Thursday, January 22, 2015

"WICKED-SMAHT"(--'Good Will Hunting') guys--such as MYSELF--CAN be "DUPED".

"Easily, you (we) become SO FOCUSED that you (we) lose 'peripheral vision', … and its on the OUTSKIRTS where ulterior-motives lie."
"Geniuses state FACTS.  So, they (we) ASSUME others state facts too."

"He's (POTENTIALLY: "I'm") mentally-ENABLED, and I THINK he (I) might've been taken advantage of BECAUSE of that."

"Not all SMART people are seen so bright, … like when that GENIUS-sized 'chip on your (my) shoulder' clouds your (my) judgment."


(… I TRY to ALWAYS "see the BIG-picture".  I HAFTA "PLAN … AHEAD of time", 'cuz--just about--EVERYTHING takes ME a little longER to accomplish/complete.
((… Yes, I AM slowER--only PHYSICALLY.  MENTALLY actually, I seem to CONSTANTLY "operate"/process/think in "HYPERDRIVE"/"LUDICROUS-speed"(--'Spaceballs').))
(… ALAS, 'tis "a cross I must bear".  ''C'est la vie'' = French for 'Such is life'--for ME)


(1^2 x 3 divided by 4 + 5 - 6 = …
0.5 = 1/2)
(… That ALSO displays the "Order of Operations" of MATH.)


ALSO, "crisp", WELL-constructed/-performed "MARTIAL ARTS"-techniques CALM me.
Ergo, I attended (KIDS') Karate-class today.

… It was QUITE PROMISING/ENCOURAGING to witness MOST of the young 'Karateka' EXCELLING & UNDERSTANDING the general-idea/-principle/-theme of the class's teachings.
(The IMPORTANCE of 'Bushido' = 'the MARTIAL way', discipline  & respect)


"Bears.  Beets.  Battlestar Galactica."
(--Dwight Schrute, 'The Office')

(… Homophone:)

"BEES are my THIRD-favorite flying-creature … behind Mothra & griffins, of course."
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')


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