Sunday, January 18, 2015

My mom--to ME: "What's WRONG?"

ME: "I just wish I KNEW what I'm SUPPOSED TO do."
(--'The Matrix Reloaded')

(… Well, TECHNICALLY, I KNOW that I'm--EVENTUALLY--"SUPPOSED TO" WALK & TALK.  I'm just--STILL--determining the "HOW"!)


"Doing the SAME thing but expecting a DIFFERENT result is the definition of 'INSANITY'."
(--Walter, 'Scorpion' … SEMI-quoting Albert Einstein)

(… Thus, by WAITING for my nerves to RE-generate, ALL the while CONTINUING to PRACTICE my "STEPS" & SPEECH, am I--REPEATEDLY--confirming my OWN "INSANITY"?!)

(… "That's, like, YOUR OPINION, man."
--The Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')


"I made a PROMISE (to MYSELF).  … And, some promises caN'T be UN-made."
(--Link, 'The Matrix Reloaded')

(… I can/will NOT lie … to MYSELF!)


"When (people) say I caN'T do something, … it BOTHERS me … MORE than I REALIZE!"
(--Walter, 'Scorpion')

'Tis NOT that I'm BAD/EVIL/INSUBORDINATE.  It's just that I ABHOR (NON-mathematical) "limits"!


"'HIGH-risk activities' areN'T an emotional-DISTRACTION.  They are RELAXING.  … When RISK is involved, it occupies my ENTIRE brain--freeing me from OTHER thoughts.  … It's MEDITATING."
(--Walter--to Toby, a WORLD-CLASS psychologist, 'Scorpion')


"The Architect" (of my blog)--to ME: "YOU are the EVENTUALITY of an 'ANOMALY'."
ME: "Can I get an 'AMEN!'?"
"The Architect": "'DENIAL' is the most FUNDAMENTAL & PREDICTABLE human-flaw."
(--'The Matrix Reloaded')
ME: "Since I'm NOT 'denying' my 'ANOMALY'-esque traits, are you IMPLYING that I am NOT human?!"


P.S. "My name is ... 'NEO'!"
(--'The Matrix')


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