Sunday, May 1, 2016

'Tis the "PRETTY, little month of MAY!


(by ME)
"Busted LEGS, balance GONE,
Leg-nerves damaged, no-longer 'ON'.
Goals all-ALTERED; balance-ASKEW,
I STRUGGLE-to 'see' all points-of-VIEW.
DE-creased-STRENGTH, lofty-DREAMS,
Gotta-LOOK 'between the SEAMS'.
DESPITE the odds, I WILL 'preVAIL'.
I shall-NOT 'fall-HARD', UN-like HAIL.
Shortened-strides, ... ''DOUBT's'' the CAUSE,
Affects my gait & makes me PAUSE.
Busted LEGS, FULL-of self-DOUBT,
'Questioning' WILL-cause me to POUT.
STALLED-goals must-now CHANGE.
... I merely-have LIH-MIH-TED 'RANGE'."

-- WOW!  ... "NOICE!"

... I ended-up sleeping VERY WELL ... & RELATIVELY-"LATE" (~7:25 am EST).  ... I'm GUESSING 'tis because I watched 'Saturday Night Live'--AGAIN--last night.
... As a result, I had--ALREADY--"WALKED"*

-- "GOOD-things come to those who WAIT."
But, BETTER-things come to those who WORK for 'em.
(... I've "LABORED" ... INTENSELY ... for ... 2,856 CONSECUTIVE days--EXCLUDING COMATOSE-days.
... Sooo, RELATIVELY, I GUESS I HAVE-developed SOME-patience.) 

-- When plans CHANGE, you HAFTA-ADAPT.

... NUMEROUS times YESTERDAY--EITHER from POOR-planning OR just MIS-communication, I CONFUSED the TIMES and/or LOCATIONS of various ACTIVITIES.  ... SAID "Event-MISunderstandings" were PROBABLY due-to the IMPLIED-"CHAOS" of a WEDDING.
(... ''C'est la vie.''  ... ALL turned-out--in the END ... VERY-WELL!)     

"In the END, people will 'JUDGE-you' anyway.  So, doN'T live your life IMPRESSING OTHERS.  ... Live your life IMPRESSING YOURSELF."
(--Eunice Camacho Infante)

... "NO-ONE is 'PERFECT'.  We-ALL make MISTAKES.  ... Despite our FAILINGS, we-ALL deserve RESPECT.  ... DoN'T let ANYONE 'put you DOWN'."
(--'Simple Reminders')

-- I RE-watched the CLASSICALLY-AWESOME film, 'High Fidelity' this morning.
________________________________________________... 'Bust a Move'
(by Young MC)

