Sunday, March 8, 2015


So, after watching FELLOW-disabled GENIUS Stephen Hawking in 'The Theory of Everything',

--"There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. 

We are all different. However bad life may seem, 

there is always something you can do, and succeed 

at. While there is life, there is hope."

(… Even though my "LIFE" may--CURRENTLY/TEMPORARILY--seem "mighty-BLEAK", I HAFTA remain "glass is half-FULL.")

I'm--SERIOUSLY/HONESTLY--debating on whether to BEGIN my research into "Cosmology".
Y'all to ME: "What's THAT?"
ME: "It's a kind of religion for INTELLIGENT-atheists."

(--'The Theory of … EVERYTHING')

(… I ALWAYS … MOCKED how … DROLL, POINTLESS & MONOTONOUS … EVERY "Mass" was in my CATHOLIC high school.)

Was it a FORM OF "biased-segregation"/discrimination IF/that my high school charged "NON-Catholic students" (ME) MORE?!

(… A statement from MY 'Theory of EVERYTHING'--
No, 'cuz the academic-institution did NOT attempt to IMPOSE/FORCE its "beliefs" on ME.  The school merely INFORMED me of the PRINCIPLES of the Catholic-FAITH.)
Y'see, I DIS-like the CONCEPT/"IDEA" that I LACK the CONTROL over my OWN "CONCLUDING-area".

"I have a slight problem with the celestial dictatorship premise."
(--'T.T. of Everything')
I've LONG-been EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED/DISAPPOINTED/HORRIFIED/"ALARMED" at the UN-justified respect/admiration they DEMAND!
(… Apparently, Mr. Hawking SHARES my DISDAIN for 'em:
"No ... doctors. No doctors!")    
(--'The Theory of EVERYTHING')
After watching this--PHENOMENAL--film, I noticed that Mr. Hawking & I possess some "STRIKING" similarities:
1) Due to HIS motor-neuron "illness", his BODY shuts-down on him, but his MIND remains VERY "ACTIVE".  (… MY injurIES are mainly PHYSICAL.  My "MENTAL-potential" remains "TOP-notch".)
2) We CONTINUE to amaze & teach people, … DESPITE our PHYSICAL--NOT mental--"handicaps".
3) We BOTH CONTINUE to LIVE … WELL-past/-longer than so-called (MEDICAL) "doctors" CLAIMED we would.  
My buddy gave me a WONDERFUL, HALF-joking (I THINK!) compliment by telling his 'rents that we watched a movie about 
"the SECOND-smartest guy in a wheelchair".

#1 = … ME!)


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