Sunday, March 29, 2015

"People NEED dramatic examples to 'shake them' out of APATHY."

(--Bruce Wayne, 'Batman Begins')

It's TOUGH to get MORE "dramatic" than MY Terribly Traumatic Tale of Taciturn Tears … Together with Tremendous Triumphs!
('Clueless'-voice: "Uh, Totally!")
"Alliteration aside."

I DO what I MUST.

I'm STILL becoming more COMFORTABLE with my "SUB-par, handicapped APPEARANCE".
Thus, I went-OUT to a local-diner for breakfast with my--CURRENT--housemate, his dad , HIS sister & HER husband.
NOT ONLY did I give TWO recommendations on food-orders--which were ACCEPTED, but I ALSO ate--via MOUTH--a scrambled egg.  (… ALL of it)

I CONSTANTLY seek "FEEDBACK" from others in HOPES of "obtaining"  NON-biased, SCRUPULOUS opinion/"point-of-view"s.

(… 'Tis THESE 3rd-person "point-of-views" that provide me with ACCURATE "e-VALU-ations" of my "performances"/"output".)

"As a student of human-PSYCHOLOGY, I find emotional-dishonesty OFFENSIVE."
(--Toby, 'Scorpion')

My LACK OF DISPLAYING an EMOTIONAL-response makes it SEEM like I "SUFFER" from an "ABSENCE of emotion/excitement/passion" or INDIFFERENCE.
But, "LOOKS can be DECEIVING."

(… Nothing could be FURTHER from the TRUTH.)
… 'Tis NOT that I am "STOIC" or UN-emotional.
(… I'll ADMIT that I'm not even TRYIN' to "play it COOL"/"ACT like I've been there BEFORE".)
On the CONTRARY, I'm actually VERY … sensitive!
I HATE to do this, but … it's the TRUTH:
My "T.B.I." does NOT ALLOW me to OPENLY/PUBLICLY extreme-emotions.
(… I WOULD say ''c'este la vi.'' But, MY "condition" is NOT EXACTLY a TYPICAL "life".)

"I know what it's like to 'FEE', that EVERYONE thinks you're 'DIFFERENT'."
(--BLIND woman, 'Red Drgon')

ALAS, I've KNOWN for YEARS (LONG BEFORE my DEVASTATING, life-CHANGING accident) that I was/AM WAY/VERY "out-of-the-ORDINARY"!
However, RATHER THAN dread my "NON-normalcy", I "channeled" my OPTIMISM to … CHERISH … ALL of my (NOT-so) FEW/LITTLE "idiosyncrasies"/"UNIQUE mannerisms"!
(… That's just "what I DO"/"how I 'ROLL'".)
(… Pun--on "rolling"--IN-tended!)
… THUS, I--NOW--focus MUCH--if not, ALL--of my energy on ADAPTING my UNIQUE "GENIUS" to my CURRENT/TEMPORARY "MAJOR 'obstacleS'"/handicapS.

"Being 'DIFFERENT' actually means you can make a DIFFERENCE."
(--Justin Timberlake)

REGARDLESS of the IGNORANT thoughts, remarks & critiques of my MANY DOUBTERS, I MUST abide by the words of tech-tycoon Steve Jobs:

"STAY 'hungry'.  STAY 'weird'."

("AMEN to THAT!"--ME)


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