Wednesday, January 14, 2015


NEVER "give-up" on something you REALLY WANT!
It's DIFFICULT to WAIT.  (SIGH) (Tell me about it!)
But, the (EMOTIONAL) "pain" is even WORSE to REGRET.


"GOOD things come to those who WAIT."

(… Considering how LONG tasks NOW take me, it's really "UPLIFTING" to have the OPTIMISM & PATIENCE to believe that I WILL--EVENTUALLY--walk AND talk!)


Today I had a VERY PRODUCTIVE/ENCOURAGING display of my physical-PROGRESS during my LEG-workout at "NeuroFit 360"!
On FOUR SEPARATE occasions, I STOOD UP--UN-assisted & let GO of a horizontal-"SAFETY" bar for three, four, six then EIGHT seconds.

So, WAY to FANTASTICALLY apply the staff's SPECTACULAR advice/tips, A.J.!


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