Monday, January 12, 2015

All I NEEDED was some "R & R"!

("F.Y.I.": "R & R" = "Rest & Relaxation")

So, I took a WEEK-OFF from my (GREAT) LEG-workouts @ "NeuroFit 360".
My back was VERY/REALLY "aggravated" … due to ALOTTA unpleasant TWISTING & TURNING while sleeping the week before.
Thus, I IGNORED the UNDERSTANDABLE--but very CIRCUMSTANTIAL--instructions of STAFF that I'm NOT ALLOWED to bring-in my MOTORIZED wheelchair.
((… LITTLE did I know that THAT (STUPID) stipulation was ONLY CREATED, because staff did NOT want ME--who's VERY ADVANCED, compared to the at least FOUR OTHER patients who use ELECTRIC-chairs--to get LAZY.))

Anyway, I guess I just needed time to "PROCESS & APPLY" the staff's "TIPS & ADVICE" on how to PROPERLY WEIGHT-SHIFT & "WALK".
I EVEN did some FANTASTIC AB-exercises that tested my COORDINATION & CONCENTRATION.
(… Granted, TODAY's WORKOUT was only SLIGHTLY shortened--per my nurse's request--as a PRECAUTION for my PAINFUL back.  But, it turns out … that I produce/perform BETTER during my shortER--FRIDAY--workouts, 'cuz of my ON-again/OFF-again "stamina".)

So, ALL-in-ALL, I was QUITE PLEASED with TODAY'S "output".


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