Monday, May 9, 2016

I have SO-LITTLE to-DO ... in SO-MUCH time!

... FINALLY/THANKFULLY, "SCRATCH"-that.  Interpret the OPPOSITE-of that!

... Aside-from my NUMEROUS-/CONSTANT-activities/-exercises of REHAB, I HAFTA-prep for my RETURN-to GRAD-school.  

-- I watched 'City Slickers II'--AGAIN--this morning, ... 'cuz ... AS I "channel-SURFED", I heard a line that went (SUMMARIZED:), "NOT ALL-pain is 'PHYSICAL'.  Just 'cuz the x-rays doN'T DETECT it, doesN'T mean it's not THERE."

... Since THAT's the ... CURRENT ... "story of my LIFE", I was INTRIGUED.  
... PLUS, I haveN'T watched the CLASSICALLY-COMEDIC movie in ~12 years.  So, 'twas NICE!

... "Let's FACE it: [I'm] a LAMB-CHOP short of a 'MIXED-GRILL'.

(--Glen, ''City Slickers II: Legend of Curly's Gold'')

... I am WONDERING WHO would do THIS:

IF I got BIT by a rattle snake while squattin' to "pinch a LOAF", I'd SOBBINGLY-exclaim, "WOW!  YOU were REALLY-'going to DO it'!  YOU were gonna SUCK-on MY-ASS!" 
(--Phil--to Mitch, ''City Slickers II: Legend of Curly's Gold'')

-- LATE last night, I TRIED-completing the "Transaction-effects" by "BALANCING the 'ACCOUNTING-Equation'" in an Example:

With the Professor's GUIDANCE, I HAD-to MAKE

"Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity"

(... HHHMMM, $93,000 = $82,000 + $11,000).


... I went-TO Nova Southeastern University TODAY to SIGN-over PERMISSION to the school to INFORM my housemate --in ADDITION-to my mom & MYSELF--of ANY/ALL notifications regarding my CLASS, "DISABLED-PRIVILEGES", FINANCES, etc., BEFORE I RE-start my MBA ... 'man(tilde)'.

... I've been "playing 'Email-TAG'" with a couple School-Administrators ... regarding my "notetaker", so I'm BETTER-prepared ... as a STUDENT ... 'por la ESCUELA'.  
... My MAIN-message INCLUDED this remark ... from ME:
"... I AM very-CONCERNED about my "NOTE-TAKER", as I am NOT afraid/embarrassed to ADMIT that 
... MOST-areas of MY-MEMORY 

-- I filled-out my "BI-weekly"* PAYROLL, making-SURE to utilize/incorporate my "little-TRICKS" for "quickER 'MENTAL MATH'"/time-EFFICIENCY.
(E.g. I KNOW I have ... 1, 2, 3, ... SEVEN "employEES" ... including FOUR "24-7" Caregivers.  I KNOW there are 168 HOURS in a WEEK.  Thus, I near-INSTANTLY sum the FOUR hourly-TIMES for a 42.0-AVERAGE.  ... I "COPY & PASTE" the NAMES of SAID "workers" as a LIST for the NEW-"payroll".)

-- I HAD-to COORDINATE my "FEEDING-times" WITH my Schedule-for WHEN I'd be HOME ... as OPPOSED-to WHEN I'd be OUT.

-- I went-out to my PODIATRIST for my scheduled CHECK-UP on my "deteriorating"-toenails**.  While in the "WAITING-Room", I--PERIODICALLY--SHUT my eyes, 'cuz MANY people were--strangely--being VERY RUDE and/or LOUD.  (... Yes, I REALIZE that CLOSING my EYES does-NOT affect my--already-SPECTACULAR-HEARING.  But, I was TRYING-to convey/imply my FRUSTRATION & ANTIPATHY.)
... SOMETIMES, "the TRUTH 'hurts'".

-- In yet ANOTHER "VERY-ENCOURAGING" workout at 'NeuroFit 360', I "STOOD" with a CANE--as SUPPORT, as I "weight-SHIFTED" & SIDE-stepped. 

* = Every-OTHER week

** = In high school, I BUSTED-up my LEFT-foot while loosening-up/"foolin' around" before a WRESTLING match.  ... At 'FINR', workers would FREQUENTLY step-ON my RIGHT-toes. 


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