Tuesday, January 27, 2015


"Success is the piece of mind knowing that you've given your all to achieve a goal." --Jordan Burroughs, American International-Champion WRESTLER


So, I've--SUCCESSFULLY--begun my "HIP-rehabilitation"!
SUNDAY I "WALKED" my FIRST--pain-LESS/-FREE "TREK" from my bed to my toilet (to "STAND" & urinate) in ~ONE WEEK.
MONDAY (YESTERDAY) I VENTURED to "NeuroFit 360"--my LEG-gym--for my scheduled LEG-workout.  
((… Mind you, I lowered my "EXERCISE-time" from 90 to (ONLY) 60 minutes, 'cuz I wanna "EASE back" into my "workout-ROUTINE".  
… What a GREAT, INTUITIVE idea, A.J.!))
((… NEXT WEEK, ("Knock on wood."), I'll switch BACK to my USUAL/NORMAL schedule of  90-minute WORKOUTS on Mondays & Wednesdays AND a 60-minute WORKOUT on Fridays.  …
UNLESS--HHHMMM, my 60-minute WORKOUT yesterday went SO WELL, that I'm CONSIDERING shifting my workout-scedule to … 
ALL 60-minute "TRIALS".))


FIRST, you've GOTTA "see" your SUCCESS.  
THEN, you've GOTTA "attack" & CONQUER.


This afternoon I "broke-in" my NEW cribbage-board with my most "NARROW" victory EVER!
We (My mom's LONGTIME-friend from Minnesota & I) were BOTH "in the STINK-HOLE" ("ONE POINT AWAY from a WIN" … out of 121 points TOTAL), before I "came through" … in the CLUTCH!


"'SUCCESS' is the peace of mind knowing that you've given your all to achieve a goal." --Jordan Burroughs


(… YESTERDAY, this was JUST AFTER I--while SITTING in a MANUAL-wheelchair--pushed/pulled my way AROUND the ENTIRE "complex" at which "NeuroFit 360" is.)


"Visualize" … YOUR triumph!
"To WRESTLE is to be HUMAN:

-- To 'TRIUMPH'."

"'STRENGTH' is the power to CHANGE."
(--'Obsessed Wrestler')

((…. I WAS a LONGTIME (EIGHT YEARS) (high school AND college)--COMPETITIVE--"wrestler".))


"It's not what HAPPENS that counts.  
It's how you REACT."
(--Bruce Lee)


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