Friday, January 23, 2015

"Do not 'JUDGE', lest ye be 'JUDGED'."

(--Matthew 7:1, Holy Bible)

If I were a CHILD, I'd TRANSLATE this blog-topic to
"I'm RUBBER, and you're GLUE.
Whatever YOU say bounces off ME and sticks to YOU."


I will NEVER forgive a (RECENTLY) FORMER employee/"caregiver" who "UNLEASHED"/"brought"/"carried" REVOLTING/SICKENING/ANNOYING "bed-bugs" into MY house!
(… WORSE yet, said "DOOFUS" DENIES  said WRONGDOING!!)
(… HHHMMM, I did NOT have "bed-bugs" … EVER!   … I hired said "DIP-SHIT".  … I heard COMPLAINTS from … OTHER "employees" of BUGS & ITCHING.  … This "BOZO" went on vacation.  … DURING this allotted time, there were NO "signs"/indications/COMPLAINTS of ANY irritating-INSECTS.  … Employee-in-QUESTION returns.  … A week later, "bed-bugs" return.
(… Y'all "follow" the CHRONOLOGICAL-notes, analyze 'em & make a CONCLUSION.)

(… "Am I wrong?  AM … I … WRONG?!"--Walter, 'The Big Lebowski')
((… Y'all: "No, (Altan), you're not WRONG!  You're just an … ASSHOLE!"--The Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')
ME: ''C'est la vie.''
(… 'Such is LIFE'  in French)


I had a GREAT "SPEECH therapy"-session
… EXCEPT that my mother FORGOT to buy me (ALOTTA) eggs, so I may EAT--via MOUTH.
Although I was VERY UPSET & DISAPPOINTED ('cuz I--flat-out--ASKED/TOLD her to get me eggs)!
Nonetheless, I played a "STANDUP"-game of Scrabble with my SPEECH-therapist.
(… I ELOQUENTLY/COGENTLY pronounced EACH of the 22 words we "created"/played.)


ASHAMEDLY, I DID "lose control" of my emotions … TWICE today.
-- First, BOTH my caregiver AND my nurse stepped/went out to my pool-area to check the water-temperature (withOUT informing ME).  So, after ringing my bell NINE times and pressing my LOUD buzzer 17 times, my FRUSTRATION & CONCERN "overcame me".  I THREW my (metal) bell ~15 feet onto the FLOOR of my room.
-- Secondly, BOTH my SPEECH-therapist were in--UNBEKNOWNST to ME--(SEPARATE) bathrooms.  My (SPEECH-)therapist & I had JUST finished a "WILD game" of Scrabble, and I could NOT reach the bag of MORE tiles.  Thus, I LOUDLY & IMPATIENTLY yelled-out for  While YELLING, I kinda "SUNK/sat DOWN to POUT".
(… VERY UN-attractive!)

(… AUDIBLE sigh!)
I MUST "live & LEARN"!


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