Monday, January 5, 2015

Statistically speaking, "they can't ALL be 'Winners'."

From ~9:00 am to ~5:00 pm (~1/3 of a day) TODAY, I was at the HOSPITAL
(  : (  )
for SEVERE lower back-PAIN!


My "posterior-'TRUNK'" WAS so, so, SSSOOO AGONIZINGLY-painful that I could NOT "WALK" to my toilet to urinate, sit down in EITHER of my wheelchairs or EVEN bend my "TRUNK"!


So, I lied down--on a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE table for TWO X-rays--ONE of my lower back & ONE of my chest/lungs.
(… The DUMBASS-nurse said to me:
"I SWEAR that you (ME) are ONLY written-up for ONE (X-ray)."

Well, after I yelled "IDIOT" and made a "'CRAZY' twirling RIGHT pointer-finger next to my cranium" hand-gesture, my mom sought out the supervisor of said horribly/ridiculously WRONG ("SORRY excuse for a" SO-CALLED) "nurse".
Needless to say, TWO valedictorians (My mom ALSO finished at the "TOP of her high school class".) are WAY SMARTER than "Nurse" ''STU'PIDO''!


UNFORTUNATELY, said FORGETFUL Nurse-"BITCH" was MY "nurse" for my ALLOTTED hospital-visit.
She CONSTANTLY/REPEATEDLY … IGNORED my "BREATHING machine"-alarm, 'cuz she set up my "heart rate"-monitor IN-correctlly.


As a refreshing CONTRADICTION to said "UNDERLING"'s EMBARRASSING "WRONG-ness", the DOCTOR recognized how LONG/MUCH I had "TOLERATED" the "nurse"'s STUPIDITY & RUDENESS and let me leave (RELATIVELY) "EARLY" … after ~SEVEN HOURS there!
(… He actually UNNECESSARILY apologized for her "DUMBASSedry")


It turns out that--according to more RESPECTED members of the hospital-staff--my back-PAIN is JUST a strained/injured muscle and NOT a "pinched NERVE" or "broken BONE"!


ONE of my NEW meds--PLUS my LONG, FRUSTRATING, EXHAUSTING day--instigates/promotes/invokes/causes SLEEP.

P.S. Is it WRONG to state that I HOPE/KNOW that "PITIFUL  EXCUSE for a 'NURSE' gets FIRED for her LACK OF nursing-, medical- AND/OR people-skills?!


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