Monday, May 2, 2016

"It was the BEST of times. It was the WORST of times."

... "... It was the age of WISDOM.  It was the age of FOOLISHNESS.  It was the epoch of BELIEF.  It was the epoch of INCREDULITY ..."
(--Charles Dickens, 'A Tale of Two Cities')

... The FACT that I QUOTED Mr. Dickens in my high school VALEDICTORY--nearly 13 YEARS ago--"illustrates" two MAJOR-/GLARING-issues:
1) Even THEN, I WAS--& still AM--an INSIGHTFUL yet POIGNANT "'voice' of REASON".
2) I've ALWAYS-"led ... a very 'ROLLERCOASTER-life'" of ''UPs n' DOWNs''.

... The aforementioned-quote EPITOMIZES MY-life NOW MORE-than EVER

-- I DID RE-read my transcript & Class-schedule for my PENDING RE-"Start" of my Master's-education at the "Huizenga College of Business/Entrepreneurship" on 

MAY 10th.

... THUS, since my class STARTS at 6:00 pm EST, & I'll GO-by the ~6:00 am of my BEGINNING this blog-POST, THAT's in ... ~204 HOURS.
(... 8.5 DAYS times 24 HOURS = ... 204 hours)
((... How I--MENTALLY--"break it DOWN": 
8 x 20 + (8 x 4) + (0.5 x 24) = ?))  
... My ONE--CURRENT--class will be 
"Accounting and Finance Foundations".
--> The "Course-TITLE" "draws-OUT" GREAT-feelings of AMBIVALENCE: 
On ONE-hand, I'm rather-EAGER/-EXCITED, 'cuz "ACCOUNTING" means there'll be ALOTTA MATH.
(... The word has "COUNTING" IN it!)
On the OTHER, I'm HESITANT/WORRISOME, 'cuz I  received/earned an 'A-' ('A "MINUS"') in "INTRODUCTORY-Accounting" in the "Fall 2007"-term.
(... So, 'twas SLIGHTLY-BELOW MY HIGH-Standards of EXCELLENCE*.  ... My FINAL cumulative-GPA--for my time in/at the ESTEEMED/HIGHLY-regarded 
"St. Thomas Aquinas HIGH SCHOOL" was ... 4.7613.)
(... HOW/WHY do I remember THAT?!  
(... I was/AM SUCH a ... NERD!)**
... ALSO, I CHANGED my MAJOR: I'd ORIGINALLY-selected "Entrepreneurship"--in 2007--as my MAJOR.  I RECENTLY-altered my "SPECIFIC-topic of STUDY" to--the MORE-"SELF-applicable"--"MANAGEMENT".
-- I had ANOTHER "SOLID"-workout at 'NeuroFit 360'.  
(... I did a FAIR-amount of "WALKING", some "LEG-dip VARIATIONS & ALOTTA stretching.  ... PLUS, I met a nice, NEW trainer.)

-- I am certainly-NOT "ANTI-social"!  ... But, in lieu of my--TEMPORARY--STRUGGLES to COGENTLY-speak AND/OR "play-SPORTS", I've become EERILY dependent-upon my LAPTOP & TELEVISION to keep me BUSY.... PLUS, I LIKE-to ADD some-kind/-form of calisthenic-EXERCISE "into the mix"/SIMULTANEOUSLY.(... I.e. I JUST-did ~11 minutes of REVERSE-crunches, WHILE I watched 'Transporter 3'.)(... RATHER-than COUNTING my situps, I just "CRUNCH", 'til I get-TIRED.)
(... I'd "LOSE-count".  ... PRE-accident, I had a DAILY exercise-routine EVERY-morning ... in ADDITION-to my "Martial Arts"-activities.)
(... 2 TWO-hour evenings + 1 TWO-hour morning + 1 ONE-hour afternoon at/of Karate-/Jiujitsu-WORKOUTS)

-- EVERY-day I MUST/HAFTA "HIGHLIGHT"*** the GOOD ... as-WELL-as the BAD aspects of MY-day ... to "ILLUSTRATE" just-how SPECTACULAR at "'HURDLE'-jumping"/"OBSTACLE-clearing" ... I am.

... By describing the "DEPTHS of my 'moral-TROUGHS'", it BETTER-"paints pictureS" of just how-SIGNIFICANT my timely-"CRESTS"/-IMPROVEMENTS are. 

-- I've DECIDED that I REALLY-ENJOY this WRITING/TYPING/BLOGGING!  I've ALWAYS-been MORE-numerical THAN -linguistic.  YET, I DO-"RELISH" my "Rehab-REPORTING"!  ... I feel I kinda-HAFTA "ADD some HUMOR" INTO "the MIX".  ... So, I'm "TESTING my CREATIVITY".  ... PLUS, my SELF-imposed "NIGHTLY-requirement" ... FORCES me to "WORK" in a TIMELY-manner.

* = Would y'ALL BELIEVE that--I'm almost-CERTAIN--I did-NOT earn anything LESS-than an 'A'--for an academic-"marking-period"--until sophomore-year ... of COLLEGE ... at/in an "Ivy League"-university?!
(... SOCIAL-atmosphere of "Greek-"/FRATERNITY-life + EXCESS-alcohol + assorted/random TOMFOOLERY/SHENANIGANS = CONSTANT-"distractions")

(... Telegram JUST-in: "'A.J. Kaynatma' IS, in-FACT, human ... more or less.")

** = IsN'T the "QUANTITATIVE-functioning/-computing SECTION" of the brain located in the LEFT-hemisphere ... the neural-side I DID hit/INJURE/DAMAGE in my accident?!

*** = As an OPTIMIST, I "see" the word--"highlight"--as "bringing 'LIGHT' to the 'HIGH'-points" of a story".


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