Thursday, January 29, 2015


Yesterday my "SPEECH-Therapist" realized--about an hour BEFOREHAND--that she'd be LATE for my "session".  So, she CALLED to POSTPONE said "appointment" to a later TIME … THAT DAY.


Later, something "CAME UP".  (… BUMMER!) But, AGAIN!  She was NICE/RESPECTFUL/COURTEOUS ENOUGH to CALL & INFORM ME of her--UNFORTUNATE--dilemma.

So, she/we rescheduled for (early) THIS AFTERNOON.
I ATE--via MOUTH--ALL of ONE scrambled egg.


Last week I--REGRETFULLY--informed the owner of my VERY HELPFUL/BENEFICIAL LEG-gym, "NeuroFit 360" that I'll be working-out for ONLY 60 minutes, UNTIL "my LEFT hip is 100% 'GTG' ("Good-To-Go")".
Also, I informed him that I'll be bringing-in my wheelchair--that he HATES, for that SAME time-frame.

I told him that "I'll PROBABLY/HOPEFULLY be good ENOUGH by Monday."


I shared my SATURDAY-schedule with my MAIN 'Sempai' ('ASSISTANT-"martial arts instructor').  He & I AGREED that we shall CO-TEACH my four-to-five 'JIUJITSU'-('GROUND-fighting'-) techniques THIS Saturday.


So, I've received "COMMENTS" from two DIFFERENT, CLOSE people I know
(Thanks A LOT!)
to NOT include DETAILED-remarks about my
"Extreme Excretory-Endeavors"/"Fecal-Frenzies"/"Bowel-Brewhaha"/"Poop-Parties".
Your requests have been KINDLY noted & appreciated.

I will "drastically DE-crease"/MINIMIZE my "Comments about my Crap".
But, I can/will NOT "eliminate" said blog-subjects COMPLETELY!
MUCH to my readers' CHAGRIN, gastrointestinal-HYPERactivity is VERY MUCH an IMPORTANT aspect of my RECOVERY.

Since my "REHABILITATION" is--by NO MEANS--"all FUN & GAMES", y'ALL (my READERS) are just gonna HAFTA "suck … it … UP" (… NOT literally) and "DEAL with it"!

(… But, PLEASE, do NOT interpret MY "Rectal-Remarks" as ANGER!
I ALWAYS APPRECIATE "feedback", & I encourage "pointers" from "the PEANUT-GALLERY".)


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