Monday, January 19, 2015

I have a "THEORY".

Since my LEFT-hip is QUITE tired & KINDA sore, I'm gonna REST it.

(… YES, if you just COPY the link, and PASTE it into the "Search-bar", you'll see the VIDEO.)
(… I tried it--SUCCESSFULLY.)

THUS, I decided to CANCEL/POSTPONE my LEG-workout TODAY 'til my hip's BETTER (… NEXT Monday … or, HOPEFULLY, THIS Wednesday/Friday).
'Tis BETTER/SMARTER to give my (LEFT) hip TIME … to REST & RECUPERATE, than it'd be to "PUSH the STRENGTH-/ENDURANCE-limits" of said MUSCLE.
My mother SUGGESTED that I go get my HIP "checked-out"by a "doctor".  (Again, the "" indicate my UTTER LACK OF respect for MEDICAL "doctors".)
SHE & my (MAIN-)nurse THINK that my HIP-pain MAY have something to do with my PUSH-UPS that I did a few (3)--SEPARATE--days earlIER in the week.
I beg to DIFFER.
(… My FORM/technique is/was quite CORRECT.  After 22+ YEARS of "martial arts"-training, I'm pretty DAMN-SURE that I KNOW HOW to DO a PROPER push-up!)

… My "hypothesES":
1) I TEND to OVER-"work" SOME of my muscles to COMPENSATE for SOME of my (TEMPORARILY) "DEAD" muscle-NERVES.
2) Also, SOME of my muscles are being "RE-born", because they were "DORMANT" for SO LONG.
3) Ergo--Hence--Thus--Therefore--Consequently, SAID "muscles" grew TIRED, weakER & SORE quickly.
4) This NEW fatigue quickly "morphs"/changes into PAIN.
5) I SIGNIFICANTLY DE-crease the ACTIVITY with/on/using SAID muscles for AT LEAST FOUR DAYS (= 96+ HOURS).

Conclusion (THUS FAR):
… At the END of Day-1 (TODAY), my HIP has VERY MUCH started its "PATH to IMPROVED feeling".

(… YES!)
(…BRAVO to MY EXCELLENT implementation/application/understanding of MY OWN biomedical- & physical-/kinetic-KNOWLEDGE!)

(… Granted, this is NO "Einstein's THEORY of RELATIVITY".  It's MAINLY applicable to ME.)

Aren't my legs (specifically: THIGHS) … GORGEOUS?!


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