Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm JUST "shootin' the (PROVERBIAL) 'SHIT'".

So, I watched 'Married with Children' & 'NUMBERS'--AGAIN  --and PIECES-of 'HOSTEL'--for the FIRST-time EVER.  ... THAT-combo "TRIGGERED" my CREATIVITY.  
Ergo, ...

'Love & Marriage'
(by Frank Sinatra)
(... THEME-song to 'Married with Children')

"Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You can't have one without the other
Love and marriage, love and marriage
It's an institute you can't disparage
Ask the local gentry
And they will say it's elementary
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one, you can't have none
You can't have one without the other
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one (you can't have none)
You can't have one without the other"
(A.J.'s revision, entitled, 
'Nerves & Focus':)

"Nerves & focus, NERVES & FOCUS
... Band-TOGETHER for some 'Hocus-POCUS'.
THIS I care-to SHARE.
The two form QUITE the 'healing-PAIR'!
Nerves & focus, nerves & FOCUS
Be careful.  The two are sure-to 'SMOKE US'!
ASK Karate-'STOO-dents'.
Try, try, TRY-to move with-OUT 'EM.
It IS point-LESS.
'Uh-PLYING' these make 'WAH-KING' COME-
To THANK these TWO:
Nerves & focus, nerves & FOCUS 
... Band-TOGETHER for some 'Hocus-POCUS'.
IF 'Trial 1' fails, keep-GOING.
... 'Keep my head UP', & KEEP-GOING.     
Try, try, TRY-to move with-OUT 'EM.
(Ha ha HA!) 'HIH-LAHR-EE-IS'!
Try, try, TRY-to BOTH o' 'EM.
Nerves & focus, nerves & FOCUS 
... Band-TOGETHER for some 'Hocus-POCUS'.
IF 'Trial 1' fails, (That's a BIG 'IF'!)
IF 'Trial 1' fails, ... GOTTA keep-GOING!"
(... "You've GOTTA RISK IT ... to get the BISCUIT.")

... On THAT-note, I SHOULD/WILL do some READING/STUDYING ... of ''Capítulo tres'' ... of my 'Accounting & Finance'-book.

... "Difficult" does-NOT mean "IMPOSSIBLE".  ... It simply-IMPLIES "NECESSARY HARDER work".

... I'm too "POSITIVE" to be doubtful, ... too OPTIMISTIC to be fearful ... & too DETERMINED, RELENTLESS & STUBBORN to be defeated.

-- "MUTANT ... & PROUD!"
((--YOUNG Professor X (ME)*, 'X-Men: Origins'))
... When "performing MATHEMATICAL-calculations, I can essentially-/METAPHORICALLY "move FIGURES" with my POWERFUL-mind.

-- I JUST-read & highlighted the chapter (3) for 'ACCOUNTING' ... like the NERD I AM. 

* = I am TRYING-to BE the REAL-life "Charles Xavier"--I HAVE the REMARKABLE-INTELLIGENCE & the WALKING-handicap.  I'm CURRENTLY WORKING-on the "TELEKINESIS".  ... I WAS "Professor X" this past-/last-Halloween, & I WON a Costume-Contest!  ... 'Twas APPROPRIATE.


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