Thursday, May 19, 2016

I needED a HERO.

... So, I BECAME one. 
... I know ALL I've ACCOMPLISHED.  ... I TRY-to be-HUMBLE.  BUT, ... I'm NOT-gonna LIE--It's a-LOT!  ... So, I HOPE-that MY "laundry-list" of FANTASTIC-feats & AMAZING-accolades is INSPIRING ... to y'ALL! 

-- "ALL-'work' ... & NO 'play' make [A.J.] a DULL-[man]."... 
--'The Shining'

... On ONE-side, I'm thinkin': The word "WORK" implies that I HAFTA-do it, so there SHOULD-be MINIMAL-ENJOYMENT.  CONTRASTLY, I LOVE what I DO.  ... I HAFTA-"PLAY" to make my "NON-(MONETARILY-)'PAYING' "job" TOLERABLE!  ... OTHERWISE, I'd "go even-MORE 'NUTZ'"!     

-- UUUGGGHHH!  I awoke at ~5:30 am EST, and I HAD-to urinate ... URGENTLY!  So, I buzzed for my NIGHT-Caregiver, & I signaled that I sought to "'WALK' to my toilet".  QUICKLY, he replied.  
... HOWEVER, he THEN-spent OVER SEVEN & a quarter MINUTES (... Yes, I counted ... OVER 435 SECONDS ... with my bedside-CLOCK.) ... SILENTLY ... JUST-pulling-down my LOUDLY-squeaking toilet-handrails.  So, I VERBALLY-expressed my DIS-pleasure ... SIMPLY-by YELLING, "HUUURRRRRRRYYY!"
(... THIS particular "employEE" has-made an AGGRAVATING-HABIT of "taking his PRECIOUS-time" DESPITE MY-ALARM.  UUUGGGHHH!  ... THAT's ONE of the reasons why I HAD-to FIRE the PREVIOUS Caregiver!) 
TODAY, a NEW (POTENTIAL-) Nighttime-Caregiver "AUDITIONED"/"TRAINED" & followed-along WELL!

-- My "Martial Arts"-dojo really-IS my "SECOND-home".  Even-when I'm JUST-there as a SPECTATOR, my "Professor" is still NICE-/RESPECTFUL-/COURTEOUS-enough to INSTRUCT the "STUDENTS" to "DISPLAY" their MOVES "in FRONT-of"/TO me, ... & LISTEN-to MY analysis/directions/advice.  
... 'Por ejemplo', TONIGHT I gave a "SPARRING"-tip to ONE-student, ... & Professor made-SURE that the WHOLE-class KNEW-of MY-technique, ... 'cuz "It's a GREAT-setup!"
(--Professor Perez) 

-- I had a VERY-ENCOURAGING meeting at my GRAD-school ... WITH some advisors.  ... It went VERY-WELL!
((... HOWEVER, the NEW-Guidance-Counselor was BOTHERING me ... A LOT!  (... AUDIBLE-sigh) ... To be more-POLITE, I didN'T say anything.  But, AFTERWARDS, I told my mom--who AGREED--that SAID "advisor" IS/WAS "VERY-TOUCHY ... on my UPPER-arms".))

-- "The 'SHIT' that makes your HEART beat fastER & your eyes 'GLOW' when you DO-it or 'TALK-about'-it, NO-matter if it's HIKING, YOGA, GARDENING, PAINTING, SEX, MEDITATION, PHOTOGRAPHY, GOING-for 'WALKS', HELPING-OTHERS--DO that.  ... Do it as OFTEN as you CAN, ... 'cuz THAT's what LIFE is about: Creating as-MANY passionate, HAPPY moments as POSSIBLE.  DoN'T let ANYONE STOP-you from DOING the things you LOVE ... NOT-even YOURSELF."
(--'Word porn')

-- "Take it from a guy with 'MORE-than enough', ... it aiN'T EVER-enough."


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