"This here's a tale for all the fellas
Tryin' to do what those ladies tell us
Get shot down cause ya over-zealous
Play hard to get females get jealous
Okay smarty go to a party
Girls are scantily clad and showin' body
A chick walks by you wish you could sex her
But you're standing on the wall like you was Poindexter
Next days function high class luncheon
Food is served and you're stone-cold munchin'
Music comes on people start to dance
But then you ate so much you nearly split your pants
A girl starts walking guys start gawking
Sits down next to you and starts talking
Says she wants to dance cause she likes to groove
So come on fatso and just bust a move
Just bust a move  
You're on a mission and your wishin'
Someone could cure your lonely condition
Lookin' for love in all the wrong places
No fine girls just ugly faces
From frustration first inclination
Is to become a monk and leave the situation
But every dark tunnel has a light of hope
So don't hang yourself, with a celibate rope
Your movie's showin', so you're goin'
Could care less about the five you're blowin'
Theater gets dark just to start the show
Then ya spot a fine woman sittin' in your row      
She's dressed in yellow, she says "Hello,
come sit next to me you fine fellow."
You run over there without a second to lose
And what comes next hey bust a move
You want it, you got it,
You want it, baby you got it (Just bust a move)
You want it, you got it,
You want it, baby you got it
In this city ladies look pretty
Guys tell jokes so they can seem witty
Tell a funny joke just to get some play
Then you try to make a move and she says, "No way"
Girls are fakin' goodness sakin'
They want the man who brings home the bacon  
Got no money and you got no car
Then you got no women and there you are
Some girls are sadistic, materialistic
Lookin' for a man makes them opportunistic
They're lyin' on a beach perpetrating a tan
So a brother with the money can be their man
So on the beach you're strollin' real high rollin'
Everything you have is yours and not stolen
A girl runs up with somethin' to prove
So don't just stand there bust a move
If you want it, you got it
You want it, baby you got it (Just bust a move)
You want it, you got it,
You want it, baby you got it (Break it down for me fellas)
Your best friend Harry has a brother Larry
In five days from now he's gonna marry
He's hopin' you can make it there if you can
'Cause in the ceremony you'll be the best man
You say neat-o, check your libido
And roll to the church in your new tuxedo
The bride walks down just to start the wedding
And there's one more girl you won't be getting
So you start thinkin' then you start blinking
The bridesmaid looks and thinks that you're winking
She thinks your kinda cute so she winks back
And now your feelin' really firm 'cause the girl is stacked
Reception's jumpin' bass is pumpin'
You look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin'
Says she wants to dance to a different groove
Now you know what to do G bust a move
If you want it, you got it
You want it, baby you got it (Just bust a move)
You want it, you got it,
You want it, baby you got it (Break it down for me fellas)"
... (MY-version/-edition/-revision, entitled
'Gimme Strength':

"This here's a tale for ALL my LEG-NERVES,
Takin' 'trials' 'OFF', so I 'WALK' with SWERVES.
I wanna 'WALK', & show-off my CURVES, 
But NOT-'strut WILDLY' ... to seem all 'topsy-TURVES'.
Okay, JEEN-YESS, I've gotta LEAN LESS!
... Ev'ry time I 'walk', it's a 'Balance-TEST'.
I'll be watchin' WRESTLING, & I see a good ROLL,
While I wonder how-LONG I've gotta 'pay this TOLL'.
I'd LIKE-to TALK-about my constant-need to WALK.
When I do, it'll be important to not-MOCK.
Needless to say, I DO have a 'Beautiful MIND'.
'Tis a BUMMER that I caN'T YET 'WALK'-away to 'un-WIND'.
My MIRACULOUS-feats cause lotsa TALKING.
... I 'shield my ears' to limit the GAWKING.
My STRIDE's improving, as there's increasing-LENGTH.
... So, come-on, LEG-nerves, & gimme some STRENGTH.
... Just gimme STRENGTH!     
I'm on a 'MISSION', ... convertin' WISHIN' 
Regarding my spare-time, there's too-MANY SPACES.
Regardless-of the SITUATION.
Throughout ALL 'PASSES' & 'FAILS', I've GOTTA-keep HOPE.
I DARE you to quiz me!  ... 'Cuz I'm NOT a DOPE.
Could care-LESS about the DOUBT you're HAVIN'!
I yearn-to feel .... ANYTHIN' in my legs ... like STABBIN'
Y'all SHOULD visit me, so you could enjoy my SHOW!
After I make ... three 'TREKS', please DEMAND one MO'!
When my LEGS FINALLY-'work', I smile, as if to say, 'HELLO'.
There's NO-WAY one COULD characterize me as YELL-OH!
I get NO-'break'!  There's NO-chance to 'SNOOZE'!
... If I SIT & doN'T 'WALK', technically, ... I 'LOSE'.
You WANT strength?  I've GOT IT!
You WANT strength?  Baby, I'll GET IT!  (Just ... gimme STRENGTH!)
You WANT strength?  I'll GET IT!
You WANT strength?  LEGS, you'll GET IT!
From THIS-angle, m' LEGS seem TIRED.
Heaven-FORBID that m' strength has EXPIRED!
I shaN'T LIE: I AM rather-PRETTY.
But, 'tis NOT-'ALL-about m' LOOKS.  I AM quite-WITTY!
It may SEEM-like it's 'ALL-work & NO-'PLAY'.
... But, I NEED GAMES.  So, THAT's just NOT 'my-WAY'!
I aiN'T FAKIN', ... when my LEFT-ARM's SHAKIN'.
... My nerves 'FEEL', as if the whole-world's QUAKIN'.
I've got TONS o' MONEY & a 'SWEET'-VAN!
... But, I've got NO-woman.  ... So, AM I ... a MAN?!** My 'TUDE's OPTIMISTIC ... NOT-MATERIALISTIC.
To REMAIN 'COOL as a cucumber', I need a FAN.
... REGARDLESS!  I'll ALWAYS-be 'da MAN'!
With ALL my possessions. I GUESS I'm ''high-ROLLIN''.
... But, I guar-en-DAM-tee NONE of 'em are STOLEN.
Despite what my doctors CLAIM, I've got 'great mind-STRENGTH'!
... So, LEG-nerves, GIMME some 'STRENGTH'!
You WANT it?  LEG-nerves, I've GOT IT!  (Just SHOW-me STRENGTH!)
You WANT it, I've GOT IT!
You WANT it?!  LEG-nerves, I've GOT IT!  (SHOW me that GREAT STRENGTH, leg-NERVES!)
My HURT-side, LEFTY, has a GOOD-side, RIGHTY.
With the EXTRA-'work', it's gotten pretty ''high n' MIGHTY''.
I'm KNOWIN' I'll WALK some-DAY!
... In the meantime, I'll FOCUS-on more 'WORK' & less 'PLAY'.
... I may SEEM 'ODD'.  ... But, 'just SMILE & NOD'.
... I'm just TRYIN'-to RE-gain my 'KILLUH-BOD'!
I MUST-'WALK' to my toilet ... to go-PEE.
... Said-'TREK' EACH-morning 'FILLS me with EHK-stah-SEE'!
... I started THINKIN'-about my-vision & got-to BLINKIN'.
... However, WHOM would I be WINKIN' AT?!
... ALAS!  I'm JUST-'signaling' that I've computed another STAT!
... Nonetheless, bet-ON MY 'TRIUMPH', ... & go 'ALL-IN'!
The ''KEY''s in my MIND that my stride NEEDS LENGTH!
... But, 'tis my body ... ALL-OVER ... that NEEDS more-STRENGTH! 


