Thursday, January 22, 2015


(--Frank Costanza, 'Seinfeld')

"INSANITY later."
(--Lloyd Braun, 'Seinfeld')


"Ya know, EVENTUALLY, … EVERYONE fits in."
(--Walter to Paige, about her PRE-genius son Ralph, 'Scorpion')


"Sometimes 'CRAZY' LOOKS like 'SAD'.  But, that's just to 'SUCK YOU back IN'."
(--Leonard about Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')


Even though I am by NO MEANS a RELIGIOUS man, I must ACKNOWLEDGE that there might be a "highER being".  Ergo, I thought--in lieu of my CURRENT/TEMPORARY "situation"--this time might be a GOOD time for a/the "Serenity Prayer":

God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change,
The COURAGE to change the things I can,
And the WISDOM to know the difference.

((… I have the "BALLZ" ("BRAVERY") to CHANGE my type of mobility.


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