Saturday, May 28, 2016

I'm a POET, ... & I DOOO KNOW-it!

(... For the CONCLUSION of each-song, REPEAT the LAST-line ... with EMPHASIS on the FINAL-word.)
(... THEN, REPEAT the LAST-line ... LONG & LOUD!)

"Twice a week I watch a class for martial ARTS.
The kids-all heed my tips & listen-to what I SAY.
Could it be that they're scared I'll 'kick some ASS'?
Or, is it just-RESPECT, 'cuz I'm a 'SENSEI'?!"

(... "RESPECT for a 'SEN-SAAAY'!")

"Oh, crud!  I've just-realized I'm using the wrong FOR-MAT!
''C'est la vie.''  ... 'Far-ket-mes.'  ... In ENGLISH?!  ... Oh, DRAT!
... I was-just saying that it really doesN'T MATTER.
As long as my brain SOMEWHAT-works, & my hopes doN'T-go 'ah-SPLATTER'!"

(... "DoN'T-go 'ah-SPLAAATTER'!")

"I have so-few things I can 'take PRIDE-IN',
... Since I got my wheelchair to RIDE-IN.
But, I still teach Karate-CLASS.
Man!  Those kids really-make me think-FAST!"

(... "REALLY-make me think-FAST!")

"Karate-class keeps-me INSPIRED.
I'm ADAMANT about teaching, ... even when I am TIRED.
Even-though most of the students I do-NOT KNOW,
They-ALL respect my-knowledge SO!"
(... "RESPECT my-knowledge SOOO!")

-- TODAY/TONIGHT, I WANTED-to "HIGHLIGHT" the OTHER-aspects of MY 'Beautiful Mind'*.  So, I "went ... OUTSIDE 'MY comfort-zone'" & concentrated MORE-on 
"the ART of LANGUAGE" ... as opposed-to my CONSTANT-fascination with NUMBERS.  

* = SLICK-reference to the SPECTACULAR-film ... about a BRAIN-DAMAGED MATH-GENIUS ... who STILL finds-WAYS to "SUCCEED" ... & "ENLIGHTEN".
(... THAT-tale seems EERILY-FAMILIAR.)


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