Thursday, March 12, 2015

NUMBERS … about ME:

If I LACKED both EX-ternal genitalia AND an Adam's apple, I'd abide by the GENDER-specific stereotype & consider these

Height: ~5' 7" = ~67 inches = ~170.18 centimeters
(… 'cuz 1 inch = ~2.54 centimeters)
Weight: (as of YESTERDAY) ~137 pounds = ~62.35 kilograms
"Body-Mass Index"= 21.5 ("NORMAL"/HEALTHY/ATHLETIC)

HOWEVER, BOTH my doctor ((… NO quotation marks (" ") NECESSARY, 'cuz I actually RESPECT his thoughts.)) AND MAIN-nurse feel that my "IDEAL weight SHOULD BE around 143 pounds".
((… Well, THAT would be just FINE, … if I could "snap-OUT" of my LONGTIME (8+ YEARS) "WRESTLING-mentality" of "weight-GAIN = BAD".))
((… Also, according to "BMI", a weight of 143 pounds (65 kilograms) is actually healthiER (MORE in the MIDDLE of the "'NORMAL'-range").))

#1: I demonstrated EXEMPLARY "BACK & NECK"-posture--YET AGAIN--as I "WALKED"--BACK & FORTH--between my bed & my toilet (~67 steps)) FOUR DIFFERENT/SEPARATE times today for various "URINARY-'deposits'".
(… I "went '#1'".)
#2: I "went '#2'".
(… Ha ha HA!)
#3: During my LAST "UPPER body"-workout (TUESDAY), I STRETCHED my LEFT (INJURED) arm/shoulder UP--WITH only limited/minor/minimal GUIDANCE--to ~170 degrees, using my STRAIGHT-body as the (VERTICAL) Y-axis/-plane.
#4 As a result pf my SEVERE hip-pain, my main-nurse decided I should "SHY-AWAY" from doing my DAILY "60  to 70" SQUATS.  (… It turns out … that my UNBEARABLE hip-initiating SORROW was JUST a SORE groin and NOT a "pulled muscle".  … Yeah, I--a "Bio-MEDICAL Engineer" & a LONGTIME "martial arts"-practitioner--figured that out … MYSELF!)

Let's analyze MY birthday:
April 8th, 1985.
((… It's the 4th month of an "ODD" (PUN IN-tended.  So, YES, I'm "STRANGE".) year.))
((… 4 + 8 + 1 + (9 - 8) + 5 = 19))
((… 19 - 8 - 5 = the EVEN # between 4 & 8 (MULTIPLIED by 1))

(… So, I was BORN for MATH.)
(… THIS was MY interpretation of "NATURAL-SELECTION".)
In CONCLUSION, why isN'T the United States using the "METRIC SYSTEM"?!

Well, we--Americans--STARTED to accept/"CONVERT to" the HERALDED/"GENIUS" (Latin-based) metric system.  But, the ACCEPTANCE-process "fell APART" during the Presidency of Gerald Ford.  (OR, was it Jimmy Carter?!)
(… "It's NO WONDER why he was a ONE-term President."--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')


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