Friday, March 27, 2015

… My APOLOGIES … for the LATE blog-post "last night"/"this morning"!

I was OVERLY concerned with … "March Madness"!
(… THAT's the NCAA-hoops BIG postseason-tourney … for those NOT "down wit' the 4-1-1".  I'm keepin' you "JIGGY wi' dit".  "My mama dudn't raise no FOOL.")
… So, SUE ME … for my "SIX-minute"-/"~360-second"-/"tenth of an hour"-TRUANCY!
(… Actually, please doN'T!  I meant that phrase as SLANG for 'FAHR-keht-MEHS', which is PHONETIC Turkish for 'It doesN'T matter'.)
TRUST ME: My LEGAL-team has done PLENTY of WORK ('KUDOS' to ALL of 'em!) to "get me OUT of some "LEGAL-jams", RELATIVELY "scot-free".
(… I said "RELATIVELY", 'cuz I'm CERTAINLY NOT 100%-PHYSICALLY healthy!  But, I AM ECONOMICALLY-/MONETARILY-"sound"/stable/"comfortable".)
((… Actually, FUNNY-story: Since the American government "doesN'T know its ASS from a HOLE-in-the-GROUND", (… Yeah, that's right. I'm "callin' you out, 'HOMBRE'"!) I can-NOT sue or BE sued!))

I meant the "SUING" in a METAPHORICAL-/FIGURATIVE-sense, which is SLANG.

So, THANKFULLY, my b-ball team (my mom's college) (University of Wisconsin BADGERS) "squeezed-out a W" over a historically-/traditionally-EXCEPTIONAL basketball-school (University of North Carolina).
Additionally, I HAD TO "scout" UW's NEXT potential-opponent.  … Arizona's GOOD.

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