Saturday, May 14, 2016

(AUDIBLE-sigh) I'm ALWAYS-"working'"!

"Nature CALLED" at ~4:30 this MORNING.  ... So, I "TRUDGED-over"--VERY-WELL--'a mi "JUAN"' to ... "OPEN the FLOODGATES". 

... Since I couldN'T "fall-BACK asleep"--MUCH to my CHAGRIN, I "kept myself BUSY" ... with some MATH.
... I--MENTALLY--calculated my "salary".  ... Granted, 'tis ONLY my "REVENUES" ... & NOT any "EXPENSES".  ... I've EX-cluded any/ALL OTHER "ASSETS" &/or "LIABILITIES", ... & there IS no "Stockholders' Equity", ... 'cuz I've organized a "SOLE-Proprietorship".*  ... So, MY "Income Statement" would be ... 
(THESE-values are "GUESS-timates":)
(~$6,551.60 times 12 months = ~$78,619.20)
(... PLUS MY AWE-inspiring, DAZZLING, "KICK-ASS" MIND is "PRICELESS"/NON-monetary!)

-- I've GOTTA-"HONOR my COMMITMENT" as a WELL-RESPECTED 'Sensei' ... OF almost 24 YEARS (I STARTED my studying/training in September of '92.), BEFORE I CAN START my STUDYING-for a GRADUATE-class I've had for ~"a MONTH".
... So, I'll CONTINUE my CLASS-studies this afternoon ... AFTER "Martial Arts"-class. 

... Class was "SOLID", ... as the kids prepping their "SPARRING" for the upcoming "U.S. Open" looked "TOP-notch".

-- I "spent MUCH of my DAY" SEMI-teaching at "Martial Arts"-class & SEMI-studying in my Family-room.  I ENJOYED my EVENING WATCHING a RARE-WIN by my favorite baseball team AND WATCHING some 'UFC'-fights.
(... At the time of my ACCIDENT, I was ACTUALLY-training to BE a "Mixed Martial Arts"-fighter.)

* = Yeah, I'm--TENTATIVELY--taking an 'Accounting & Finance'-class ... in GRAD-school ... AGAIN.  


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