Tuesday, January 20, 2015


(MINUS the alcohol-imbibing)

I had QUITE a STELLAR "UPPER body"-workout today!
Granted, I HAD TO--CONSTANTLY--reposition myself for MORE ARM-strength leverage & LESS BODY-weight/-stress on my SORE LEFT hip.

I've been stretching my LEFT (SERIOUSLY-INJURED, METALLIC) shoulder--DAILY, & my "UPPER body"-trainer 


My mom & her LONG-TIME friend (from MINNESOTA) were SUPPOSED TO visit tonight, but my mother is "under the weather".
(… BOO for UN-healthy life!)

(… Yes, I DO "speak from EXPERIENCE".)


With NO visitors tonight,  
that "allows me more time to do what I do BEST--enlighten & AMAZE".
(--DR. Sheldon Cooper, 'The Big Bang Theory')


Back during my COLLEGE-career/-tenure, my fraternity ('Sigma Alpha Epsilon') RECOGNIZED me as the EXTRAORDINARY "drinker"/LEADER I AM.
FELLOW-"Brothers"/-Members built a TABLE for ME … AND named it after ME.
("The A.J. Kaynatma Table for Competitive Drinking")

AFTER my graduation, my youngER "brethren" RE-named an ENTIRE room after ME:
"The A.J. Kaynatma Arena for Alcohol-Abuse".

… Evidently,
"'HEROES' get REMEMBERED, but 'LEGENDS' never 'DIE'."
(--'The Sandlot')


ALAS, I REALLY ENJOY every-OTHER Tuesday (like TODAY), 'cuz I get to discuss any/ALL home-ISSUES/-PROBLEMS & my blog-posts with my neural-therapist/neural-psychologist.
(… I'm NOT sure of her EXACT title.  Thus, I apologize!)


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