Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I AM (a DIFFERENT-type of ...) "'PHENOMENON'".

... NOT-to BRAG, ... but I kinda-AM.
(... ''C'est la vie.''  ... I've LONG-been kinda USED-to "HUMBLY-deflecting COMPLIMENTS".  But, I MISS HAVING-to DO that.  ... I MISS/NEED praise.  ... So, I TEND-to OVER-compensate by--NOT "showing-OFF"--just REALLY-TRYING in/for EVERYTHING I do.) 

'Tis MOST-evident on TUESDAYS:
--> TYPICALLY*, every-OTHER Tuesday, I go-see my "NeuralPsychoTherapist".  I LOVE these "MEETINGS", 'cuz I get to DISPLAY/DEMONSTRATE some of my PROGRESS, "VENT" some of my "ISSUES", get an "OUTSIDER"'s OPINION of some of my DECISIONS .... & "SHOW-OFF" some of my "WALKING-'PROGRESS'"!

--> After a brief "PEP-talk" with my housemate ... AND "my CONSCIENCE"--SEPARATELY, I RETURNED-to my MBA-class TONIGHT ... for an AMAZING-/AWESOME-class!**
--> My LEFT-arm's "RANGE-of-MOTION" is painLESSLY-increasing/-widening.

* = There's been a TEMPORARY SLIGHT-alteration in/to my "APPOINTMENT"-dates, ... in lieu of my VOLUNTEERING-for FURTHER-/REPEATED PSYCH-testing. 

** = In lieu of my LATE return-HOME from my NIGHT-class, I'm EXHAUSTED.  ... Ergo, I'll describe it MORE tomorrow,

(... I MEANT-to post this LATE last night.)

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