Sunday, March 15, 2015


"Do you think the 'Elastic Woman' of 'The Incredibles' needs birth-control?
Or, can she just BE a diaphragm?!"
(--Raj, 'The Big Bang Theory')

Please TRY to "FOLLOW" my RANDOM "train-of-thoughtS":

"… Now I'm thinkin' about 'TRAINS'."(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')


I ABHOR waking-UP at 2:47 am, REQUESTING my urinal, "COMPLETING said 'URINARY-deposit'" then being UN-able to "continue my 'REM-cycle'"!

((… Oh, "WOE unto ME!"(--Bible, Job 10:15))

HHHMMM, WHAT to DO at such a "SICKENING" hour?!
-- I WON 5 out of 12 games of "EXPERT"-level "Minesweeper".
(… 5/12 = ~41.67%)
(… 16 "spaces" by 30 "spaces" = 480 POSSIBLE SQUARE-"choices")
-- Review ALL of yesterday's SPORTS-outcomes.
(… Regarding AMERICAN-athletics, my FAVORITE--PLAYING--teams went 2-0.
Since I'm HALF-Turkish, my FAVORITE TURKISH soccer team tied.  So, that's 0-0-1.
… THAT's a 66.67% WINNING-percentage … AND/OR a 100.00% NON-LOSING percentage.)
--Check my "Checking-", "Savings-" & "Trust-"accounts to MONITOR/OVERSEE just "HOW my $ is doin'".
(… REMEMBER: "Make your money 'work' … for YOU.")

"If I were a 'SUPERHERO', & my SUPER-power were … ARROGANCE, my name would be
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

(ALL excerpts are from 'DEEP Thoughts' by Jack Handey, on OLD-SCHOOL 'Saturday Night Live':)
(… I NEED … HUMOR!  Ha ha HA!)

"The FIRST thing"--AFTER my accident--"was …
I learned to FORGIVE myself.  THEN, I told myself.
'(SIGH) Go ahead, & do whatever you WANT.  It's OK by me.'"

"OFTEN--when I am reading a good-book, I'll STOP & THANK my teacher. That is--I USED TO--until she got an UNLISTED #."

"If you REALLY want to impress people with your computer-LITERACY. add the words, 'DOT COM' to the end of everything you say … DOT COM."

"I hope that SOMEDAY we will be able to put-away/-aside our FEARS & PREJUDICES, and just LAUGH at people."

"IF & WHEN you get invited to your FIRST orgy, doN'T just show up NUDE.
That's a COMMON mistake.
… You have to let NUDITY just … 'HAPPEN'."

"Maybe in order to understand 'MANKIND', we have to look at the word itself.
'MANKIND'.  Basically, it's made-up of TWO SEPARATE words--'MANK' & 'IND'.
WHAT do those words MEAN?!
… It's a MYSTERY, and THAT's why so is mankind."

"As you make your way through this HECTIC world of ours, set aside a few minutes each day.
At the end of the year, you'll have a couple of days saved up."

((… ACTUALLY, 365 days/years  multiplied by "3" (a "FEW") hours = 1,095 hours/year
= 1,095/24 = ~4.5475 days … = MORE than JUST "a couple … of DAYS", 'cuz "a "COUPLE" = 2)

P.S. SUNDAY is USUALLY my "day of 'R & R' ('Rest & Relaxation')", since it's the ONE day--of SEVEN--that I doN'T like to SCHEDULE/PLAN … ANY "work".
I like to just watch SPORTS and/or MOVIES … or "shoot the (PROVERBIAL) 'SHIT'" w/ friends.

P.P.S. MY day--OVERALL--was 'asi asi'.  (SIGH) There were MANY "UPs & DOWNs".
I doN'T know WHY my mom hired a CARE-giver--withOUT MY permission/approval--who BARELY understands SOME--not ALL--English!


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