Sunday, May 15, 2016

"ALWAYS, ... I KNOW, ... you'll BE ... at MY 'SHOW'!"

... --SONG-lyrics by Blink 182

'Make Way for MY Show!'

"D' see THAT?!  Tis OHN-lee I ... a JEEN-yus NON-walker.
I've GOT a storied-LIST of injuREEZ that ahl-TURD my life-GOALS.
None-the-LESS, my PRIDE and ee-GO will NOT let me REST.
I COULD just-SIT & beh-MOAN my UN-eventful LIFE.
... But, THAT ain't ME.  I'm a BRILL-yent & CHEER-full OP-timist.
I must-NOT feel sah-REE ... FOR my PREH-zent SELF!
... In-STEAD, those FEE-lings will be 'FUEL' to re-GAIN my OLD-self.
I've GOT-to 'harness-IN the GOOD-energy, & BLOCK the BAD'.
In-STEAD of BRAG-ging, I MERE-lee 'AIM-to' im-PRESS.
... 'Tis JUST-what I beh-LEEV-in, ... as I just 'DO what I DO'.
So, just sit-BACK, watch in-TENT-lee, show SIM-puh-THEE be AWED!
There WILL-be MAN-ee KIN-eh-tik FAK-ters you may MISS!
''C'est la-VIE'' ... for ME.  So, you HAF-ta just 'SMILE & NOD'."

(... THAT "lil' diddy" was expressed in "IAMBIC-PENTAMETER" ... with the CAPITALIZED word-sections &/or BOLD-highlighting indicating STRESS or EMPHASIS.)

(... AGAIN:)

''WHERE's My 'Path'?''

"At TIMES I feel 'LOST', as I DES-perately SEEK the right 'ROUTE'.
I may ah-PEER clue-LESS, but 'ob-JECTS are NOT how they uh-PEER'.
'Tis in-FIN-iht-lee frus-TRAY-ting, when my MUSS-sihls don't 'HEAR' my BRAIN!
... IN-ter-nuh-lee, I JUST 'shrug it OFF', & start uh-NEW with 'Plan B'.
I all-WAYS 'uh-TACK' prob-LEMS with MUL-tih-pihl SCHEMES. 
... My TRICK is BREATHE-ing DEEP-lee, ah-LONG with lotsa-ODDS.
I LIKE-to JOKE ... that my MID-duhl NAME is 'beating-ODDS'."
-- WELL-said!
... "I would say good luck, but I don’t believe in good luck. Go make it happen."
(--Seattle Seahawks SUPERSTAR QB Russel Wilson, as Commencement-Speaker at HIS/"my mom's" 'alma mater', University of Wisconsin)

... I doN'T BELIEVE-in "LUCK".
Perhaps I'm too-"SCIENCEY".  But, IF y'ALL KNOW the probabilitIES, & "play the ODDS" ... CORRECTLY, then "GOOD-things" WILL-come your-way!  

-- A buddy from high school, ... who's NOW a VET, visited me.  ... We "shared some LAUGHS".  I beat him at CRIBBAGE, ... AFTER he "talks SHIT" about HIS (MADE-up/ FAKE) beating-ME last time.  I BEAT HIM in ALL-FOUR games of Connect Four.  
... FINALLY, I "TREATED him" to an OUTSTANDING-display of MY-"WALKING" UP & BACK across my living room.
(... He videotaped it, 'cuz "there's a NOTICEABLE-IMPROVEMENT in how WELL [I'm] 'WALKING'."--Him) 

-- The one who falls and gets-UP is MUCH-strongER than the one who never fell.


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