Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Take a NEW/DIFFERENT "angle"/approach.

"Albert Einstein once said, ''We can't change the WORLD, without FIRST changing our THINKING.''"
(--'The Amazing Spider-Man 2')


"It's not GROOVY to be 'INSANE'."
(--'Inherent Vice')



(I'm RELAXING as I lie in bed.)
"I NEVER 'give-up'!
I'm merely TRANSCENDING the situation."
(--Dr. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')


Seeing as my EXCRUCIATING back-PAIN is LIKELY due to a SIGNIFICANT … MUSCLE-strain, I HAFTA reevaluate WHAT I can do & HOW to do it.

As a "Biomedical Engineering"-graduate from an ESTEEMED "Ivy League" university (Penn) (… NOT Penn STATE), I should have NO PROBLEMS advising ALTERNATIVE-strategies for MOST of my DAILY-activities.


In addition to my SEVERE back-pain yesterday, it turns out that the medical-staff concluded that I "have PNEUMONIA".
(… I COMPLETELY DIS-agree with this VERY IGNORANT conclusion.)
(… Upon my return HOME yesterday, MY nursing-employEE explained to me that the hospital's NEW diagnosis & medicine-prescriptions are "JUST PREVENTATIVES for 'asphyxiation-/aspiration-pneumonia'/)



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