Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"May 'the FORCE' be with you" ALL.

... (--'Star Wars')

-- "To EACH his OWN."
... I am finding--more & MORE--that "SLEEP" is becoming MORE-of a "LUXURY" for me ... & LESS-of "REQUIREMENT".(... TRANSLATION: I'm "staying-UP" LATER at night & "waking-UP" EARLIER in the morning.  Yet, I'm actually feeling MORE-ENERGETIC & DETERMINED.)
((... E.g.* (WARNING) At ~5:40 this MORNING, I "UNLEASHED my 'Fecal-FURY'" upon ... the world.  ... Then, I--AGAIN--"let-LOOSE a FECAL-SURPRISE" at ~6:30 am ... EST.))
((WARNING)  ... JEEZ!  TWO-DISTINCT bowel-movements in ... ~3,000 seconds?!  ... Maybe there's "SOMETHING in the WATER".))

... (PAUSE ... for DRAMATIC-effect.)

(... WAIT!  I doN'T DRINK ... the water.  

-- In HONOR of TODAY, I thought I SHOULD "devise" some 'Star Wars'-poetry ... pertaining-to ... ME:

'My Leg-Strength WILL Return'
(by Altan Javit Kaynatma)

"POW-er once THERE, but NOW it's GONE.
I YEARN-to JUMP & RUN in the LAWN.
I'll again have DEEP-stances, of-COURSE.
My thighs are like tree-trunks--quite 'the FORCE'.
Their power WILL-return, ... just like the 'Jed-I'.... Just keep 'faith' & 'optimism' HIGH.
So, what's MORE-intriguing--the 'JOURNEY' ... or the 'DESTINATION'?
If I could-only BOTTLE my-'DRIVE' ... as a MEDICATION,
... I'd be 'filthy-rich' ... but not 'MONETARI-LEE'!
... I 'value'-LESS 'financial-success' than 'social-GLEE'.
With-OUT LEG-strength, I depend on my ARMS.
... I seek NERVE-action, like when my left-leg WARMS.
... No, ya weirdos!  I don't mean PISS!
I'm referring-TO yet-another 'medical-MISS'!"

(by ME)

"Busted LEGS, balance GONE,
Leg-nerves damaged, no-longer 'ON'.
Goals all-ALTERED; balance-ASKEW,
I STRUGGLE-to 'see' all points-of-VIEW.
DE-creased-STRENGTH, lofty-DREAMS,
Gotta-LOOK 'between the SEAMS'.
DESPITE the odds, I WILL 'preVAIL'.
I shall-NOT 'fall-HARD', UN-like HAIL.
Shortened-strides, ... ''DOUBT's'' the CAUSE,
Affects my gait & makes me PAUSE.
Busted LEGS, FULL-of self-DOUBT,
'Questioning' WILL-cause me to POUT.
STALLED-goals must-now CHANGE.
... I merely-have LIH-MIH-TED 'RANGE'."

-- "'WISDOM' & 'INTELLIGENCE' are RARELY-'found' in the SAME-'location'."(--'NUMB3RS')... But, it DOES--RARELY--happen.  
(... See "Altan Javit Kaynatma"/ME.)

-- "If you BELIEVE-in Odin & Thor, people 'LAUGH-themselves-to-DEATH'!  ... While it's OKAY to BELIEVE-in a man who 'turned WATER into WINE' & 'WALKED on WATER'."

(--Mads Mikkelsen, 'The Mead Hall')
(... "To EACH his-OWN."  PERSONALLY, I "BELIEVE-in" "SCIENCE" MORE-than "RELIGION".  ... "DOCUMENTED-Analyses of Experimental-Results" ... "serve-as" a veritable-"FOUNDATION" of/for EVIDENCE of a STRONG "BELIEF-system".)
(... Nooo, SAID-"documents" do-NOT include "the Bible".)   

-- "SEE me."
"SEE me."
"DoN'T STARE at me."
"SEE me."
"See me" ... "to KNOW that [a 'Traumatic Brain-Injury'] is just something I HAVE" ... "& NOT-contagious."  
... "See me to KNOW that I woN'T STOP," ... "until I FIND what WORKS."  
"See me."  ... 
"See me."  ... 
"See me"  ... "ON MY WAY."  
(... AGAINST Psoriasis) 

-- My mom & her trainer were laughing-about the movie 'Sling Blade', ... when I decided-to QUOTE the film:
"Would you-ALL 'shut-the-FUCK-up', before I go-INSANE?!
(--Doyle, 'Sling Blade')
(... Then, ... I LAUGHED!)
... My mom AGREED-with me that ... ONE of my--MANY--"jobs" is to "MANAGE my BLOG".

-- WHY am I in a (SLIGHTLY-) BETTER mood TODAY than MOST-days?!
Well, there are/were two MAJOR-reasons for my INCREASED-HAPPINESS:
1) I BEAT my mom in cribbage--as USUAL--this afternoon.
(... 'Twas COOL, because she DID make the game INTERESTING by DIMINISHING a ... 31-point DEFICIT to JUST 3 ... before LOSING by 9.)
2) (WARNING) SHORTLY-after my WIN, I "dropped a [SEMI-SOLID] DEUCE ... for my FIRST "NON-liquid" "FECAL-transfer" in ~75.17 hours.  
(... YAY ... to MY-body for FINALLY SEMI-PROPERLY-converting my LIQUID-"feedings" into "semi-SOLID 'WASTE'"!)

-- SURROUND-yourself ... with GOOD-/POSITIVE-peopl!
... "'TEAM-work' makes the DREAM work."
(--Muhammad Ali)

-- HAPPY 'Star Wars'-Day!

"DREAM-about your IDEAL-life.  FOCUS-on it, until you know-EXACTLY what it 'LOOKS-like'.  ... Then, wake-UP & do at-LEAST one thing EVERY-day to make it a REALITY."
(--'POSITIVE People')

* = I am SO THANKFUL that I--only RECENTLY--researched the DIFFERENCE in sage between "i.e." & "e.g."  ... Also, I HAFTA AGAIN-thank MY-brilliance for "CREATING" MY "MEMORY-toolS" of ... "'I.e. --> 'Individual example'" & 
"E.g. --> Excessive gratuity".


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