIBLE-sigh) I caN'T WIN 'em ALL!

-- I arose "EARLY"--for ME--at ~5:30 am ... EST, 'cuz I (Bostonian-accent:) "had-to take a WICKED-piss"!  ... So, I "WALKED"-over to my "urine-DISPENSORY" to ... "RELIEVE-myself".  
... After 28 "Mississippi"S of "aimed-SUCCESS"* (... Yes, I COUNTED.), I made my Caregiver LAUGH by JOKINGLY-breathing an AUDIBLE-sigh.
(... I.e. "WHEW!")

-- In lieu of my (UN-fortunate/CATASTROPHIC) no-LONGER "having a 'SIGNIFICANT-other'", ... I NEED OTHER-formS of ENTERTAINMENT!
(... e.g. NOW, I'm watching ALOTTA-SPORTS & FILMS, designing "MARTIAL ARTS"-techniques, WINNING at "Minesweeper" & enjoying many COMEDIC-/DRAMATIC-"television shows"!)
(... What a clever- ... but HILARIOUS-obsrvation--"SHRINKAGE"--'Seinfeld')

... I've ALWAYS REALLY-appreciated & -respected GOOD-comedy!  The HILARIOUS-observations HAFTA-be ... an AMUSING-blend of OBJECTIVE-humor & SUBJECTIVE-quirkiness ... WITH ALOTTA WITTY-remarks & INSIGHTFUL-observations FROM the OBSERVER/COMIC.**

-- MY Indian-/"Native American"-name is 
"Battles-OVER Hurdles".   
... I ALSO answer-to "Will-NOT be Denied".

-- "TRYING-times" are-NOT the "times" to QUIT-"trying".

-- "LOVE" is the ONLY-"FIRE" NOT-covered by INSURANCE.
(... I've been "BURNED"!)

(E.g. EARLY this afternoon, I "channel-SURFED" between 'Lost in Translation' & 'X-Men: The Last Stand')
... It really-ANNOYS/-BEFUDDLES my mom just-HOW I "have a KNACK-for" CONSISTENTLY-"doing THAT".
(... ME: "A LADY never TELLS.")

-- I'm UN-happy with my LAST Quiz-grade of '80%' ... compared-to my OTHER-two ('90%'s) ... for my grad-school 'FINANCE & ACCOUNTING'-class.  ... So, I'm DEBATING-on WHETHER-to try-AGAIN.
(... It's a BIG-risk, 'cuz I've SEEN my-POTENTIAL ... on my FIRST-two Quizzes.  But, my RECORDED-grade is ONLY-"my LAST-try".  ... So, I'm REALLY just WAITING-to CONSULT-with my housemate about what HE thinks I SHOULD-do.  ... He'll PROBABLY-say "It's FINE."  But, DEPENDING-on when he'll be HERE to REVIEW, I'm "LEANING-toward" a RE-try ... provided I get "MY Quiz-SETUP".

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) Since I'm taking-classes completely-VOLUNTARILY, ... & my-HAPPINESS is far-MORE IMPORTANT than my-"PSEUDO-'academic-prestige'", I GUESS I'm CONTENT-with ... "JUST a 'B'" (82 < X < 86.9) 
(... REALITY --> 1, MY-PRIDE/-EGO --> 0)  

-- "Hellz-YEAH!  Rep-ree-ZENT!"
In the 4th minute of FIVE "Stoppage-time" minutes, the TURKISH National-soccer team (SPECIFICALLY--'Mehmet Topal') SCORED to give Turkey a 1-0 VICTORY over Montenegro in an International-friendly.
(... CLUTCH!)

-- (FICTIONAL-superhero TANGENT:) Ya know, there's something I've ALWAYS-wondered about Aqua-man: ...
"WHERE does he 'go BOOM-BOOM'?!"
(--Raj, 'The Big Bang Theory')

-- My housemate glanced "o'er my shoulder, as I checked the financial-status of MY "Checking-account". 
HIM--to ME:
"JEEZ, dude!  HOW & WHY do you have ALL-that MONEY just-'SITTING there'?!"
My reply: "'Cuz ALL the things I WANT have NOT-YET been INVENTED.  ... So, I'm--PATIENTLY--'WAITING it out'."

"TRYING-times" are-NOT the "times" to QUIT-"trying".

* = MY-"'NUMBERS, FLUID-TRIGONOMETRY & BIOPHYSICS'-fascination/-obsession" is so "SICK" that ... (WARNING) I care MORE-about the PROPER-angle of my URINE-stream than the ANNOYING "splash-back" on my legs.  
(... THAT's ... DEDICATION!)

** = It HELPS that my uncle's a PROFESSIONAL-Comedian.


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