You WANT strength?  I've GOT IT!
You WANT STRENGTH?!  LEG-nerves, I've GOT it!  (SHOW me ALOTTA leg-STRENGTH!)"

-- I USED-to feel "VERY SHITTY" about my LIFE-status.  ... I'd make DRASTIC-, VIOLENT-threats of SUICIDE.
(... But, they were MERELY FALSE-threats ... of DESPERATION!)
... "'SUICIDE' does-NOT ... END the chances of LIFE's getting-WORSE.  'SUICIDE' ELIMINATES the POSSIBILITY of IT's ever getting-BETTER."
(--International Bipolar Foundation)

... My ALTERNATE-personality 
"would make OUTRAGEOUS-claims like he INVENTED the QUESTION-mark".
(--Dr. Evil, 'Austin Powers')
... HOWEVER, I am having my DOUBTS.
(... HHHMMM)

-- Visiting-friend--to ME: 
"I look at you, & I see TWO men: the man you ARE ... &
the man you OUGHT-to be.  ... SOME-day they'll 'MEET'.  ... Should-be a HELLUVA ['STAND-up dude]."
(--Coach McGinty, 'The Replacements')
ME--to HER: "Was that 'STAND'ing-pun DELIBERATE?!  ... Clever!"

* = My SUNDAY-Caregiver--in PARTICULAR--does a COMMENDABLE/ADMIRABLE "job" of NOT-even TOUCHING-me during my "TREKS".  ... I do EVERYTHING!

** = SELF-criticism CAN-be HILARIOUS ... "from the RIGHT-light"!


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