Wednesday, May 18, 2016

ALAS! I DO it, 'cuz I HAFTA.

I NEEDED a GOOD-class to RENEW my FAITH (in the educational-system) & BOOST my SELF-confidence.
(... Well, "ASK & you SHALL-RECEIVE.")
1) The professor gave EVERYONE an EXTRA-attempt at/on the FIRST-quiz.
2) The gentleman seated to my extreme-LEFT--in CLASS--was VERY-courteous & -helpful.

3) I "settled-IN" with my laptop & ACTUALLY-typed some GOOD-notes ... for SOME of the professor's "announcements".

-- I AWOKE... a LITTLE lateR--for ME--for a "WALK" to my toilet to "STAND" & urinate.
... (WARNING) DESPITE my REALLY-having "to-GO", I had the CONFIDENCE & "CONTROL" to--CHOOSE-to--"AMBULATE" 'a mi banyo' ... for a 21-second "TINKLE" ... of "STANDARD yellowISH-clear hue".
(... WHEW!  'Tis HEALTHY.)
... DURING my return-"TREK"--APPROXIMATELY 6.67% (~1/16th) of the way-THROGH, I CHOSE-to "do an 'ABOUT-FACE'", & "WALK"-to my MANUAL-wheelchair for my FIRST-"breakfast". 
... THEN!  I DECIDED-to "WALK"-to my BED for MY "Morning-ROUTINE" ... of ALOTTA "AB-/CONDITIONING-exercises".

-- I've GOTTA-study ALL-day TODAY, ... 'cuz my TEACHER was NICE-enough to "give me a few 'ALLOWANCES' ... ONLY-for MY "HANDICAP".
... PLUS, my housemate said he'd HELP ... "PAGE-thru my book" & what-not.
(... YAY!)

... As of 10:48 am EST, I was "knee-DEEP" in class-NOTES.

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) THEN, my MOM LOUDLY-arrived to BOTHER me before HER workout.

-- "I know people who feel they've 'WASTED YEARS of their lives' because of POOR-choices.  ... They spent YEARS in a relationship that was 'TOXIC', YEARS with an ADDICTION, YEARS at a job where they wereN'T FULFILLED.  ... But, you have-to REALIZE ... NOTHING you DO is ever-'WASTED'.  ... Your PAST-experiences--GOOD AND BAD--have 'DEPOSITED-something on the INSIDE of you'.  ... THOSE-challenges have 'SHARPENED you' to help make you WHO you are TODAY."
(--Peter Nielsen)


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