Friday, January 30, 2015

'Baby Steps'

(('Tis the title of a BOOK written by psychiatrist, "Dr. Leo Marvin" (Richard Dreyfuss) in the brilliantly-HILARIOUS film, 'What about Bob?'))


EARLY this morning (at ~4:38 am), I awoke--from my "SOUND" slumber--to some ODD "grumbling" from my stomach.  After WAITING & "EVALUATING my 'gastrointestinal-PREDICAMENT'", I went to my "porcelain-THRONE".
There I "dropped a (LOVELY) DEUCE" … 'en mi "JUAN"'.
((… I could/should have A BIT of a "Bowel-Bursting BONANZA"!  WHY?

1) My excretions were two SOLID "stools"!
2) My "Excretory-Excavation" came/was BEFORE/WITHOUT any medicinal-HELP/-STIMULANT!
3) I could SEMI-smell my "END-products"!
("PUN" intended.))

MY Evaluation/Conclusion:
The "FINAL-products"/"END-results"/"Excretory-OUTPUT" of my digestive system may NOT be pleasant-READING.  But, it's an INTEGRAL aspect of my "RECOVERY".  Thus, I MUST blog about it.
''C'est la vie.''
('That's life' … for ME.)


YEP, as CORRECTLY predicted--by ME--my HIP JUST needed ALOTTA "R & R" ("Rest & Relaxation").
So, that's YET ANOTHER "point" for ME.  While, my (MEDICAL) "doctors" CONTINUE to "WASTE (MY) oxygen" with ZERO--CORRECT--MEDICAL answers for/about ME.
(… Apparently, YES, I AM!
… Go back to SCHOOL, "Dr. DOOFUS"!)


So, TODAY at "NeuroFit 360", I "performed" a more LITERAL application of the blog-TOPIC.
I took SMALL steps from side-to-side ALONG a table--with BOTH hands UP, OFF said table--as I took NINE SIDE-steps ALONG the table.
THEN, I completed the SAME exercise in the OPPOSITE direction--EIGHT steps--hands-FREE.
Finally, I utilized my LEANING & FOOTWORK to STAND--withOUT holding onto ANYTHING!

THROUGHOUT the "ordeal", I thought of a line from 'Little Giants':
"It looks like Mr. MO-Mentum MAY be changing his AH-dress."


When I was JUST an EIGHTH grader, I rode--ALONE--in my own PRIVATE/PERSONAL bus--to a local HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9 - 12 … NOT 8) for "Algebra I", 'cuz I'd "EXHAUSTED" my MIDDLE SCHOOL of ALL of ITS "MATHEMATICS-curriculum".
(… "PROPS" to my mom for "drawing attention" to my BOREDOM in "MIDDLE school"-MATH.  PREVIOUSLY, I'd come home from school and "BITCH about" my EXTREME-BOREDOM in MATH-class.  So, 'benim ane' ('beh-NEEM AH-neh') (TURKISH for 'my mom') told the school-board of my LACK OF … anything CLOSE to MY academic-STANDARDS in the MATHEMATICAL-field.)
(… I "ACED" "Algebra I"--DESPITE being MERELY an EIGHTH grader.)
(… On two SEPARATE occasions, the teacher gave me a HARANGUE/DIATRIBE for "SLEEPING IN CLASS".  I merely CHUCKLED--under my breath--and muttered:
"What are you gonna do--give me DETENTION?!  Ha ha HA!"


CONTINUING my NEWLY-found/discovered "FLUENCY" in "NUMEROLOGY", when I ACTUALLY moved on to REAL-LIFE, FULL-TIME "high school", by my SENIOR year (12th grade), I took "Advanced Placement (COLLEGE-level) Statistics" … as my "ELECTIVE"!
(… SIMULTANEOUSLY, I took "A.P. Calculus BC".)

((… I "ACED" BOTH classes … AND earned "5"s (the HIGHEST/BEST score on a 1 to 5 scale) on the "A.P.-examS".)


"Being a 'GENIUS' is NOT all it's cracked up to be."

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