Friday, May 27, 2016


... "NEW-'shit' has 'come to LIGHT'."
(--Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')

... I'm RE-"feelin' the PRESSURE" of 'producing academic-EXCELLENCE'".  ... It TURNS-out that my CURRENT "grad school"-class WILL-affect my "cumulative GPA".  ... Last night, I emailed my school-advisor a REQUEST to get BOTH my "cumulative-GPA" AND my "GPA ... SINCE my RE-enrollment".  

... I wanna COMPARE my "academic-PRESENCE" ... PRE-injurIES ... to POST-injurIES ... QUANTITATIVELY.

... NOW--PRE-accident, 'tis a '3.82'.  An 'A-' is a '3.7.  In ORDER-to NOT-LOWER that, I'll NEED ... THREE ... '95's ... & a '96' on "QUIZ"zes in the next five weeks ... NOT-JUST the '90's I've been earning.*  

... Since there are 20-questions per "Quiz", it's mathematically-IMPOSSIBLE  to earn a '96', I'll HAFTA score a '95' on at-LEAST FOUR of my SIX remaining-"QUIZ"zes (4/6 = ~0.67%) ... & '90's on the other two "QUIZ"zes. 
OR, IF I score a '100' on ANY "Quiz", then THAT would "offset" a '90' to AVERAGE-out to a NEEDED-'95'.
((... I wipe the SWEAT from my brow.)  ... It's DO-able/POSSIBLE.))   

... As PREP for my STUDIES & as a SYMBOL for TODAY's LACK-of ACTIVITY, I'm THINKIN'-of UNDERTAKING a "LIQUID-cleanse ... with ALCOHOL".**

-- What an INSPIRING & WELL-TIMED film ... I watched this morning!
... "You want BIG-rewards?  You've gotta-TAKE BIG-risks."
... "ALLOW yourself to be GREAT."
(--'Summer Catch')

...  I "TOOK a BIG-risk" by "'operating' my-OWN TUTORING-service" last year.  WHY/HOW was THAT "CHANCY"/"POTENTIALLY-HARMful"?!
... I COULD/MIGHT have been MIS-leading in MY "FACT-determinizing".  ... HOWEVER, ... 'twas "MATHEMATICAL-QUANTIFICATION".  Let's be SERIOUS: ... THAT's EXACTLY-"MY-bag"!

...TWICE a WEEK I "take (SOMEWHAT-of) a RISK" by "venturing-OUT" to my (PREVIOUS) "JOB" as a "Martial Arts"-INSTRUCTOR.  ... My "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR" emailed me ... THIS AFTERNOON ... to inform me that one of "HIS sons"/"MY 'Sempai's" WILL-be in/at class ... 'mañana por la mañana'.  (... He's part-Spanish.)  ... So, he REQUESTED that I "CREATE a jujitsu-/wrestling-technique for him & me to CO-teach.  ... So, I "paged-/penned-thru my 'FILES'" & picked-out ... SIX GOOD-ones to demonstrate &/or review.

-- 'Twas KIND-of an UN-eventful day ... TODAY ... on my SCHEDULE.  ... But, THAT does-NOT imply "RELAXING"!
... According-to my "Schedule", I'm ONLY "OBLIGATED" to my 'NeuroFit-360'-trip.
I've STILL GOTTA-study! 

... Directly-AFTER my WORKOUT, I "DOVE-into" my 'FINANCE/ACCOUNTING'-notes ... as my EVENING-Nurse "fed me".

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh) I found some GOOD-techniques, & I did some AB-exercises.  So, RATHER-than watch more TELEVISION, I watched some 'Whose Line is it Anyway' (HILARIOUS Improv-show), & I was-INSPIRED to write a "Hoe-Down":

"A LONG, long time ago, ... back when I could WALK,
I WUZ rather-BADASS.  I WUZ-kinda 'da SHIT.
NOW countless-people DISAPPOINT me,
'Cuz they 'hear' my 'SILENT-voice', they MISTAKE-me for a 'dim-WIT'."
(... "MISS-take me for a dim-WIIITTT!")

... And, AGAIN:

"I'm really-SMART & rather-CREATIVE.
I'm kinda-tough to BORE.
RATHER-than 'twiddle my THUMBS',
I devise math-problems, jujitsu-techniques & MORE!"
(... "Jujitsu-techniques & MOOORE!")

= DESPITE my having a "Traumatic Brain-Injury" ... for the last ... ~7.92 YEARS, I STILL have-NOT "accepted" that MY "academic-PROWESS" has-been SIGNIFICANTLY-"DETERIORATED".  ... SADLY, I will-NOT ... REPEAT my high school cumulative-GPA of 4.7613.      

** = SADLY, ... per my MAIN-Nurse's ORDERS, I shaN'T "imbibe 'TASTY-beverages' ... LOADED with ETHYL-alcohol.   
(... SHUCKS!)


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